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Battlefield 3. Looks amazing.


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You just have to know the routes and lines of sight. That is actually what I've really enjoyed about the game. It's really easy to flank campers once you know the map and can move skillfully. It's not like COD where the camping enemy can see you from 100 yards away and unload with their AR. In BF3, if you don't want to be seen, you generally can rush extremely effectively.

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But according to these folks, youre not contributing if youre not pushing or covering them actually taking objectives. Thats whats annoying about this game so far...cant seem to make any movement on the map to actually get to objectives, esp in metro, because of all the camping and sniping.

teamwork man, its not like capping a flag in domination, but its still possible, you cant just run straight to the objective or youll be shot every time. take your time while pushing forward with your squad. i usually push up the tunnels. theres nearly always someone waiting for you, but a grenade takes care of that. also, once you learn the map you can run in the less common areas and flank your opponents.

yesterday, we were trying to destroy the last COM point. there were 3 or so enemies inside the building, hunkered down and protecting the COM point. they were doing a great job and lasted through probably 4 or 5 waves of our attacks. finally, i got a grenade in, it took out 2 of the guys. my teammate sprayed the last guy and we set the charge. all threw down our respective packs, and defended the building, reviving each other, dodging grenades, finding cover, and shooting the enemies as they tried to breach the building. we had snipers a level above us, keeping the enemie's charge at bay. it was awesome and exactly why the game is so fun.

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So if your team is more interested in camping and sniping than actually winning, and you find yourself as the only one pushing, what do you do?

Check your disc drive on your console and make sure that a COD game isn't in there. If not, just back out and find another game. Also, and this is the most obvious choice, find a group (either from real life or the internet) that you can squad up with that actually go for objectives. It's extremely fun playing with people who actually try to win the games.

If you don't know anyone with the game, just go to some forums and find a clan or just find some people who play the same way you do. Believe it or not there are tons of people who play this game to win instead of a KD ratio.

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So if your team is more interested in camping and sniping than actually winning, and you find yourself as the only one pushing, what do you do?

play with people on the board. BF has always been a game that is frustrating when you don't have anyone to play with, because you always go up against a team that has a squad or two that play with each other, or because you have people who only care about their K/D on your team. it's not a MW2 game where you can dominate by yourself.

also, metro isn't a great map. honestly they should have released the beta with a map that had vehicles so people who come from call of duty would actually see the upside of the game. yea, it is just a beta but it's a pretty bad move to release a version that is super buggy to test out ur servers, because everyone is gonna think it's a poorly made game.

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Ok I've got one pet peeve with this, I can't figure out which person is being really annoying with their chat and even if I could I see no way to mute them. Had some dude and his two kids just randomly talking during a match today and it was driving me crazy I ended up going into my recent gamers list and muting every single person. The game better have a mute system like COD for release or I will be piiiiiiiiiissed.

Other than that love it, oh does anyone know how to turn off the tactical light?

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Ok I've got one pet peeve with this, I can't figure out which person is being really annoying with their chat and even if I could I see no way to mute them. Had some dude and his two kids just randomly talking during a match today and it was driving me crazy I ended up going into my recent gamers list and muting every single person. The game better have a mute system like COD for release or I will be piiiiiiiiiissed.

Other than that love it, oh does anyone know how to turn off the tactical light?

That tactical light and laser sights have owned me so many times by blinding me lol

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ive got a few questions, i played bc2 a little bit but not enough to know all the details.

do you have to have your sights aimed on the enemy to spot? or does he just have to be in your field of vision. i tried hitting it a few times when i saw an enemy, but im not sure whether i actually spotted the enemy or a teammate did. i did kill them though :)

also, when reviving, if you dont take out the enemy, and he kills your teammate, you, then your teammate again (after being revived), is that 3 tickets or 2 tickets?

if you pick up a downed player's pack, do you get a grenade if he still has one?

i was absolutely raping with the assault (medic) class last night. find a good spot to hunker down and shoot em up. use your health box to keep up your health and have your team spawn on you. rinse and repeat. this game comes easy to me and is super fun.

the knife in this game is so much different that COD. you have to plan out the knife attacks because the animation takes so long and leaves you vulnerable for spawning enemies.

a few times, i couldnt get my teammates to drop me ammo. so i just went with the pistol. it is suprisingly effective.

cant wait for the game. i want to destroy some tanks.

