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McNabb Speculation - Vote if you think he's here next season


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If there's one thing I learned from this past offseason, it's that Shanny loves competition in training camp. If McNabb beats out Rex, then that's a good thing since Rex ran the offense so well. I think that whoever wins the starting gig between Donovan and Rex can lead us to the playoffs. And we have a nice insurance policy either way.


Interesting take on the whole "McNabb is a backup next year" thinking. Shanny wasn't too sure that he would accept that role and neither am I,

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If there's one thing I learned from this past offseason, it's that Shanny loves competition in training camp. If McNabb beats out Rex, then that's a good thing since Rex ran the offense so well. I think that whoever wins the starting gig between Donovan and Rex can lead us to the playoffs. And we have a nice insurance policy either way.

I would be willing to bet that we do not keep both Mc5 and Sexy Rexy. They will either trade Mc5 and sign Rex or Keep Mc5 and let Rex walk. Beck will enter camp as the back-up since he is under contract and a QB will be taken in the draft either at #10 or in the later rounds to be developed.

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Interesting take on the whole "McNabb is a backup next year" thinking. Shanny wasn't too sure that he would accept that role and neither am I,

But that's a bridge you cross when you get there. You don't know he's the backup until he loses the competition. I personally think he'll have a strong showing. He'll do whatever they ask of him and give his best effort to avoid being Rex Grossman's backup. He's way more talented and experienced than Rex and should win if he decides to be coachable and soak up the system. I'm sure a second season will help as well. If he does lose the competition, then we might trade him for peanuts. Or we might just hold onto him and make him a backup. Based on history, that's Shanny's MO.

I would be willing to bet that we do not keep both Mc5 and Sexy Rexy. They will either trade Mc5 and sign Rex or Keep Mc5 and let Rex walk. Beck will enter camp as the back-up since he is under contract and a QB will be taken in the draft either at #10 or in the later rounds to be developed.

It'll be interesting to see. I think we go into camp with all three plus a rookie. I think they have an open competition and cut ties with the loser. Unless Beck comes out looking like a stud, I wouldn't be surprised to see him get cut. He's on a cheap contract and only cost us Doug Dutch. I think its kinda telling that we were looking at a top QB (even if we don't draft one) if Beck looked like our answer at QB. I think he's a #2 at best, but wouldn't be a better #2 than McNabb or Grossman.

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But that's a bridge you cross when you get there. You don't know he's the backup until he loses the competition. I personally think he'll have a strong showing. He'll do whatever they ask of him and give his best effort to avoid being Rex Grossman's backup. He's way more talented and experienced than Rex and should win if he decides to be coachable and soak up the system. I'm sure a second season will help as well. If he does lose the competition, then we might trade him for peanuts. Or we might just hold onto him and make him a backup. Based on history, that's Shanny's MO.

It'll be interesting to see. I think we go into camp with all three plus a rookie. I think they have an open competition and cut ties with the loser. Unless Beck comes out looking like a stud, I wouldn't be surprised to see him get cut. He's on a cheap contract and only cost us Doug Dutch. I think its kinda telling that we were looking at a top QB (even if we don't draft one) if Beck looked like our answer at QB. I think he's a #2 at best, but wouldn't be a better #2 than McNabb or Grossman.

I really don't think it would be in McNabbs best intrest, or Rex's for that matter to go through camp with the possibility of being hung out to dry right before the season starts. That would be career suicide. If they decide to keep Mc5 here I think Rex looks for best offer available in FA. If they sign Rex to a deal I don't think McNabb will want to be looking over his shoulder again next year whenever there is a two minute drill. I think McNabb will have had enough of the "evaluation process".

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I really don't think it would be in McNabbs best intrest, or Rex's for that matter to go through camp with the possibility of being hung out to dry right before the season starts. That would be career suicide. If they decide to keep Mc5 here I think Rex looks for best offer available in FA. If they sign Rex to a deal I don't think McNabb will want to be looking over his shoulder again next year whenever there is a two minute drill. I think McNabb will have had enough of the "evaluation process".

What are their alternatives? Doubt we can find someone to pay the price tag on McNabb. Where else does Rex even have a shot to compete for a starting gig?

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What are their alternatives? Doubt we can find someone to pay the price tag on McNabb. Where else does Rex even have a shot to compete for a starting gig?

That is why their agents make the big bucks! I think Rex showed in the last three games that he could be a decent back-up. It would not be unlikely for another team to make him a comparable offer as a back-up. Now if McNabb goes and we offer Rex a lower scale starter salary then he would of course stay here. Basically either pay Rex to start or he can go anywhere he wants as a back-up. If you do give Rex starter pay then McNabb will be wanting the next bus out of town.

