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Shanny Poll


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Yes - lets wait to hear Shanny's draft pick before we start divisive polls.

The board is already way divided on who to draft and how to handle it. This poll isn't creating anything that isn't already there.

I am actually finding this very interesting. In the other thread, the board is very much against moving up for Gabbert, but the poll as of my post is 32 for Shanny and 31 against his making this move.

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Whoever we draft at QB has to be the proverbial franchise QB. Doesn't matter if we trade up or get a QB as a UDFA as long as they really are what we're looking for. For the record I want a trade down OLB/NT/DE from our current first 2 picks. However if Gabbert is the QB both Mike and Kyle like so be it.

We tried to get Bradford last year but the price was too steep, so this isn't new nor unexpected.

Talking of unexpected this is Mike and the draft we're talking about so who knows lol.

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We have no idea what's going to happen. Whatever Shanahan does, I'm on board with it. He's forgotten more about football than anyone on this board will ever know.

To be honest...that´s not a fact. :silly:

It might be possible that there are people on this board that are/could develop in greater football minds then Shanahan. I don't see why that couldn't be possible.

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If Shanny gives up the picks necessary to get the #2 pick, whoever he gets better be the next P.Manning/Brady.

Even if he makes a move like this, in Shanny we trust, I'm in favor of giving him 5 years total no matter what. Before we even think of ditching him.

But with as many needs and few picks we have, I'll personally think he's lost his mind.

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Mortgage the whole damn place, I don't care what we do to get a franchise QB. The reason we have sucked for so long is that we don't have a QB worth a ****. Winning teams all have one thing in common, and that is a real franchise QB, think Colts, Steelers, Patriots, Ravens, Falcons, Packers and a few others that I have not mentioned because they are still developing their franchise QB that they drafted 1 or 2 drafts ago. Yes, I realize that you may give up a few first round picks to move up to pick your guy and it may bite you in the ass, but if it pans out EVERYONE will forget how many picks you gave up to get your QB...:)

P.S. I would rather give up picks to draft someone than give up picks for over the hill has beens like McNabb and god knows how many other trades that didn't work out for us. Even though we had our share of Campbells, Ramseys and Shulers....:silly: i would still rather draft and develope our own.

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To me it would prove that we are still in the win now and not build for the future.

WTF???? Drafting a QB they think will be a franchise QB of the future is win now? Win now would be trading number 10 for Favre or someone. I think you are way off base on this one.

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WTF???? Drafting a QB they think will be a franchise QB of the future is win now? Win now would be trading number 10 for Favre or someone. I think you are way off base on this one.
We are not just one player away. We need help at DL, LB, OL, maybe WR. At least. This season should be a rebuilding year, bringing in multiple young players. Not trading our picks to draft one guy.
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Sorry, this is kind of dumb. Shanahan has been rumored to want to do a LOT of things during this draft, trade down, trade up, draft Newton, Gabbert, Locker, Mallet, an OLB, DE, WR, NT, OL.

Why do we pick the ONE that causes the most anti-Shanahan sentiment and make a poll? He hasn't even done anything yet, and there's a very good chance (actually like 90%) that one of those other things is what he's planning on doing. Why not make a poll that actually insinuates a positive in our FO for once. This is why I don't like the media, everything is spun in a negative light.

How about, "If Shanahan drafts Gabbert and he becomes the QB we've needed for the next 20 years, then goes to the HoF after winning 6 SBs here and has the Redskins' symbol tattooed on the side of his head, as if it were a helmet, would you support trading up to #2 to get him?"

Besides, just because JLC says something is happening, means it's pretty likely it's NOT happening.

How about we just start looking at the HC position as a long term seat, instead of a 1 year position, because that's gotten us absolutely NOTHING and put us in the position we're in now.

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How about, "If Shanahan drafts Gabbert and he becomes the QB we've needed for the next 20 years, then goes to the HoF after winning 6 SBs here and has the Redskins' symbol tattooed on the side of his head, as if it were a helmet, would you support trading up to #2 to get him?"