- you have to have them in your sights to "spot" them

- I think that would be only 2 tickets

- I'm not positive but I think you do pick up the grenade if he had one and you are out

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- you have to have them in your sights to "spot" them

- I think that would be only 2 tickets

- I'm not positive but I think you do pick up the grenade if he had one and you are out

thanks. i think ill just spot from now on. i could see it being really useful if you are operating the UAV or sniping. should be relatively simple to spot.

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Ok guys. Do yourselves a favor and keep playing with Assault until you unlock the M416. This thing is a beast!

Been playing this game A LOT! And def my fav gun so far. Find myself always playing as Assault which is odd b/c i usually play as an Engineer. But i love dropping med packs and reviveing people. Get crazy points! Love this game

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I'm really not a big rush guy.

Same here! And the map itself looks really cool, but the Metro map is SUPER bottlenecked as the team on offense is forced down those long, narrow metro tunnels to get to the objectives. half the team on defense just lays prone with their "12x scope" sniper rifles and camp the hell out of the entrance to the tunnels. A lot of people just SPAM RPG's down the tunnels as well.

With Battlefield being the "anti-camping, you actually have to think" FPS, I'm not sure why they would release the demo with such a camper friendly map in Metro, and a very camper friendly game mode with "rush." If the team on offense wants to win, the HAVE to somehow advance down those tunnels. Sure, eventually the team works its way down there, but it takes a while and is just annoying overall.

I wasn't a HUGE fanboy, but I had about 3 days playtime online with Battlefield 2. I remember a lot of wide open maps, that allowed you to flank the enemy from a ton of different routes. With the Metro map on the console demo, it seems very campy and narrow...

I'll definitely be playing "domination" (whatever its claled on battlefield) and TDM. not much "rush"

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Damn! I hope not. I was trying to play last night but the lag was terrible and quit.

Same for me man. I was getting hit marker after hit marker without killing people. Yet one or two bullets from them and I was dead.

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dang, today is Tuesday huh...wow 3 weeks!

That ak74u kicks like a damn mule! That's how it should be! Unlike Black Ops where the 74u is super overpowred, even after the nerf. People can just spam the trigger in Black Ops and stay on target.

In BF3, if you try holding the trigger on a 74u, you'll be shooting up in the air :)

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dang, today is Tuesday huh...wow 3 weeks!

That ak74u kicks like a damn mule! That's how it should be! Unlike Black Ops where the 74u is super overpowred, even after the nerf. People can just spam the trigger in Black Ops and stay on target.

In BF3, if you try holding the trigger on a 74u, you'll be shooting up in the air :)

i dunno man, the guns in black ops are very well balanced and i dont think the 74u is overpowered, you just have to pick your battles. short range they are going to win, at anything distant, you will rape them with any of the assault rifles. ok enough COD talk.

---------- Post added October-4th-2011 at 04:15 PM ----------

Same here! And the map itself looks really cool, but the Metro map is SUPER bottlenecked as the team on offense is forced down those long, narrow metro tunnels to get to the objectives. half the team on defense just lays prone with their "12x scope" sniper rifles and camp the hell out of the entrance to the tunnels. A lot of people just SPAM RPG's down the tunnels as well.

i think they should provide a little cover in entrance to that tunnel. its a bit unfair in the defender's favor. if you are defending, there is a vent on said tunnel. knock it out and you have vantage points and excellent cover on two of the 3 entrances to the subway. i had a 10 or so killstreak there yesterday.

from the attacker's point of view, you cant throw a grenade far enough to reach said spot. you are also blinded and wide open as you enter the tunnel. the only way to get an advantage is with an RPG of if you are a very good recon guy, but its still a tough shot. and if the guy is assault class (like me :) ), and can heal himself, you are going to lose that battle until he runs out of bullets.

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AngryChessie and I played for a long time last night. Thus game is great when when playing with a good squad. Ive been a long time Battlefield fanboy, I've been playing on the PC since 1942. I love conquest. It's traditional Battlefield. I don't currently have a PC capable of playing BF3 so I've been playing on the 360.

I expected to dislike Operation Metro, but I haven't. I actually really enjoy the attack/defend aspect, especially attacking. I love running through campers, especially with a good squad. I love the challenge of trying to break through a good defense, and the bottle necks aren't nearly as bad as some of you make them sound.

Add me on 360 TT Viper TT

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