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What are their alternatives? Doubt we can find someone to pay the price tag on McNabb. Where else does Rex even have a shot to compete for a starting gig?

I've heard from a sports agent friend that Arizona likes Rex. Not sure how much -- he just told me he wouldn't be surprised if he ends up there if he leaves DC.

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I heard just the opposite, that even before the Skins got him, McNabb was never on the Cardinals radar.

Regardless, in draft picks, money, and as the Shanny/Allen first major move, I think McNabb stays. Otherwise, it makes the Shanny/Allen group look like fools. Now if they could get a second round pick for him, then I see then saying that they "rented" McNabb for a season for a 4th round pick. But if they can't come up with a face-saving maneuver, I expect McNabb to be back.

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I don't think he'll be here but I wouldn't be surprised if he is... our new FO is not going to panic like years in the past and make rash moves... if there is something out there that meets the compensation we expect, he'll be gone, but I can also see us keeping him for another year if we don't get a deal to our liking...

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I heard just the opposite, that even before the Skins got him, McNabb was never on the Cardinals radar.

Regardless, in draft picks, money, and as the Shanny/Allen first major move, I think McNabb stays. Otherwise, it makes the Shanny/Allen group look like fools. Now if they could get a second round pick for him, then I see then saying that they "rented" McNabb for a season for a 4th round pick. But if they can't come up with a face-saving maneuver, I expect McNabb to be back.

I heard the same. I think that McNabb/Cardinals chatter was more a media and fan thing than actual interest by the team. They didn't want him then, and apparently Fitzgerald named Kolb and Bulger rather than McNabb as guys to bring in when the team asked his opinion.

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Looks pretty even. It makes sense for him to leave after the circus last year but we don't make sense around here often. Therefore, if he is still on the roster in the fall I really wouldn't be surprised.

He is better than Rex & Beck. He would also be allot more dangerous behind a decent o-line.

What if his talents just never mesh well with this system? We saw Rex come in and throw 4 TD passes and two 2-pt conversions his first start. And now this will be his 3rd year in the system, compared to McNabb's 2nd.

What if, at this point in his career and in this system, McNabb actually isn't better than Rex?

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What if his talents just never mesh well with this system? We saw Rex come in and throw 4 TD passes and two 2-pt conversions his first start. And now this will be his 3rd year in the system, compared to McNabb's 2nd.

What if, at this point in his career and in this system, McNabb actually isn't better than Rex?

The only games where the system looked to be working was against Houston (loss) Dallas (loss). Rex was ok (nothing brilliant). What's Rex's numbers in his first year of the system? What do they look like in comparison to last season (any improvements)?

The only way that we could determine who would be better, is a QB comp in training camp next season. (I'm all for it)

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What are their alternatives? Doubt we can find someone to pay the price tag on McNabb. Where else does Rex even have a shot to compete for a starting gig?

if i were Rex i wouldnt want to go anywhere else. kyle shanahan has shown a lot of loyalty to him, and its probably his best chance to start in the nfl and resurrect his career.

as for mcnabb, though im not sure how accurate this is, i heard we have rights to him until the first game of 11', where we owe 16.5 mil in 2011 (with a 10 mil option), and 10.5 in 2012. thats gonna make trading difficult as no one will want to pay that much. this whole situation is also compounded by the cba. still though, there are some desperate teams, and i would not be suprised if we got a good draft pick in return.

if i were mcnabb, i would catch a ride outta here if possible. i think he will end up with the dolphins or titans, but also possibly the cards or the vikings. personally, i think he would do well in tennessee.

if allen can get something reasonable for him, i think he will pull the trigger. this is in the best interest of the team. the team did pretty well under rex anyways, and we could stock up on picks for 2011 so we could draft luck. thats just the way i see it happening anyways.

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The only games where the system looked to be working was against Houston (loss) Dallas (loss). Rex was ok (nothing brilliant). What's Rex's numbers in his first year of the system? What do they look like in comparison to last season (any improvements)?

The only way that we could determine who would be better, is a QB comp in training camp next season. (I'm all for it)

Fair enough, I think the only fair thing is a QB competition anyways, but especially in this situation.

At the same time, I don't know how you can say "McNabb is better than Grossman", and then turn around and call Grossman's 4 TD, 2 2-pt conv performance "not brilliant", when McNabb never did anything close to that.

