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"Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Passes Senate Procedural Vote."


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"WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says the Senate will take a final vote Saturday afternoon on legislation that would overturn the military ban on openly gay troops.

"The vote on ending the "don't ask, don't tell" policy is set for 3 p.m. before senators turn to a nuclear arms treaty with Russia. Passage would send the military measure to the White House.

"Senators cleared the way for final action with a 63-33 vote earlier Saturday to move the bill ahead."

Click the following link for more on this story:


EDIT: I wanted to highlight the fact that six Senatorial Republicans voted "yes" on this procedural vote.

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Here is an issue I really dont get about the GOP'ers who are against the repeal. It seems like such a little thing that is virtually cost free that will make a lot of soldiers happy.

Sure change always comes with an adjustment period, but why not do it for things like this so they can focus on getting out of the debt crisis instead?

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NooooooooooOOOOooooOOoOoOOoooO!!!!!! Gehs in the military will be the end of Umerika!!!!

Wait...what? You mean there are already homosexuals serving secretly in the military and the nation hasn't crashed down around us?


I was in the military. You already knew. Especially with some of the women. I never saw it as a big deal. No one I've talked to that also served see's it as a big deal. People are people. Just do your job.

BTW, another victory for Obama. Hopefully some of my fellow liberals stop ****ing and start appreciating some of this stuff.

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May the Lord have mercy on our military and this nation...

America is NOT the Biblical Israel, and America is not the church which is the Kingdom of God. Let's try to not get the these things confused shall we.

BTW, Israel forces their gays to serve in the military...that's because in Israel everyone has to serve in the military. Sorry, to ruin the Right wing Christian narrative.

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Here is an issue I really dont get about the GOP'ers who are against the repeal. It seems like such a little thing that is virtually cost free that will make a lot of soldiers happy.

Sure change always comes with an adjustment period, but why not do it for things like this so they can focus on getting out of the debt crisis instead?

The excuses have run out. There is one answer left - bigotry. It is hard for some people to ever let go of it.

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as a veteran, i am definitely for the repeal. to serve is a great honor that shouldn't be denied to anybody except for good reason.

my only complaint: they have to change almost everything about how they quarter the troops right now. most barracks/dorms are divided up into genders, but i think there would be a huge awkward rift that would come up when you have showers/changing areas that are now occupied by openly gay and hetero guys/girls. before you didn't really know so you didn't care and just went about things normally.

if they don't change some logistics, this could really affect the troops camaraderie.

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as a veteran, i am definitely for the repeal. to serve is a great honor that shouldn't be denied to anybody except for good reason.

my only complaint: they have to change almost everything about how they quarter the troops right now. most barracks/dorms are divided up into genders, but i think there would be a huge awkward rift that would come up when you have showers/changing areas that are now occupied by openly gay and hetero guys/girls. before you didn't really know so you didn't care and just went about things normally.

if they don't change some logistics, this could really affect the troops camaraderie.

Shower doors, bathroom stall doors and no more double bunking with your battle buddy. :paranoid:

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as a veteran, i am definitely for the repeal. to serve is a great honor that shouldn't be denied to anybody except for good reason.

my only complaint: they have to change almost everything about how they quarter the troops right now. most barracks/dorms are divided up into genders, but i think there would be a huge awkward rift that would come up when you have showers/changing areas that are now occupied by openly gay and hetero guys/girls. before you didn't really know so you didn't care and just went about things normally.

if they don't change some logistics, this could really affect the troops camaraderie.

Many people who did the survey for the military said they already knew about homosexual persons in the unit and it did not bother them.

I have shared change rooms with openly gay coworkers it is no biggie

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Many people who did the survey for the military said they already knew about homosexual persons in the unit and it did not bother them.

I have shared change rooms with openly gay coworkers it is no biggie

yea of course we weren't bothered by gay people that wasn't my point. there are situations that could be uncomfortable for people, especially downrange which is my main concern.

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I was in the military. You already knew. Especially with some of the women. I never saw it as a big deal. No one I've talked to that also served see's it as a big deal. People are people. Just do your job.


That's interesting to know do you think the majority of current service members feel this way?

For me I could care less but I'd be interested to know the feelings of a majority who are serving.

I know it's moot but interesting nonetheless.

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yea of course we weren't bothered by gay people that wasn't my point. there are situations that could be uncomfortable for people, especially downrange which is my main concern.

They will have training and if bothers a person so bad they do not have to serve

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That's interesting to know do you think the majority of current service members feel this way?

For me I could care less but I'd be interested to know the feelings of a majority who are serving.

I know it's moot but interesting nonetheless.

Obviously I can't speak for a majority. Just for myself and with those I've talked to.

They did do a poll though that I think backs it up:


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