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McNabb Speculation - Vote if you think he's here next season


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Ever since the benching and the comments that have come out like these:


That say he's asking for a release I've been resigned to the idea that we would move on from him this offseason. Today on CSNWashington they posted an interesting article about 4 possible destinations for him:


I thought it would be interesting to discuss the feeling of the diehards like you reading this to see what you thought the possibility is for his return or departure. This is pure speculation from everyone at this point but the general feeling right now about the situation could be best put by our owner when he was asked about his staying or not and his reply:

“I don’t [Allen and Shanahan] have a clue which way they are going with anything yet.”


So what's your best guess? Is McNabb here starting for us in 2011. I've been reading more and more of you thinking he is coming back so this should be interesting

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He's gone and good riddance. Was a bad move when it was made and it's a frighteningly bad one now. Cut bait and let both parties move on. Hopefully we'll be able to work a trade...

McNabb's soft comments recently shouldn't be interpreted as a positive step in him staying here. He's always done a good job of putting on a happy face in the media but refuse to truly quell storms that surround him. He's looking out for #1, and that's fine.

Shanahan has a reputation for sliding in his guys (cheaper, washed away options) for established vets or high draft picks. See Anthony Armstrong vs. Devin Thomas. Kory vs. Dock. Torain vs. Portis isn't really fair because of the injury, but Shanny's comments after his success were very telling. He likes creating those situations and it's very ego stroking. McNabb was Mike's mistake but, like cutting Clarett in training camp, Shanny isn't afraid to bite the bullet and find someone else. He'll do the same here.

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It is irrelevant who our starting QB is until we get quality starters and depth on the OL and DL and draft a Franchise QB.

Campbell, McNabb, Grossman, Leinart, Palmer....it just doesn't matter.

Correct, I cannot stress this enough. We have to have all the fundamental pieces(OL) in place before it matters who our QB is. We have to draft quality depth and starters for our OL, we need a proper NT, and we need to upgrade our LB's. We have plenty to do before addressing a QB. If we draft a franchise QB, he's going to get beaten to a bloody pulp. Since I have gone off topic I will get back on track. No, I do not believe he will be here next year. I think too much has happened for both parties to come to an agreement....but who knows?

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The one thing we learned with the Haynesworth debacle is that Shanahan won't be taken for a ride. He'd rather get nothing then look like he got taken advantage of. If he can get what he thinks is a fair/good deal then McNabb hits the road, otherwise he remains in b&g.

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I think he's gone and that Grossman is under center opening day.

And if this happens I predict Rex has a better year than Donny, wherever he plays.

The problem Shanahan and Allen are going to have is I don't think Donny is held in the same regard by NFL coaches -- and a lot of players (his teammates in Philly thought he was two-faced and wanted him gone) -- as he is by the fans. Reid benched him and then traded him. Shanahan benched him twice. If we get something for him, it won't be much at all. For one thing, who wants to pay him franchise QB money? If I was a coach interested in him, I'd just hedge my bets and hope the Skins cut him so I could sign him to a cheaper deal.

But who the hell knows? Nothing would surprise me.

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I think he's one of the least attractive options in the QB market because he will cost draft picks, he's older, he struggled to pick up a new offense last year, and no Andy Reid disciples are in need of a QB (I think how Chilly's situation played out hurt the most). Who's trading for McNabb at this point?

I think he'll be stuck here and if that's the case, he'll do his best to be our starter. I think he'll work hard to get the system and improve his relationship/communication with Kyle. I think there will be an open competition between McNabb, Rex, and Beck. In the end, I think Rex will know the system best, but McNabb will master it enough that his physical ability, past success, and meaningful experience will tip the scales in his favor. Plus, if its an even race, I think starting Donovan after trading 2 draft picks for him can save some face for the regime.

I think both the Skins coaches/FO and Donovan's people will look to save face in the end.

P.S. I think Albert will be back too because he has nowhere to go. Similar situation. You took the money and now we can't get trade value for you, so get with the program or choose career suicide.

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I think he's one of the least attractive options in the QB market because he will cost draft picks, he's older, he struggled to pick up a new offense last year, and no Andy Reid disciples are in need of a QB (I think how Chilly's situation played out hurt the most). Who's trading for McNabb at this point?

I think he'll be stuck here and if that's the case, he'll do his best to be our starter. I think he'll work hard to get the system and improve his relationship/communication with Kyle. I think there will be an open competition between McNabb, Rex, and Beck. In the end, I think Rex will know the system best, but McNabb will master it enough that his physical ability, past success, and meaningful experience will tip the scales in his favor. Plus, if its an even race, I think starting Donovan after trading 2 draft picks for him can save some face for the regime.

I think both the Skins coaches/FO and Donovan's people will look to save face in the end.

P.S. I think Albert will be back too because he has nowhere to go. Similar situation. You took the money and now we can't get trade value for you, so get with the program or choose career suicide.

I agree with this completely, I was extremely critical of this trade when it happened and was never a big fan the entire time he was our QB. At the end of the day we did give up a fairly high pick for him, so I'd like to at least keep him around for another year to see if he can manage a Brunell and pull one good season out of his butt.

At this point I wouldn't be too upset if they dumped him or kept him, but there's really no one to step in as an immediate replacement.

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If there's a CBA sooner rather than later, he's gone.

If not, he's here.

Basically this, I feel better with Rex starting than McNabb, and I really do think we will try to trade him if we can to someone who needs a guy like McNabb. I don't think we need his leadership and locker room presence anymore, I think this team also saw a better offense out of Rex and are more comfortable with that.

I'd love to try to get a 3rd or even a 4th and next year's 2nd, but as of now, like the AH situation, I'd be happy getting anything in return for him because I'm content with him not being on the team next season.

This is all barring a new CBA of course, otherwise, I'm hoping he has a better grasp of our offense after a whole another offseason in it.

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I think he's here and starting.

Maybe the Shanahans have a QB they really like but from my (admittedly pedestrian) vantage point, I don't see a QB that they can justify with the #10 overall this season. There are two very good college QBs coming out next year in Andrew Luck and Matt Barkley. Our best option at this point is to focus our first two 2011 picks on fixing our defense and wait until 2012 for the better crop of QBs. It's not what fans want to hear but if we want to build a team the correct way, let's take a few years to do it and see if we can produce a consistent winner through patience and hard work. And if that's the strategy, McNabb is our best option at QB right now.

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If there's one thing I learned from this past offseason, it's that Shanny loves competition in training camp. If McNabb beats out Rex, then that's a good thing since Rex ran the offense so well. I think that whoever wins the starting gig between Donovan and Rex can lead us to the playoffs. And we have a nice insurance policy either way.

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