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Since he may be what you get, here's what I know about John Beck.


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First let me preface this with I am not saying John Beck is the next coming of Mark Rypien or Steve Young, but I'm not going to say he isn't either. He has a long way to go with the Skins to earn his place, but considering what is out there, he could surprise a lot of you. Here is the low down on John Beck.

Let me say that John drove me nuts at first. :mad: I wanted to personally go down in Lavell Edwards Stadium and yank him around by his facemask and ask him what he was thinking. Then I started to understand him and I felt like a complete fool.

John Beck is a perfectionist. As such he takes longer than your average QB to gather the plays and find ways to implement them. He has to get used to the timing with his receivers (and this takes a while) because he will let the ball go WAAAAY early which is why he is so hard to defend once he gets it down. This is also why you will watch him "just throw the ball to nobody or right to a defender" until he gets used to his receivers. His receivers have to run precision routes and make the plays. If they do that, he will put the ball where it needs to be. Please don't choke here but I have watched Gifford Neilson, Marc Wilson, Jim McMahon, Steve Young, Ty Detmer and a host of other very good QB's parade through BYU's campus and IMO John Beck clearly has the best arm of all of them.

He beats himself up like nobody's business adding to the time he takes in perfecting a game plan and he puts all the blame on himself when a play doesn't go right. He is a very smart QB and LOVES the timing routes. With plenty of time, he will walk his favorite receivers through every route step by step until they have absolutely perfect coordination and like I said, this takes time and I don't know if he will get it. But, if he gets it down, he will dissect whatever defense you throw at him.

His NFL career had NO chance. Never did. Miami was a complete disaster. Peyton Manning would have been run out of town. Baltimore was never a good fit nor did he get the time to make it work. Last year was year one with a new team and offense and he didn't get the reps he needs, but I believe that the Skins may just score the lottery with John. He can do the job, but he needs LOTS of repetition with his team and especially his Oline and Receivers. If (and this is a big if in the NFL) he gets the nod and is given the reins regardless of outcome, he will "Possibly" become a star for the Skins.

I just don't know if it is possible in this day and age of football for a team to give him that. Mark it down though, if they just hand him the team and say "go kid" by years end I believe he could be remarkable.

If you have any hair left you can enjoy the next several years watching what I got to his last year at BYU. Take it for what it's worth from a guy who has hated and loved John Beck... He is one of my favorite QB's at BYU now.

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It sounds like Mike Shanahan loves him, and he knows a thing or two. I'd love to see Rex Grossman resigned, but I still think we're going to be pretty bad next year. If we go with John Beck, I'm okay with that.

EDIT: By the way, thanks for sharing, IceBlue33.

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Hey man I'm all for them letting him start 16 games this year. Just like I was all for Chase Daniels doing it a few years ago. I mean, they let Campbell start about 50 after never showing any progress at all in his first 2 preseasons so why not? Were not going to the SB this year anyway but if he's anywhere near as good as Warner, which is who he's compared to, then we might surprise like the Rams did, out of nowhere.

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He really hasn't gotten a shot to be a starter. The thing with that Miami team was, they were absolutely terrible. So Beck really didn't have a chance to succeed. Then Miami brings in a new coaching staff, and Beck gets released. The situation was really bad for him.

Shanahan sees something in Beck, so I am find with him as our starter.

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Good to see you back around Ice, and thanks for the additional information on Beck for those who may not have been around here when we first picked him up. For those that are interested, here's a link to the first thread IceBlue33 posted awhile back, which also contains some pretty good insight to our boy Beck:

Lots of curiosity about this John Beck guy...

Just as I stated in the first thead, i'm a big fan of Beck. I hope he does get a shot. I wonder how he's picking up MS/KS's system? With it being predicated on timing, and that sorta being his style, you gotta believe he feels confident with it.

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Like I said in another thread, Beck couldn't beat out CLEO LEMON in Miami. Lemon is now in the Canadian league and he threw more INTs than TDs last season. Whatever the 'it' factor is that makes someone an NFL QB, Beck has none of 'it'. Let's put aside this foolishness and sign Vince Young.

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agreed played him and well if he pans out super if not were in good possition for luck as well as our other picks in the later rounds... please fellow skins fans dont kid ourselves we still have allot of holes to plug. along with an o-line that well is still in question and dline that needs to gel as well...

remember athens wasnt built in one day.

