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On the Bright Side........


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Now that the 2010 season is over, a place were we can say something positive about today going forward would be nice.

I'll start.

On the Bright Side.......Torrain when healthy looked like a legit NFL RB

and my bonus

On the Bright Side.....this is the longest possible time before we either have to hear Larry Michael call another game or (for us who go to the home games) hear Larry Michael try to sell us something over the loud speakers at FedEx Field. Trust me, I don't want Papa John's in my ear right after we turn the ball over.

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Anthony Armstrong is a legit starter in my eyes and after another offseason unless the stars get in his eyes he should rise another level. I think he is a borderline star in the making. One of those good to very good players you can count on and who will be there for some "wow" plays every game.

Plus, I think he's hungry enough that he should remain good. Esp. in the Shanny world of fear.

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On the bright side, our defense didn't look too bad anymore (but we need more pressure on pass plays), so now we can focus on offense in the draft. And in Larry's defense he's just doing his job announcing sponsors, I know it can get a little old but he does a good job announcing.

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Well on the bright side for me....the Redskins actually looked like a competent team against the NYG for the first time in three seasons. There was plenty of opportunities to win this game....if Gano makes the FG it likely at least goes to OT.......

Considering how bad we looked against the Giants earlier, and the fact they had a ton to play for....we looked decent. That is really all I was asking for,

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I think the culture here has changed but nobody realizes it because they insist Shanny's an idiot and he's mishandling everything. The media (and some fans for some reason) just won't let it change.

To those paying attention, Shanny handled Al perfectly. He tried to use him when he could, and let Al expose himself for the arrogant, selfish idiot that he is. He gave McNabb a shot, didn't work out, let's try some other guys. Let's get the ball rolling. Let's not dilly dally and bull**** around to make the media happy. Screw saying the 'right things'. Shannys making tough, decisive decision, only a year removed from the most INdecisive, soft pushover coach of all time, Zorn.

That's what bothers me most...we still lost a bunch of games in embarrassing fashion. But behind the scenes, and in the locker room, things are surely different. NOBODY was whining except Albert, so everyones bought in. Everyone's accountable. Everyone has to earn their place on this team. These things will pay off in the future big time, and as ugly as it was this season, this whole Shana-era will be interesting to watch unfold.

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I think the culture here has changed but nobody realizes it because they insist Shanny's an idiot and he's mishandling everything. The media (and some fans for some reason) just won't let it change.

To those paying attention, Shanny handled Al perfectly. He tried to use him when he could, and let Al expose himself for the arrogant, selfish idiot that he is. He gave McNabb a shot, didn't work out, let's try some other guys. Let's get the ball rolling. Let's not dilly dally and bull**** around to make the media happy. Screw saying the 'right things'. Shannys making tough, decisive decision, only a year removed from the most INdecisive, soft pushover coach of all time, Zorn.

That's what bothers me most...we still lost a bunch of games in embarrassing fashion. But behind the scenes, and in the locker room, things are surely different. NOBODY was whining except Albert, so everyones bought in. Everyone's accountable. Everyone has to earn their place on this team. These things will pay off in the future big time, and as ugly as it was this season, this whole Shana-era will be interesting to watch unfold.

Thanks for the much needed sanity, dirt. There's a big difference between being critical and just plain negative, some need to learn lol

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Get a hold of yourself. Trent got absolutely abused today.

Trent will be a solid tackle for 10 years. So he lost a couple battles to Osi today. So has every other tackle the Giants have faced this year. I'm not worried about Williams and left tackle at all, barring injury.

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Get a hold of yourself. Trent got absolutely abused today.

For his rookie season, on a piss poor offensive line, he's done pretty darn well. Naturally he's had some lesson's handed to him by the leagues better pass rushers, which will all aid to his education in the pro's; but all in all, he's had a pretty darn good rookie year.

Today's bright spot, outside of what's been mentioned: Barnes play out of position at safety. Just a pity we haven't gotten to see what he can or can't do at corner.


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Trent will be a solid tackle for 10 years. So he lost a couple battles to Osi today. So has every other tackle the Giants have faced this year. I'm not worried about Williams and left tackle at all, barring injury.

He will get better and Osi makes a lot of people look bad, BUT Trent has got to improve his footwork and his technique over the off season.

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AAA, Banks, Torain and Keiland, Trent, Jamaal and Carriker came on strong, Will Monty, Barnes hopefully replaces Rogers if he is gone...Rex is a solid #2.....

Rabach, Sellers(D. Young), Carter, and possibly Rocky(Riley?) need to be replaced. Buchanon is a nickel DB at best.

We must resign Santana...you see how great he was in the slot???? Welker with speed...we just need two outside WRs so AAA perhaps and another be it Austin(who we need to keep), Kelly(if can stay healthy), and someone via the draft or FA.

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On the Bright Side.....this is the longest possible time before we either have to hear Larry Michael call another game or (for us who go to the home games) hear Larry Michael try to sell us something over the loud speakers at FedEx Field. Trust me, I don't want Papa John's in my ear right after we turn the ball over.

The Skins continue to show that incompetence permeates ALL levels of this organization.

For "This Week in Redskins History" at the stadium the playoff win versus the Vikings in early 1993 was featured. The audio mentions the Redskins dominance that day on the "frozen turf of RFK"........while the highlights are showing footage from the bleeping METRODOME!

And for the "Great Moments in FedEx Field History".......I know our record in Landover hasn't been great, but for Christ's sake, can we show anything besides the "Hand of God" game or Big Daddy Wilkinson's long INT return in 1999?

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AAA, Banks, Torain and Keiland, Trent, Jamaal and Carriker came on strong, Will Monty, Barnes hopefully replaces Rogers if he is gone...Rex is a solid #2.....

Rabach, Sellers(D. Young), Carter, and possibly Rocky(Riley?) need to be replaced. Buchanon is a nickel DB at best.

We must resign Santana...you see how great he was in the slot???? Welker with speed...we just need two outside WRs so AAA perhaps and another be it Austin(who we need to keep), Kelly(if can stay healthy), and someone via the draft or FA.

wow, I forgot Kelly was on IR. Let the what ifs begin.

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Landry is a big plus.

Trent got beat bad today.....But Osi did that to 10 other LT's this year and Trent is only gonna get better.

Banks is a plus. I am anxious to see who our Kick Returner will be next year.....Noel Devine?

Rak for giving it his all even though he struggled a little bit this year. (The fact that I can say that about a 2nd year player who had 8.5 sacks is great)

Fletch is a beast.

Tana and AAA were great.

Cooley had the dropsys this year but you can tell how much he loves the Team and the Fans in every interview.

Carriker was a good pick up as was Holliday.

Dhall is a PLAYMAKER.

Sellers and Alexander are MONSTERS on special teams.

Kevin Barnes can hit,

Austin had flashes.....3 to be exact.

CP showed heart and ran well no matter what you guys say and his blocking is ProBowl esque......... I mean, if an Offensive Lineman goes to the ProBowl for protecting the QB, why can't CP?

Fred Davis is always a Big Play threat.

We have Mike Shannahan and Bruce Allen not Jim Zorn and Vinny Cerrato.

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