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George W and Republicans have been out of power for 2 years...so why is gas so high?


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I remember paying 4.30 or so for has back in the height of the price hikes.

I attributed some of it to W's constant sabre rattling in the Middle East... it's reasonable to say that wars and the threat of more wars in the middle east would effect gas prices. Though I do admit that it was probably not the primary factor, and also I don't really care about high gas prices, as long as they rise gradually.

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I've said it once I'll say it again:

Summer prices go up because demand is high

Winter prices go up because demand is low

Basically oil companies will raise their rates for whatever reason they feel like shoveling us and they'll just dare us to complain about it.

With that said, devaluing the dollar doesn't have a downward effect on prices either.

---------- Post added December-24th-2010 at 02:09 PM ----------

and also I don't really care about high gas prices, as long as they rise gradually.

Speak for yourself, gradual or not the pinch is on at the bottom.

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how the **** do ya think I feel ?

I get 13 MPG - and that's HIGHWAY, on CRUISE CONTROL, with OVERDRIVE OFF

turning the overdrive off will result in the trans staying in a lower gear, thus making the engine turn faster and as a result, use more gas.

turn the 0D off when you're going under 50.

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