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Like I said in another thread, Beck couldn't beat out CLEO LEMON in Miami. Lemon is now in the Canadian league and he threw more INTs than TDs last season. Whatever the 'it' factor is that makes someone an NFL QB, Beck has none of 'it'. Let's put aside this foolishness and sign Vince Young.

Vince Young is even more inconsistent than McNabb working from the pocket and is a one read then improvise QB. Based on how Kyle failed to gel with McNabb last year Young would be a horrible fit here IMO - and that's without even considering the mental fragility that has got him run out of Tennessee.

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Vince Young is even more inconsistent than McNabb working from the pocket and is a one read then improvise QB. Based on how Kyle failed to gel with McNabb last year Young would be a horrible fit here IMO - and that's without even considering the mental fragility that has got him run out of Tennessee.

VY has made 2 pro bowls and won R.O.Y. Who else is out there with that kind of resume? As for his 'mental fragility', the straw that broke the camels back was a game last season when Vince was hurt but still wanted to go back in the game because the Titans needed a win to keep their playoff hopes alive. He was furious with Fisher (who kept him out) because he is a winner. (It is funny how the media ripped Cutler for refusing to play hurt and then rips VY for wanting to play hurt. The Titans lost and missed the playoffs.) Never in the history of pro football have I seen a coach work against his QB as much as Fisher worked against Vince, Remember the year Kerry Collins started something like 0-7 and the owner had to threaten to fire Fisher to get him to start Vince and when he finally did, with the same player, Vince won 8 straight games. Vince's record at Tennessee was something like 30-15. That would be a big step up for us.......

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VY has made 2 pro bowls and won R.O.Y. Who else is out there with that kind of resume? As for his 'mental fragility', the straw that broke the camels back was a game last season when Vince was hurt but still wanted to go back in the game because the Titans needed a win to keep their playoff hopes alive. He was furious with Fisher (who kept him out) because he is a winner. (It is funny how the media ripped Cutler for refusing to play hurt and then rips VY for wanting to play hurt. The Titans lost and missed the playoffs.) Never in the history of pro football have I seen a coach work against his QB as much as Fisher worked against Vince, Remember the year Kerry Collins started something like 0-7 and the owner had to threaten to fire Fisher to get him to start Vince and when he finally did, with the same player, Vince won 8 straight games. Vince's record at Tennessee was something like 30-15. That would be a big step up for us.......

I'm not saying Young can't play I'm saying he would be a bad fit here just like McNabb was.

Can you honestly say Young is a consistently accurate passer who reads coverages well and goes through a progression? If

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Like I said in another thread, Beck couldn't beat out CLEO LEMON in Miami. Lemon is now in the Canadian league and he threw more INTs than TDs last season. Whatever the 'it' factor is that makes someone an NFL QB, Beck has none of 'it'. Let's put aside this foolishness and sign Vince Young.

this is one of the funninest posts i have ever seen. almost makes me think you are joking.

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. Let's put aside this foolishness and sign Vince Young.

One year vet minimum with incentives? Because otherwise only a resident of ST Elizabeths would want him as the face of the Redskins.

Considering how thinskinned he was last year can you imagine him after the crowd lets him have it for the eff ups that are his fault?

That would be suicidal.

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VY has made 2 pro bowls and won R.O.Y. Who else is out there with that kind of resume? As for his 'mental fragility', the straw that broke the camels back was a game last season when Vince was hurt but still wanted to go back in the game because the Titans needed a win to keep their playoff hopes alive. He was furious with Fisher (who kept him out) because he is a winner. (It is funny how the media ripped Cutler for refusing to play hurt and then rips VY for wanting to play hurt. The Titans lost and missed the playoffs.) Never in the history of pro football have I seen a coach work against his QB as much as Fisher worked against Vince, Remember the year Kerry Collins started something like 0-7 and the owner had to threaten to fire Fisher to get him to start Vince and when he finally did, with the same player, Vince won 8 straight games. Vince's record at Tennessee was something like 30-15. That would be a big step up for us.......

i guess you aren't joking. you made good points, and he does have talent. However, he wouldnt survive in DC. Shanny doesnt take lip from players, and Vince has always been mouthy and immature. Plus, rex/beck will do just as well for one year.