I'm seriously considering changing my sig to this statement. Well said, my fellow MO Skins fan...well said.

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It would cost us every pick we have this year and probably next years first and second to move to get Gabbert when we can likely chill at 10 get Locker and have all of those picks. If this happens Shanny is certifiably nuts in my eyes

that would be an insane deal, giving up every pick, etc -- but yeah I don't see this as Shanny playing Mike Ditka trading for Ricky Williams

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I'm not a Gabbert fan at all. He's probably my least favorite QB in this class not named Newton. That being said I'm not going to pretend to know more about scouting QB's than Mike Shanahan and an entire professional scouting department. That isn't to say he's right or wrong, I'm just not the one to make that determination. I will definitely be worried though.

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Mike knows what he wants in a QB and whether it be Gabbert, Locker or another QB I'm good with that.

Whatever he and Allen feel needs to be done to acquire said QB, I'm all for it. Whatever it takes it can't be as bad as what Dannyboy and Vincenzo did to this club for the last 10 + years.

I'm sorry if I'm a little hesitant on whether Mike and Bruce know exactly what they're looking for in a QB. Shanny thought he knew what he was getting in McNabb, and that was with a decade worth of tape to evaluate him on. If Gabbert works out and is the next Manning, then great! But I'm not sold on Mike Shanhan's Quarterback evaluation skills at this point...

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I'm not a Gabbert fan at all. He's probably my least favorite QB in this class not named Newton. That being said I'm not going to pretend to know more about scouting QB's than Mike Shanahan and an entire professional scouting department. That isn't to say he's right or wrong, I'm just not the one to make that determination. I will definitely be worried though.


So many armchair GMs out there. I'm not a huge fan of Gabbert either but I thought Matt Ryan was a huge reach too. I know enough to know that I know less about scouting QBs than Matt Millen and/or Vinny Cerrato. That can be said about 99.99999999% of the people on here. It's fun to speculate and state our opinions but at the end of the day nobody is going to remember that I thought the Falcons screwed up when they picked Ryan so high. I'm free to let that opinion die if I want to. I am much more likely to bring up that I knew that Kyle Boller was going to be a bust. Real GMs don't have that luxury. If Gabbert is a franchise QB then this is a good move. If he's not and Shanahan makes this move then it will set the franchise back about 5 years or more. My personal opinion is that this is too risky and we would have to give up too much. But what the hell do I know?

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Sorry, this is kind of dumb. Shanahan has been rumored to want to do a LOT of things during this draft, trade down, trade up, draft Newton, Gabbert, Locker, Mallet, an OLB, DE, WR, NT, OL.

Why do we pick the ONE that causes the most anti-Shanahan sentiment and make a poll? He hasn't even done anything yet, and there's a very good chance (actually like 90%) that one of those other things is what he's planning on doing. Why not make a poll that actually insinuates a positive in our FO for once. This is why I don't like the media, everything is spun in a negative light.

How about, "If Shanahan drafts Gabbert and he becomes the QB we've needed for the next 20 years, then goes to the HoF after winning 6 SBs here and has the Redskins' symbol tattooed on the side of his head, as if it were a helmet, would you support trading up to #2 to get him?"

Besides, just because JLC says something is happening, means it's pretty likely it's NOT happening.

How about we just start looking at the HC position as a long term seat, instead of a 1 year position, because that's gotten us absolutely NOTHING and put us in the position we're in now.

Well said. The haters on this board are so incredibly pessimistic. They always assume the worst. There are almost 200 starters available in free agency this year. The team can be rebuilt and can make the playoffs THIS year and built for the long haul if good player evaluation decisions are made. It does not matter whether the players come from the draft or free agency.....good player evaluation is the key.

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I really don't get the 'In Shanny I trust" stuff. I'm not sure there's anything at all that leads me to agree with that notion in the slightest. I'm not blown away by anything he's done thus far. TBD is how I see it and I'm skeptical - very much so at this point.

