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Game Day Thread - Skins @ midgets


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It is amazing the perspective each team's fan base has on this game.

I've seen a lot of negativity by Skins' fans. Of course they are hoping for a win but not expecting much.

Giant fans are just hoping for a win any way they can get it. There are a lot of nervous Giant fans for this one. The expectation is that it will be a close hard fought game. The wind is going to be a big factor and the presence of McNabb makes Giants fans nervous.

This is going to be a hard fought, tough NFC East matchup. The wind will be a factor. Neither team is in a position to blow out the other.

Here is to a hard fought, injury free NFC East matchup. :cheers:

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There's absolutely zero logic to this feeling, even given NY's injury list; but darn if I don't have this feeling that we're gona' throw the cat amongst the pigeon's again with an upset road win.


I've never heard that phrase before. lmao.

Hopefully we win. Any blow to the Giants' playoff chances is a good one. :D

---------- Post added December-5th-2010 at 12:16 PM ----------

If we don't win this game I'll be glad I'm not a mod, its going to take a BIG BAN HAMMER.

Or a ban-plow.

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we gotta win this tomorrow or its gonna be a longggggg week let alone month for me at work or well just going out in my skins stuff..... lets beat them jersey trash!

Wait the game is not on today. Phew....now I can go rake some leaves in this wonderfully cold weather instead.

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Don't look now but Devin Thomas is active. It would be so typical of the Skins in recent years if came out and burned us. Kind of like Stephen Davis when we got beat by Carolina. Hopefully I'm wrong he'll have zero impact. HTTR!

I think we are getting beat by the gints regardless of DT. :(

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