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McNabb Speculation - Vote if you think he's here next season


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People love to point out Grossman's turnovers -- only two or three which were all on him -- while ignoring the fact that he threw for 7 tds and almost 900 yards in three games. Personally, I thought he played pretty damn well for a guy who was not only rusty, but was playing for his career.

And yeah, I would love it if Donovan suddenly fit Shanahan's offense next year and everything was rosy. Problem is, he's never been an accurate passer and now his legs are going. Combine this with the fact that he had his agent crucify Kyle Shanahan in the media and I just don't see him being in the burgundy and gold next year.

But you never know. For example, a sports agent of friend told me Arizona/Whisenhunt liked one of our QBs and not to surprised if they went after him.

And it was Grossman they apparently like, not McNabb.

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