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Fox News' Megyn Kelly, tell me lies..

Dan T.

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Why do so many people (including many posters here) assume that everyone that is overweight has "done it to themselves" by overeating? You're right, some people are just naturally thin; I know, because I am one of them. But it goes both ways and some people are just naturally big. And for the record, I brought up bulimic b/c she looks to me like she is. I could be wrong, but that's my take.

I think you honestly don't know what a bulimic or anorexia woman looks like. You should google image them and see what you find. They would not have boobs that size if they were not eating or throwing it up. Some people are just "bigger," but we are also not a country with 60% of the population is overweight because of genetics. I think she looks good.

I need a booty on the girl. To me there is a big difference in an athletic body type and the girls that are rail thin. If a girl is too thin I think I would break her half. I don't think I could break Megyn Kelly in half no matter how hard I tired.

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I think you honestly don't know what a bulimic or anorexia woman looks like. You should google image them and see what you find. They would not have boobs that size if they were not eating or throwing it up. Some people are just "bigger," but we are also not a country with 60% of the population is overweight because of genetics. I think she looks good.

I need a booty on the girl. To me there is a big difference in an athletic body type and the girls that are rail thin. If a girl is too thin I think I would break her half. I don't think I could break Megyn Kelly in half no matter how hard I tired.

My gf in college was bulimic on and off. Her sister was anorexic. I didn't say she was for sure, it just looks that way to me. And there's always more to it than just genetics.

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