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The eternal question that must be answered: Batman vs. Superman. Who wins?


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Batman cheats.

Batman is never unprepared.

Batman owns kryptonite for just such an occasion.



Had a friend once describe me a comic meeting between Batman and Superman. Supes didn't want to work with him, because he's a vigalante who breaks the law.

Batman: No doubt your super visions have told you I'm protected by a force field. No doubt they also tell you that you could overcome it easily. What they don't tell you is that I've planted a bomb on an innocent citizen of Gotham. If my force field fails, then that person dies.

Supes is horrified. I mean, he's heard low things about Batman, but taking hostages? Planting explosives on innocents.

At the end of the story, of course, the case is solved, and they're friends. They make preparations to part company.

Supes: Not so fast. I've come to see that your methods may work, here in Gotham. But there's one thing I can't condone. The innocent person you've planted explosives on.

Batman reaches to his utility belt, and tosses a small device to Superman. "Here it is. I couldn't plant it on somebody else."

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Without prep time to either, Supes.

With prep time to both, Bats.

I suspect a confrontation between them would end nonfatally like this: (link below has language NSFW)


Of course if Batman REALLY had to go all out, he just goes to his weapons locker in the Batcave.....


And this is the result:


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thats the thing, friggin kryptonite is uber rare, as in there supposedly were only grams of it worldwide, until people realised that it was supes only weakness, then suddenly people found it everywhere lol.
Link is NSFW.

"Superman could move planets, and most people that fought him were lucky if they had a working bike. To balance this out, as soon as they graduate from crime school, every single criminal in the universe is given an unlimited supply of kryptonite along with their retarded hat and matching retarded jumpsuit. Kryptonite is radioactive pieces of a planet that exploded decades ago on the other end of the universe, which might explain why it's so easy to find.

Villains were practically cleaning it out of their damn belly buttons, and just mentioning it is enough to get Superman to leave. You could even lie, it's not like he's going to think to check. The man's a moron. If he spins around you a few times and you don't reverse polarity or whatever, he'll fly off saying, "My powers don't affect him! He must be made entirely out of kryptonite!"

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Batman obvously. Bruce Wayne is a certifiable genius, and a billionaire to boot, with unlimited resources. I'm pretty sure he'd find a way to acquire Kryptonite. Superman would get massacred.

Okay, again, hover 15 miles away and use laser eyes.

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thats the thing, friggin kryptonite is uber rare, as in there supposedly were only grams of it worldwide, until people realised that it was supes only weakness, then suddenly people found it everywhere lol.

I recall Larry Niven once commenting that it's been calculated, from the amount of Kryptonite that has made it to Earth, that the planet Krypton must have massed more than the Milky Way galaxy.

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1. Batman would never just stand there.

2. Superman doesn't say "Shazam". That's Captain Marvel, somebody that apparently can beat Superman, since apparently Superman is also vulnerable to magic, and the Marvel family's powers come from magic.

=Of course if Batman REALLY had to go all out, he just goes to his weapons locker in the Batcave.....

Batman has a lantern ring now?

Okay, again, hover 15 miles away and use laser eyes.

We have this discussion every few months, and what people who say Superman fail to appreciate is what Bang noted. Batman cheats. He plans. He has a contingency for everything.

If Superman and Batman were going to have a confrontation, it would be over before Superman even knew he was in a fight, because Batman would anticipate the problem and take Superman out in a pre-emptive strike.

He'd never put himself in a position where Superman can hover and shoot laser beams at him.

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Depends on the nature of the fight, IMO.

I think Batman is too smart to let a fight between him and Supes just happen spontaneously (likely out of anger) cuz he knows he'd be outmatched. The most likely scenario IMO would be where they disagree on something pretty significant, which would mean they would prepare for a fight. Batman is clever and possibly the greatest superhero with no powers, but Supes is the ultimate superhero in terms of powers, so it's hard to say who'd win. I give the edge to Batman. He's very intelligent and calculating and I think he'd turn Superman's weaknesses (kryptonite and moral limits) against him.

If any of you have read Frank Miller's Batman, the last part which takes place in the future has a cool Batman vs. Superman fight, which is the inspiration for my thoughts above.

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I thought that Batman kept kryptonite in the bat cave in case superman ever got out of line and he had to go beat his ass. I remember watching it in one of the cartoons.

Also, I'd like to point out that about 500 billion times in the Superman comics he was almost done in by accident by Jimmy Olsen for ****'s sake.

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So the comeback for Superman not being able to incinerate Batman from miles away is that Batman would just...move?

Is Superman incapable of turning his head to follow or something? Or will Batman just duck behind a lead dumpster or something to hide?

Look, with the element of surprise I could buy that millionaire genius Batman could take him down. Ok.

But both guys going into it with eyes wide open, Superman would wipe him out from a comfortable distance regardless of how many cartwheels Batman could do.

The character is just too damn powerful.

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Batman has a lantern ring now?
Batman canonically has Hawkman wings, a Dalek, an Iron Giant, Bat-Anti-(insert threat here)-Spray, and god knows what else in the Batcave. I wouldn't put it past him to have a lost GL ring in his cache. For "just in case".

Hell there was some animated episode where AFAIK some bad guys got ahold of Batman's contingency plans to take down each and every superhero/superheroine if any of them went bad, and started to dismantle the entire Justice League with those plans.

So maybe we need to say that if Superman gets the advantage of surprise, he wins. But if they start out even, Bats has already done his "prep time".

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You really think Batman is gonna stay in one place long enough for Supes to use that **** on him? :ols:

It's gonna take more than that to bring down the Dark Knight my man.

Erm... what? Batman won't have a chance to move. Superman's got super-speed, remember?

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I think Batman has a shot at winning unless Supes turns evil. If Supes decides he doesn't care about humanity or civilian collatoral damage then Batman hasn't a chance.

Then again, if Batman secretly implanted a lead coated kryptonite bomb inside Superman long ago, which he can detonate from any distance remotely.... I might give the nod to the Bats.

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