I think with a head coach that you have to buy into the koolaid he is selling, both as a fan and a player. If a player doesn't buy in, he needs to be gone because if he doesn't believe in something, then he won't give it his best effort. As a fan I feel as though I need to buy too because being critical of someone without even giving them the chance is a mistake. Until Shanny proves me wrong, then I will buy into the koolaid. It's not being a blind fan, it's being supportive and hoping for the best.

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McNabb is a good player but any bonehead can see we need O-Line help to keep our QB upright so McNabb wasn't the problem. Secondly Haynesworth did in Haynesworth and not Shanahan. Shanahan didn't make Haynesworth grope a waitress and get convicted. So Haynesworth made his trade value go down. But I agree that we don't need to send any picks to Denver or anyone else to move up to #2 for Gabbert. We need to trade dwon if anything so we can build a little more through the draft because we don't know when or if Free Agency is going to happen.

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I think with a head coach that you have to buy into the koolaid he is selling, both as a fan and a player. If a player doesn't buy in, he needs to be gone because if he doesn't believe in something, then he won't give it his best effort. As a fan I feel as though I need to buy too because being critical of someone without even giving them the chance is a mistake. Until Shanny proves me wrong, then I will buy into the koolaid. It's not being a blind fan, it's being supportive and hoping for the best.

Players have to drink the Kool-Aid because their jobs depend on it. Not having to simply buy into what the team is selling is the best part of being a fan, in my opinion. Remember, being critical is more than just disagreeing, it's putting serious thought into an idea and questioning its merits. Being outside of the chain of command and economic influence of the team means you can think critically about an organization. It's the reason so many people can dislike Dan Snyder but still call themselves Redskins fans. I don't see a problem with a new member of the organization having to earn the trust of a fan, since the fan's trust doesn't really matter (except in ticket sales, but that point is moot for someone like me anyway).

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Players have to drink the Kool-Aid because their jobs depend on it. Not having to simply buy into what the team is selling is the best part of being a fan, in my opinion. Remember, being critical is more than just disagreeing, it's putting serious thought into an idea and questioning its merits. Being outside of the chain of command and economic influence of the team means you can think critically about an organization. It's the reason so many people can dislike Dan Snyder but still call themselves Redskins fans. I don't see a problem with a new member of the organization having to earn the trust of a fan, since the fan's trust doesn't really matter (except in ticket sales, but that point is moot for someone like me anyway).

I know what you are saying, but if you notice, I kept using the word "I". I feel as though *I* need to buy in. What I quoted was that someone said..."I don't understand the in Shanny I trust" line. I was explaining why I felt that way.

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This poll should be posted after the first two rounds. Way too early to judge a man on something that hasn't even happened.

It's just the wording. If it were titled, "What would your opinion be of Shanny's decision if he moves up to 2 to select Gabbert?" I think most people can tell what the intent of the poll is.

It's typical argueboard semantics. As of right now, the slight majority would be ok with it.

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I really don't get the 'In Shanny I trust" stuff. I'm not sure there's anything at all that leads me to agree with that notion in the slightest. I'm not blown away by anything he's done thus far. TBD is how I see it and I'm skeptical - very much so at this point.

Frankly it's irrelevant whether we trust Shanahan or not. He's what we have and he's going to make whatever moves he thinks best. But whether we trust him or not means very little. We can stamp our feet if it's a move that we don't like but that's about it.

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It's just the wording. If it were titled, "What would your opinion be of Shanny's decision if he moves up to 2 to select Gabbert?" I think most people can tell what the intent of the poll is.

It's typical argueboard semantics. As of right now, the slight majority would be ok with it.

I would agree with you that "it's just the wording" if this weren't the norm POV here. It seems no one can start a decent thread without hating on someone. The initial reaction to a story like this is to jump the gun and assume the worst and act as if the trade has already been made and that it's going to happen and that the media is 100% always able to tell the future or the intent of the FO.

That's what bothers me about this kind of thing. There are at least 4 wildly conflicting reports about what our FO wants to do right now, the one JLC is quoting happens to be a month old, yet this is what people are hating on the FO for?

It just doesn't make sense to me. If the draft were over and this scenario had happened, then sure I'd understand it, but not now.

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