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Playing Beck all season is the best way to position ourselves for Luck next year.

Beck will get the reps he needs. We'll find out what he's made of.

And we'll have great draft position.

Pretty much this. Beck and Rex will take the beatings so we can land the next great Super Bowl winning QB! :beavisnbutthead:

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Like I said in another thread, Beck couldn't beat out CLEO LEMON in Miami. Lemon is now in the Canadian league and he threw more INTs than TDs last season. Whatever the 'it' factor is that makes someone an NFL QB, Beck has none of 'it'. Let's put aside this foolishness and sign Vince Young.

You say "put aside foolishness" and " sign Vince Young" in the same sentence?!?! My man, I think that you've killed to many brain cells.

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Honestly, I'd like to see what he has but the question remains, if he's so highly though of, why didn't he play a down last year in an actual game after Shanahan sabotaged the season in Detroit?

i dont think he had a good enough grasp on the system. and if what this guy says is true, it makes sense. additionally, looking back at preseason kind of makes sense now.

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If people on here want to tank an entire season for Luck, what about this strategy.....

Trade for Carolina's #1 next year.....whatever it takes, no player(s) or draft picks off limits.

That way they're doubly covered and they can start building for the future now AND Carolina can't deliberate about what to do.

The Skins will stink, yes or yes next year but probably not enough to be the worst team in the league.

Carolina will absolutely positively ******* **** *** next year. They'll start either Newton or Clausen for 16 games under a new HC.

That's bonafide 0-16 potential there and who knows what they do? Do they actually pass on the first consensus franchise QB in a decade?

They just took a QB in the 1st round in consecutive drafts....why not three years in a row?

Intentionally tanking on top of being almost impossible would be down right sinister and morally corrupt in a sport as punishing and competitive as football.

As bad as they've played and as backwards as they've been run at least this team has strived to win.

Starting Beck for the chance to **** and get Luck is the most asinine thing I've ever heard....it's certainly crazier than trading for McNabb or signing Haynesworth.

If you want Luck, get Luck now and compete with what you have left.

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Like I said in another thread, Beck couldn't beat out CLEO LEMON in Miami. Lemon is now in the Canadian league and he threw more INTs than TDs last season. Whatever the 'it' factor is that makes someone an NFL QB, Beck has none of 'it'. Let's put aside this foolishness and sign Vince Young.

This is not true. Beck did beat out Cleo but after the carousel that was miami I'm still not even sure who was the starter there. As I said before, Miami was a complete fiasco. I love to use Steve Young as an example. Remember what he did in Tampa? He was awful!!! But then again TB made every QB look awful. Secondly don't forget what I said about TIME. Seriously, with Beck it is all about time and timing. You cant always get that in the NFL and ultimately that may be his undoing.

I saw the same stuff in Miami that I saw early at BYU. If you can find some of the articles about Beck in the Miami newspapers you will see the same trend. He will blow people away with incredible laser throws and then he will inexplicably throw the ball right into the chest of the defender. This is because of miscommunication between he and his receivers and he will trust his receivers to make the cut even if he is throwing right at the defender. If they understand each other he will blow peoples minds. Go back and watch film on him his senior year. You will see this is true. Here's a pretty good link.

Watch where his receivers are at his point of release. You will often see him release the ball right at a defender only to have his receivers step right in front of it for a nice gainer.

This is also why I am now bald lol! But once he was in the same offense with the same receivers at BYU for a full year he blossomed. Again, I am not saying that he WILL be a great NFL QB but I will say he very well MIGHT. I will say that IMO Vince young is a great athlete but he will likely be an inconsistent QB in the NFL. Having watched many in a string of great QB's I think he falls into the category of impressively inconsistent QB's that will drive his fanbase and coaches nuts for the remainder of his career. At least barring any divine interventions.

Either way, Good luck to The Skins. Unfortunately I am in NFL hell here in SLC getting only Donkos games here 24/7. Guess I'm gonna have to pay out some cash to see some good NFL...

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Interesting points IceBlue. If Mike and Kyle understood that Beck needs the time to get comfortable with WRs etc., then maybe that's why he didn't get a starting nod (even for a game or two) last year after we were out of the playoffs. It would have done more harm than good.

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