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Since he may be what you get, here's what I know about John Beck.


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So the guy has played a total of 5 NFL starts and this was the set of skill players he had to work with:

20 Lorenzo Booker

28 Jesse Chatman

38 Patrick Cobbs

27 Samkon Gado

45 Reagan Mauia FB

86 Marty Booker

83 Greg Camarillo

19 Ted Ginn, Jr. KR/PR

82 Derek Hagan

Also don't forget the team was 0-9 when he was handed the reigns.

So the was a 2nd round pick, and has only started 5 games with a cast of players who aren't even in the league anymore.

Sign me up under "I'll give him a chance to see what he could do"

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Really? All the tape on him at this level shows he can't hit a pass after 15 yards.

If Beck throws exactly where he is supposed to but the WR does not go where he is supposed to go to and it leads to what seems like an easy interception to a wide open defender...

Who gets blamed? Beck, by many fans who do not understand exactly what just happened.

It takes perfectionists to pull off timing routes. Beck is a perfectionist, the Shanahans are perfectionists and will not allow lazy WRs be on the team to mess up all that hard work. Things might be ugly at first but I'm expecting to see a continual improvement in every game as the kinks get ironed out...

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  • 2 months later...

This was the first thread where we really got some insight from a member who watched JB basically his entire career. Good insight from IceBlue33 in the OP.

Seems to be alot of new members bringing up some of the same old points/counterpoints that have already been discussed, but perhaps before their time on the board. Figured i'd bump a few old Beck threads to provide some old insight to some of the new members.


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