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What In The World Are They Spraying?


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When you get a bit of free time, please watch this film titled

"What In The World Are They Spraying?"


I chose this link, rather than embedding the youtube link here, so that you wont have to search for each video "Part".. Using the above supplied link, when Part 1 ends, Part 2 will automatically begin and so on. All you have to do is Maximize the screen, sit back and watch.

In a recently visited thread, it came to my attention that some aren't aware of some very bad happenings around us. While it is true that some "cannot handle the truth", I am very thankful for much information that has been brought to my attention during this past year or so. Please understand that this video contains alot of facts. Therefore, the only "theory" involved pertains to WHY these acts are being carried. I'm hoping to create a place to learn, teach & discuss.

Although just a single piece to a very large puzzle, I've found that it's easier to make sense of this puzzle when examining each piece separately..

Please let us keep this ThinkTank free from closed-minded crticism and ignorance.

Please let us discuss intelligently. :)



---------- Post added December-10th-2010 at 08:18 PM ----------

The film contains facts, concluded thru studies and experiements by professors, scientists, etc. therefore, the only "theory" involved pertains to WHY such acts are being carried out.

Now that you know WHAT these white lines are that stretch across our skies, you'll start to notice just how often our air is being poisoned. Be sure to look up, next time you go outside. Chances are, you'll see aerosol spraying right above your head.. I've found that this is done atleast 5 days out of the week.

This is just a single piece to a large puzzle. Life may not be "self-sustainable" for very much longer.. On this purposely polluted soil, we must buy seeds specifically designed for such (GMO: Genetically Modified Organism). 90% of vegetables in the United States are already Genetically Modified. 90 Percent!!! These organisms are subject to intellectul property law. This means that if youre found with GMCorn growing on your land, you will be prosecuted.

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Oh dear god. Not again.

You want an intelligent discussion? OK here it is. Chemtrails are complete bull****. There is zero scientific evidence for them. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. If someone tells you otherwise they are crazy as a loon or a moron. It's basic high school science.


Contrails are clouds formed when water vapor condenses and freezes around small particles (aerosols) that exist in aircraft exhaust. Some of that water vapor comes from the air around the plane; and, some is added by the exhaust of the aircraft.

The exhaust of an aircraft contains both gas (vapor) and solid particles. Both of these are important in the formation of contrails. Some elements of the exhaust gasses are not involved in contrail formation but do constitute air pollution. Emissions include carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons such as methane, sulfates (SOx), and soot and metal particles.

It always amazes me that some freak can put up a you tube video and people will believe whatever they say. :doh:

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ok i didnt watch the video.... but i recently saw one that i believe may be the same one. it wasnt on youtube it was on a documentary channel. you people can make fun of this all you want but one thing is clear. there IS something in those trails. now i dont know if it is a by product of burning jet fuel or what but there was a guy in the documentary that i saw that was a retired scientist. when he bought his house he did soil sample for his garden.

he claimed to have never put any chemical fertilizer on the garden. he had noticed that there were an astronomical amount of "chemtrails" in his sky above. as the years passed the amount of aluminum oxide in his soil rose to dangerous levels. so he sought out the cause. throughout his research he discovered that this was not an isolated incident. they then showed many scientist, botnist and researchers that had done work in that particular field, "studying chemtrails".

it turns out that wherever there is a large amount of chemtrails that the soil in those areas were pretty much ALL affected by aluminum oxide.

so... to patently disregard that those chemtrails are harmless and dont contain any dangerous substances is absolutely the epitome of having your head in the sand.

like i said i dont know if aluminum oxide is a by product of burned jet fuel or not but it is absolutely true that either way... it isnt healthy for any life under them.

it has also been proven that "chemtrails" are responsible for climate change in some areas because after a full day of jets flying over head sunlight cannot penetrate the slightly dissipated layers of these trails.

IS THERE A CONSPIRACY AT WORK?....I DONT KNOW IF THERE IS OR NOT, but mounting scientific evidence suggest that they are definately not healthy for those living beneath them!

---------- Post added December-11th-2010 at 04:39 PM ----------

lmao ... i did watch fullnelsons vid.... i havent laughed so hard in quite some time!!!

she says it didnt happen in sprinklers 20 years ago ... lmmfao! im 38 and i remember 30 yrs ago making rainbows with the sprinkler.... omg that was just too damned funny!!

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Oh dear god. Not again.

You want an intelligent discussion? OK here it is. Chemtrails are complete bull****. There is zero scientific evidence for them. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. If someone tells you otherwise they are crazy as a loon or a moron. It's basic high school science.


It always amazes me that some freak can put up a you tube video and people will believe whatever they say. :doh:

I just thought it was funny that you use a government site to refute a claim that the government is up to something.... :silly:

How does that prove that their isn't something going on...

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Your wrong. It is a mind control gas. The first symptom that it is working is paranoia. This allows them to identify you as susceptible to its affects and worthy of future targeting.

"The CIA has been in on it for years!"


---------- Post added December-11th-2010 at 08:06 PM ----------

I just thought it was funny that you use a government site to refute a claim that the government is up to something.... :silly:

How does that prove that their isn't something going on...

This one is from a Boeing engineer:


Another from the same site:


Facts are good. They are everywhere if you bother to look.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, Joe..

At least someone is willing to open their eyes.

Food, Air, Water.. They have it all covered..

The differences in Contrails & Chemtrails are obvious and can be seen by the eye.

Please wake up, before it's too late.

Hendrix: Question your advisers. Boeing!? You don't see any reason for Boeing to be biased here? ha

this is a quote from the link you posted:

"The trails that people suspect of being “chemtrails” are probably just contrails"

ohhh ok.. theyre probably contrails. Nothing to worry about then. ha

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You want an intelligent discussion? OK here it is. Chemtrails are complete bull****. There is zero scientific evidence for them. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. If someone tells you otherwise they are crazy as a loon or a moron. It's basic high school science.


It always amazes me that some freak can put up a you tube video and people will believe whatever they say. :doh:

I realize why it is hard for you to consider all this. I understand that you have been brain washed. The human brain is the most lethal weapon on this planet. Because of this, the amount of brain function that we use is closely monitored and manipulated thru our air, food & water.

At least watch the video, before calling me ignorant. The facts are there, if you're willing to consider..

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I guess I really shouldn't be supprised, after all the 9/11 nut jobs that were out there. It's true, human greed has no bounds, but this chemtrail thing is really out there. Some people are more willing than others to suspend all rational thought and buy in to just about anything. Thanks for the laugh though!

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I guess I really shouldn't be supprised, after all the 9/11 nut jobs that were out there. It's true, human greed has no bounds, but this chemtrail thing is really out there. Some people are more willing than others to suspend all rational thought and buy in to just about anything. Thanks for the laugh though!

Just because something is "out there", doesn't make it less true. It simply makes something less believable.

"suspend all rational thought" what is rational?

Please, wakeup. There's a very sinister plan being carried out, leading to a no longer self-sustaining life.

In the video, you will see scientists PROVING with FACTS that these "white lines in the sky" are related to unnatural aluminum and barium being found, in extremely unsafe levels, in our soil, air and water.

You tell me: What would it take for you to believe this? If I presented you with such facts, would you then believe? If not, you're the one who is unable to "suspend all rational thought"; not me.

We are all going to die!

Not necessarily. But your brain function is being diminished.

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