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Obama Trip - $200 million per day, 34 warships

Dan T.

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And they all go the same way:

D: Look! Fox got caught in another intentional, deliberate, fraud.

R: Oh, Yeah? Well, the "lamestream" media didn't pay as much attention to some story as I think they should have.

D: But what Fox did was intentional falsification.

R: Yeah but, the leftist media are worse. They're all unconsciously biased, and that makes them worse than intentional lies.

D: How can you try to claim that that justifies deliberate fraud?

R: Well, the liberal media pretend to be honest and accurate, and that makes them worse.

I've highlighted in red the points i disagree with.

Note, that those words denote a mild form of agreement that fox may have done something unethical.

This never ever happens.

The part in green is really a pipe dream, since those words never escape their lips unless it is to accuse someone else.


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Group think runs amok here on ES I get that sobeit.

Well, tailgate-wise (we won't address stadium-wise), "runs amok" may be a bit over-stated, but yes to a certain extent it does---of course it does---as with anywhere there's a large community involved in such discourse. :ols:

And you are often a contributor to that very dynamic more often than not. I try to work in my own comments to lessen the pot/kettle effect. Why not note your own "group" (even if you insist you "aren't one") that you "rum amok" with, and be mindful of that as you castigate others for doing it with their group? :) I mean this in general, not dumping on aRedskins, who I do think is a very intelligent guy and has shown an open and fair mind more than a few times--all of which is totally separate from when I might bust on/agree with him (and similarly anyone) at anytime on a particular topic.

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I think what makes this kinda scary for some people is that to believe this you have to be an IDIOT. What makes it even scarier is that a NEWS organization reports this figure, I mean seriously not some blog but a real news organization. Then to top that off people actually BELIEVE it because they say oh I heard it on TV it has to be true. That is what is scary to me, not that Fox did it or anyone else but that any news organization would report something so obviously absurd and then people would buy it. That is the kind of group mentality that has caused a lot of terrible things to happen in the past. When someone tells you something so blatantly wrong and you don't question it and even worse defend it.

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