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Wow! Donovan McNabb showing such class on the ESPN 980 show


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Hes a good dude man, I just hope he gets to play somewhere where he can fit in the scheme and really help a struggling team out... unfortunately he could not do that for us. Not everyones perfect for every team. Hes always been a good mentor though and thats something that you can not take away from him. His first class attitude is coach worthy

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B) truth be told, merely being benched is a pretty small controversy compared to some of the things donovan has (mostly unfairly) been wrapped up in. he has had some practice with putting on a PC face, to say the least.

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Kinda feel sorry for him. He sounds like he really wants to be here.

It's just too bad he has not played that well.

i like McNabb and wish he could have worked out or gets better and stays. however, i feel bad for US...weve BEEN here and suffered forever.

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He'll be a great fit in Minnesota where he wanted to go in the first place. With Favre on his way out, they'll need him & he'll fit well in their system. And I'm pretty sure, he still wants to go there. He has always been very respectable in the media. Would never try to take that from him. TO & Limbaugh taught him that.

Eitherway... Peace & bacon grease, D. Mac! Enjoy the cold.

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He just said again that he really wants to be here and he does not want a trade. I am curious now about who he thinks the leak is, " He said "I know what is going on". Thought before the media leaks that he had a good relationship with Kyle.

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He just said again that he really wants to be here and he does not want a trade. I am curious now about who he thinks the leak is, " He said "I know what is going on". Thought before the media leaks that he had a good relationship with Kyle.

Meh...smoke & mirrors.

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The one thing I heard that was interesting is that he found out who the "sources" are in the organization who keep leaking stories to ESPN and the like. Said he talked to them directly.

Wow. That's kind of a bombshell right there. Makes me think it was a player or at least someone in the locker room vs a front office guy. I hope he straightened their arse out.

And Donovan is a classy guy, but count me among the few (one?) who think that there wasn't much that Shanahan could have done to make this easier on him. He tried to do that the first time and people freaked out because the nicer, watered down explanation he gave didn't justify the benching in peoples minds. The bottom line is, Shanahan isn't here to hold players hands. He's here to find a way to turn this team around. If someone is not playing up to the standards he expects to make that happen, his job is to coach them up if he can, or replace them if someone behind them on the depth chart shows promise of playing better.

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Classy? He danced around and insinuated a lot without exactly saying it. I guess some people will see that as classy but I saw it as just being politically correct. He also not once pointed the finger at himself for being in this position in the first place.

He could have been a total jackass and thrown everyone under the bus but he didnt and never will. He's not the type to be openly critical and that's commendable.

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PFB is reporting that McNabb and Haynesworth were at Alberts favorite water hole a couple weeks ago, and they shared stories as to their future.

McNabb now feels like Haynesworth leaked the story in an effort to get some cash to pay off debts.

More info to be released by Chris Mortenson at ESPN.

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