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Obama Trip - $200 million per day, 34 warships

Dan T.

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I dint want either.

The Dems had the votes to pass whatever they wanted. This is what we got. And the Dems paid the price last week.

I don't disagree. I think the Dems paid the price for being wimps and trying to half-arse it. If you are going to try to change the world, you don't do so without being willing to upset some folks. In trying to make everyone happy and worse, trying to do it for the illusion of zero expense, they made everyone miserable.

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The beauty is that as usual for Fox no one will ever be held accountable. They dont make things up "sometimes" it's constant and steady. No accountability has created a culture of dishonesty. They'll report anything and if it's wrong they don't care.

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The beauty is that as usual for Fox no one will ever be held accountable. They dont make things up "sometimes" it's constant and steady. No accountability has created a culture of dishonesty.

They'll report anything and if it's wrong they don't care.

...and apparently neither do their viewers.

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I dint want either.

The Dems had the votes to pass whatever they wanted. This is what we got. And the Dems paid the price last week.

Actuall the Dems didn't have the votes to pass whatever they wanted because the republicans have abused the filibuster & you need 60 votes to break a filibuster & then on top of the you have blue dog dems that are actually republicans that ran as democrats. As far as last week's elections go the American people are fools. Yes, that was a great idea put in office the people who's ideas are the same as those that got us into this economic mess.

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...and apparently neither do their viewers.
Their viewers aren't professionals on a news network.

But we'll get "both sides do it" here shortly and that will end this discussion. Their viewers are very adept at pretending that quantity and regularity don't matter. We all know that Fox rarely does anything BUT this. Is there a week that goes by that the entire network isn't saying something ridiculous that even their own people have trouble defending? John Stewart would have to work 10 times harder to find something obviously ridiculous to mock if Fox News ever went under. They exist to take the latest blogger rumor and elevate it to the national spotlight.

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Actuall the Dems didn't have the votes to pass whatever they wanted because the republicans have abused the filibuster & you need 60 votes to break a filibuster & then on top of the you have blue dog dems that are actually republicans that ran as democrats. As far as last week's elections go the American people are fools. Yes, that was a great idea put in office the people who's ideas are the same as those that got us into this economic mess.

That's your limitted view of reality. One most of the left wing shares. But it's A- not accurate and B- nobody believes it anymore.

The Dems had 60 votes until Kennedy died. Plenty of time to get what they wanted. I do love how the left now simply resorts to calling American people fools, or idiots, or just claim they arent smart enough to see what a great job Pelosi and Reid and Obama are doing.

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I guess I am ignorant of the chain of command, but with this happening so often (to all networks) why not start suspending or firing the editors or whoever the idiots are who let this stuff be said on air before it is fact checked

Because that would defeat the agenda of the network. Counter-productive to what they want. they probably hand out bonuses for this stuff.

However, truth in advertising might be able to be enforced. That way these propaganda networks would at least stop calling themselves news, or "fair" or "balanced" or any of the other lies they tell to try and convince us they're anything but a political propaganda machine.


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Because that would defeat the agenda of the network. Counter-productive to what they want. they probably hand out bonuses for this stuff.

However, truth in advertising might be able to be enforced. That way these propaganda networks would at least stop calling themselves news, or "fair" or "balanced" or any of the other lies they tell to try and convince us they're anything but a political propaganda machine.


A bit off topic, but I love your posts here. I actually just had a debate about health care yesterday with a friend, and it reminded me of a thread here, as the convesation turned to the McDonalds banning of happy meals in CA. We also had a good conversation about the fair tax, but that is a thread for another day.

Back on topic, I am not opposed to that idea. Then again, we would also have to encourage people to want "news" and not simply root for their respective "politica team", be is a democrat or a republican.

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Fox News memo from last year...


I wonder if they will enforce it.

Subject: Quality Control

We had a mistake on Newsroom today when a wrong book cover went on screen during a guest segment, the kind of thing that can fall through the cracks on any day with any story given the large amount of elements and editorial we run through our broadcasts. Unfortunately, it is the latest in a series of mistakes on FNC in recent months. We have to all improve our performance in terms of ensuring error-free broadcasts. To that end, there was a meeting this afternoon between senior managers and the folks who run the daytime shows in which expectations were reviewed, and the following results were announced:?

Effective immediately, there is zero tolerance for on-screen errors. Mistakes by any member of the show team that end up on air may result in immediate disciplinary action against those who played significant roles in the “mistake chain,” and those who supervise them. That may include warning letters to personnel files, suspensions, and other possible actions up to and including termination, and this will all obviously play a role in performance reviews. So we now face a great opportunity to review and improve on our workflow and quality control efforts. To make the most of that opportunity, effective immediately, Newsroom is going to “zero base” our newscast production. That means we will start by going to air with only the most essential, basic, and manageable elements. To share a key quote from today’s meeting: “It is more important to get it right, than it is to get it on.” We may then build up again slowly as deadlines and workloads allow so that we can be sure we can quality check everything before it makes air, and we never having to explain, retract, qualify or apologize again. Please know that jobs are on the line here. I can not stress that enough. I will review again during our Monday editorial meeting, and in the days and weeks ahead. This experience should make us stronger editorially, and I encourage everyone to invest themselves one hundred and ten percent in this effort.