McNabb had two (TWO!) multiple-TD performances all season, and one of them was paired with 3-INT's. And none of them were over 2 TD's.

Just pointing it out.

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Looks pretty even. It makes sense for him to leave after the circus last year but we don't make sense around here often. Therefore, if he is still on the roster in the fall I really wouldn't be surprised.

He is better than Rex & Beck. He would also be allot more dangerous behind a decent o-line.

He was on pace for over 4000 yds before the benching. I expect us to have much better OL play due to Jamaal Brown's improved health, further development of Lichtensteiger and Trent Williams, hopefully, signing Davin Joseph, and another interior OL addition through FA or the draft. Behind a better line and with added talent at RB and WR, McNabb would have better talent surrounding. For him to start, he'd have to show that he has a firm understanding of how to execute the system. If he buys in, I see no reason to believe that he won't have a great season. Plus, I'm pretty sure his history shows he has a crappy season every few years and then bounces back with a big performance. I wouldn't be mad if we cashed in on that trend.

What if his talents just never mesh well with this system? We saw Rex come in and throw 4 TD passes and two 2-pt conversions his first start. And now this will be his 3rd year in the system, compared to McNabb's 2nd.

What if, at this point in his career and in this system, McNabb actually isn't better than Rex?

McNabb is way more talented than Rex. He just wasn't as coachable. He has to accept the tweaks they were making to his mechanics (to improve accuracy/avoid dirtballs) and run the system how its supposed to be run instead of trying to freelance. Hopefully, seeing Rex outperform him due to the system will give him the confidence in the system to do what's asked of him instead of trying to do things like they did in Philly.

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Fair enough, I think the only fair thing is a QB competition anyways, but especially in this situation.

At the same time, I don't know how you can say "McNabb is better than Grossman", and then turn around and call Grossman's 4 TD, 2 2-pt conv performance "not brilliant", when McNabb never did anything close to that.

McNabb had two (TWO!) multiple-TD performances all season, and one of them was paired with 3-INT's. And none of them were over 2 TD's.

Just pointing it out.

We were 6-10 and our offense looked really mediocre in year 1. The QB who played the majority of the season was trying to learn/adapt to a new offense. It also happened to be the first time in his 11 year career that he was doing that . The backup didn't play much (really tough to asses) but for the most part the offense was mediocre in his 3 games of play.

That Dallas game is just tough to asses. They ran the score up on us in the first half. As a result, we played comeback all second half (stats looked good for allot players in that Loss) and ultimately fell short.

My faith is in the leadership in Ashburn. Hopefully they figure something out.


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McNabb is way more talented than Rex. He just wasn't as coachable. He has to accept the tweaks they were making to his mechanics (to improve accuracy/avoid dirtballs) and run the system how its supposed to be run instead of trying to freelance. Hopefully, seeing Rex outperform him due to the system will give him the confidence in the system to do what's asked of him instead of trying to do things like they did in Philly.

At this stage in his career, other than the deep ball that he occasionally hits in stride, is McNabb really that much more talented than Rex? Use your eyes and the evidence, not your past perceptions of what McNabb did with the Eagles after ten years in the same system.

McNabb didn't improve his mechanics with the Eagles, and hasn't done it here. Why would he now?

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At this stage in his career, other than the deep ball that he occasionally hits in stride, is McNabb really that much more talented than Rex? Use your eyes and the evidence, not your past perceptions of what McNabb did with the Eagles after ten years in the same system.

McNabb didn't improve his mechanics with the Eagles, and hasn't done it here. Why would he now?

Because after year 1 he realizes that in order for him to get his career back on track he needs to conform. Trying something different in his approach (mixed with a better O-line/WRs) could lead to the revival of his career and our downtrodden franchise.

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for the most part the offense was mediocre in his 3 games of play.

I just can't agree with this, I thought that the offense looked night and day those three games, even when we weren't scoring 4 TD's a game. the rhythm of the offense, getting from the huddle to the line, the execution of screens and the high-percentage passing plays, just everything. It felt like a much more precise offense, with an identity. Its something that McNabb couldn't accomplish in 13 games.

My faith is in the leadership in Ashburn. Hopefully they figure something out.

This I can agree with!

---------- Post added February-9th-2011 at 05:02 PM ----------

Because after year 1 he realizes that in order for him to get his career back on track he needs to conform. Trying something different in his approach (mixed with a better O-line/WRs) could lead to the revival of his career and our downtrodden franchise.

I hope so, man. I hope he can do that, if he's here.

I just don't think that he's that much more "talented", in this scheme, than Rex at this point in his career.

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