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Should Alber Haynesworth be SUED by Redkins for failure to fulfill contract?


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I believe that management should. The Redskins have been more than generous to players since DS took over the team, but players should know that this type of behavior is not going to be accepted, and can end up costing them more than just lost salary.

If this was a corporation that had an agreement with another to perform certain duties and did not, you can bet they would be sued.

What is different here? Nothing that I can see. I don't see Haynesworth prevailing here, and I see players waking up when thinking that this kind of behavior will not result in more than them just being talked about on TV...

Hit this behavior where it hurts... The wallet.

What do you think???

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Could have been answered in any one of the millions of AH threads. Regardless, I dont think they have the option to sue AH in this situation as there would not be sufficient evidence and they would really have to dig deep to find enough material. The organization is going after the 21 mil already which is essentially saying that he did not fulfill his contract.

edit - a lot of it has to do with the team holding him out and not himself holding out and that just goes against the organization

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I will agree with Champskins, this probably could have been put in a different thread, but I actually like that this one is different than the usual "Who's fault is it", "Shanny sucks!", "Albert Sucks!", "The Skins Suck!", "It's Dan's fault" threads.

And with that, I will give you a resounding HELL TO THE YES!!! I would love the Skins to win a lawsuit against AH for his being a lazy bum.

Sadly, I think there's probably no hope for it.

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To suggest further embarrassment to the team simply for Snyder to have more money is not something I support. The answer is No we shouldn't sue this man. We simply should cut bait and fish somewhere else. Hanyesworth being on the team but suspended is clear to me that the Redskins intention is not to try and get him to surrender the money we gave him which I simply can't find a reason for. Once again stupidiety and emotions run free and there is zero leadership from the top.

One hand you have weeks and months of drama, embarrassment, and distractions to look forward too. All so a super rich guy can get a little of his lost money back. The outlook is dark and cloudy because we haven't removed the cancer from the team and obviously haven't learned anything from our past. Anyone remember the Coles TV incident? We've screwed up yet again.

On the other hand you have a clean split. Now the plates clean, you know what we need in the future, you have no more headaches, you admit to your mistakes and move on. You haven't forgotten the past you've learned from it and are trying something new. This outlook is positive because you've sent the message we will cut your ass if you do anything like that man did and that when we make a decision we do it 100% not half assed.

There reallty is no choice here, We should dump Hanyesworth like yesterdays garbage immediately. Screw the money. Save your face. Other teams don't screw around like this when its time to send someone on their way. It's time to send him packing. You don't suspend a player for the rest of the year and fix the relationship. You don't constantly embarrass a player in the news and find a way to work it out. And you can't learn to deal with headcases doing the same things over and over again. Our future will be better today and tomorrow with him no where around the team at all in any capasity and the faster we get past this is directly tied to how long he is here. This story isn't going away. It's just getting started. And once again our management and terrible leadership have embarrassed this franchise. We don't learn very well

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Actually, the only person with any possible legal grounds to sue anybody for failure to fulfill a contract would be Albert against the Redskins and that would be a stretch. An NFL contract is negotiated consideration for past performance not consideration for promise of future performance (an indication of this is the fact a team can cut a player and not pay his contract). The only possible grounds for the Redskins would be if Albert started doing something for someone else that would impede his availability to the Redskins (eg, playing for the UFL).

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it's all about principle now.

It always is. Prides a powerful enemy. Our own prides going to have the whole country talking about this fat lazy piece of garbage from now until forever whenever the subject is the Redskins. You've now seen yet the latest in the line of disgruntled players dealing with this team. We've once again embarrassed our team with the childish nature the way we treated players and lost all chance to trade for a draft pick this player. We've screwed up principly and if your going to do it right then by God do it 100% right? The principle we are using is that if you make a mistake continue making mistakes. What a stupid situation,

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It seems pretty clear to me that the Redskins will try to recoup money, yes. It was a big mistake of a contract for him, obviously. I think they overpaid him, which contrary to what some believe, does not always satisfy as motivation. In fact, sometimes it demotivates people in certain situations.

Anyway, there is some recent history to serve as a guideline here (Michael Vick v the Falcons, Ricky Williams v the Dolphins):

(this article has a relevant quote from the CBA)



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Yeah let have the future free agents and rest of the league see how petty and scorned like a woman we behave. :rolleyes:

He should have been traded when he said he did not want to play in the 3-4 and the supersmart coaches were determined to ram the scheme down the teams throat.

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Nah, it's Danny's money. He was stupid enough to go after Haynesworth, let it cost him. Maybe it'll teach Danny a lesson to let the professionals do their job and look for integrity in the players you acquire. Besides, give it 5 years and Haynesworth will be selling autographs on eBay anyway, if he's not sitting in prison somewhere..

I wonder what offensive linemen the team could have had if that same money had been spent on them?

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Actually, the only person with any possible legal grounds to sue anybody for failure to fulfill a contract would be Albert against the Redskins and that would be a stretch. An NFL contract is negotiated consideration for past performance not consideration for promise of future performance (an indication of this is the fact a team can cut a player and not pay his contract). The only possible grounds for the Redskins would be if Albert started doing something for someone else that would impede his availability to the Redskins (eg, playing for the UFL).

Man. I'm trying to take a 5 minute break from studying for 1L finals and now you start bringing up consideration! Are you talking about R2 §86 by chance?

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these kinds of cases are extremely hard to win. I doubt the Redskins will be able to recover $1 from Haynesworth for the bonus dollars he received.

that's why it's vitally important NOT to give out a bonus laden contract to a guy that there are ANY attitude or off-field issues that come up.

yet teams time and again fall into the trap of doing this, especially in the NBA and then live with the mistake for YEARS.

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I agree with Navy Dave.

What a pathetic, embarrassment this franchise has become.

I am ashamed to admit I am a fan.

There were 2 idiots who signed Albert, knowing the type of person he is.

They should be ashamed.

Well said!

Bruce Allen, if you want to talk with me and want my recommendations I am available as a Talent Consultant!

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