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Propaganda has been around longer than Gutenberg and is an opiate for easily deluded.

Well, that's all well and good, isn't it then.

Oh well. Nothing to see here. I guess that makes everything OK. After all, it's been around a long time, and it's not like we can't look at the destruction it's caused over the centuries. It can't happen here, right?

Too bad so many of us are so willing to be deluded or excuse those spreading the delusions. It's not like we're not already seeing the results of the divisive tactics. People have definitely chosen up sides and are unwilling to listen anymore to the other side. all they need is their favorite network nipple to suck on, and they get all the afffirmation they ever need to be a closed minded individual.

And we're so much the better for it!


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Actuall the Dems didn't have the votes to pass whatever they wanted because the republicans have abused the filibuster & you need 60 votes to break a filibuster & then on top of the you have blue dog dems that are actually republicans that ran as democrats. As far as last week's elections go the American people are fools. Yes, that was a great idea put in office the people who's ideas are the same as those that got us into this economic mess.
Oh great enzo, please lead us to enlightenment!!!!

Dude, you can call those who voted for Reps fools, and they can call you a fool for voting for Dems.

And, please enlighten us as to how 1 party that wasn't in power from 1970 forward led us into this mess? Dems are EVERY bit as responsible as Reps. Look at the records. And don't site the $200Billion in "surplus" that Clinton borrowed from SS. The govt owed that money back to SS, so it was no more a surplus than your paycheck is an augment to my income.

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oh thats rough

That's the least of it. The far right hates Michelle Obama more than they hate anyone else in the world, more than they hate Obama himself, or Nancy Pelosi, or Barney Frank, or even French people. :) They loathe her with a bitter passion that is almost impossible to comprehend.

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That's the least of it. The far right hates Michelle Obama more than they hate anyone else in the world, more than they hate Obama himself, or Nancy Pelosi, or Barney Frank, or even French people. :) They loathe her with a bitter passion that is almost impossible to comprehend.

MORE than Pelosi? that's hard to imagine actually. More than the far left still hates Bush ?

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That's the least of it. The far right hates Michelle Obama more than they hate anyone else in the world, more than they hate Obama himself, or Nancy Pelosi, or Barney Frank, or even French people. :) They loathe her with a bitter passion that is almost impossible to comprehend.

I dont know, I hang with lots of folks who many here would deem "far right", and I havent once even heard Michelle brought up.

Could you possibly be referring to the Little Green Footballs/Freeper brand of righties? If so, I dont consider them "far Right", I consider them neo-cons (AKA: Decepticons)

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MORE than Pelosi? that's hard to imagine actually. More than the far left still hates Bush ?

I think the Right far outstrips the Left in hate. Afterall, by year two of the Bush Administration, the President had a 90% approval rating. Could you imagine any scenario where Obama or any democrat could get that kind of support from Republicans and Conservatives? It was only after repeated failures, lies, and harm to the U.S. that the libs and dems really started to turn against him in a big way... and eventually, though it quite a while, Republicans and Conservatives joined in chorus to the Democratic opinion proving that it was justified.

Remember, before he was even inaugurated, Republicans were praying that Obama would fail.

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The beauty is that as usual for Fox no one will ever be held accountable. They dont make things up "sometimes" it's constant and steady. No accountability has created a culture of dishonesty. They'll report anything and if it's wrong they don't care.

Its not like CNN CBS MSNBC NBC are more honest

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That's the least of it. The far right hates Michelle Obama more than they hate anyone else in the world, more than they hate Obama himself, or Nancy Pelosi, or Barney Frank, or even French people. :) They loathe her with a bitter passion that is almost impossible to comprehend.

Lets not bring up how much the left hates Sarah Palin.

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Its not like CNN CBS MSNBC NBC are more honest

... except that they are. Demonstrably so. You can stack lie against lie as if on scales. FOX on one side and CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC on the other and FOX still has more proven lies and deceptions. More, you can find penalties and repercussions for falsehoods on every other outlet except FOX.

It is not equal. It is not the same.

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... except that they are. Demonstrably so. You can stack lie against lie as if on scales. FOX on one side and CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC on the other and FOX still has more proven lies and deceptions. More, you can find penalties and repercussions for falsehoods on every other outlet except FOX.

It is not equal. It is not the same.

Most of the time not but you really need to open your EYES. Keith Olberman lies like its going out of style. I can post quite a few of teh other networks lies if you want

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... except that they are. Demonstrably so. You can stack lie against lie as if on scales. FOX on one side and CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC on the other and FOX still has more proven lies and deceptions. More, you can find penalties and repercussions for falsehoods on every other outlet except FOX.

It is not equal. It is not the same.

Talk about delusional. With a 50 year head start you claim is absolutely absurd. You don't have cable how would you even really know?? Please substantiate your "demonstrably so" assertion.

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... except that they are. Demonstrably so. You can stack lie against lie as if on scales. FOX on one side and CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC on the other and FOX still has more proven lies and deceptions. More, you can find penalties and repercussions for falsehoods on every other outlet except FOX.

It is not equal. It is not the same.

Says you.

I say it's just easier to cast blame all around rather than have to admit my favorite channel did something wrong.

And thus it will not change. What is it we call people who complain about it on one side and then do nothing to police their own ?


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