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Brian Mitchell's anger last night


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Did any of you who watched the CSN postgame show last night notice that Brian was even grumpier than normal? He was constantly attacking the other members of the show.

Trevor Matich made some comments about the blown INTs and Mitchell immediately started chewing his head off about making excuses for the Redskins, which clearly was not the case. Trevor tried to clarify his remarks but was cut off repeatedly by Brian who seemed like he had a personal vendetta against Matich.

Then Doc Walker came on and gave some lighthearted knocks to Trevor and Brian about missing the ceremony, to which Mitchell replied by launching into a venomous tirade about not having to "stop supporting his family" to make time for a silly ceremony. Poor Doc had to offer an apology and make it clear to Brian he was only kidding around.

I have no idea what was up his rear last night but I'm really starting to get tired of his attitude. The man needs anger management training and he's got to learn that other people have opinions too that are based on their experience and training. He's not the only person on Earth who played professional football.

I used to respect his willingness to stand pat on his opinions and his honesty about criticizing the Redskins but at this point he's simply become a mean old douchebag who won't let anyone get a word in edgewise if they happen to disagree with him. He can't even take a joke.

Message to Brian Mitchell: Lighten up, jerk. Maybe you had some stuff going on in your personal life the past week that put you in an extra bad mood but don't bring it to work. You're not the god of football and you're certainly not the god of sports broadcasting. You looked like a fool yelling at your coworkers (and friends) last night.

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lol yeah I thought it was funny. Maybe problems at home or something. I like it when hes unbiased and keeps it real but that **** was over the top.

Sheesh. I'd hate to be a member of his household. :)

perhaps it has something to do with devin hester breaking bmitch's record for returns yesterday?

That's right! I forgot about that. Saw when it happened too.

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he was pissed we lost. we had a decent chance to win against an elite QB and damn good team, and we blew it. It wasnt that Peyton was god. He was human and tried to hand the game to us; wisely he tried to hand the game to Rogers. Despite our wasted chances, we still had the perfect storm lined up for the game winning drive. BMitch is an offensive guy, and our offense has been horribly inconsistent from coaching on down to line play.

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Then Doc Walker came on and gave some lighthearted knocks to Trevor and Brian about missing the ceremony, to which Mitchell replied by launching into a venomous tirade about not having to "stop supporting his family" to make time for a silly ceremony. Poor Doc had to offer an apology and make it clear to Brian he was only kidding around.

Perhaps he didn't get the invite!

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I saw it; I think Brian was peeved because we lost and he isn't going to lighten up until the Redskins are called the elite team. I respect his growling - he is tired of two years of excuses.

Only 2 years? LOL! How about Dan Snyder's entire ownership?

I didn't catch the Brian Mitchell rage on CSN, but can you really blame the guy? The Redskins as an organization have been a bunch of losers for a very long time now and we're now the laughing stock of the NFL. I'm actually glad BMitch was pissed because I was mad as hell too after we could've won the game. Apparently, a lot of Redskins fans today think it's okay to be mediocre, but that's a losers mentality that starts at the top. Dan Snyder, you fail.

I'm tired of fans having these lofty expectations of superbowls year after year after a few wins. I'm sick of seeing my neighbors and coworkers root for all the other teams EXCEPT the Skins, even though they live here. I'm sick of watching the Redskins barely pull out a win or never dominating the game or never rebuilding a team properly.

Shouldn't we as Skins fans expect more from our players instead of making up excuses for them? Hell, I'm still pissed watching every game and seeing the opposing fans cheer louder than the home crowd a lot of times during the game. You all should be pissed just as much as Brian Mitchell.

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perhaps it has something to do with devin hester breaking bmitch's record for returns yesterday?
Good call Dr. Sportjunkie. Are you a psychologist?

Devin Hester's 89-yard punt return yesterday tied him with Brian Mitchell at 13 for the most combined kickoff and punt return touchdowns in league history.

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BM is a "realist" before a "homer" like blinded fool like Larry Michaels who always tries to spin things around. I'm glad we have someone like BM to tell it like it is. Colt tried badly to give us the game and we didn't take it. I'm just as upset as well. If we would of won last night, whole sports world will be talking highly of us today. We are good enough to beat any team but bad enough to lose to any team with our atrocious so called defense we have right now.

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Yeah I saw the show also, and to those who are saying that Mitchell was just pissed that we loss...so what, the other guys were pissed to, but no one had to tip toe around their moods. The first thing that Chic Hernandez had to say when they all came out there was that Mitchell is in a bad mood. So, who the **** is he suppose to be that his feelings/moods have to get special recognition?

Mitchell is a Diva and IMO has a touch of short mans disease, where it seems like he feels that he has to talk about what he's gonna do and not do. "I'm not gonna bite my tongue for know one". "I'm gonna damn well say what's on my mind every time".

Give me a break.:doh:

Disclaimer: I have nothing against people of short stature.

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Did any of you who watched the CSN postgame show last night notice that Brian was even grumpier than normal? He was constantly attacking the other members of the show.

Trevor Matich made some comments about the blown INTs and Mitchell immediately started chewing his head off about making excuses for the Redskins, which clearly was not the case. Trevor tried to clarify his remarks but was cut off repeatedly by Brian who seemed like he had a personal vendetta against Matich.

Then Doc Walker came on and gave some lighthearted knocks to Trevor and Brian about missing the ceremony, to which Mitchell replied by launching into a venomous tirade about not having to "stop supporting his family" to make time for a silly ceremony. Poor Doc had to offer an apology and make it clear to Brian he was only kidding around.

I have no idea what was up his rear last night but I'm really starting to get tired of his attitude. The man needs anger management training and he's got to learn that other people have opinions too that are based on their experience and training. He's not the only person on Earth who played professional football.

I used to respect his willingness to stand pat on his opinions and his honesty about criticizing the Redskins but at this point he's simply become a mean old douchebag who won't let anyone get a word in edgewise if they happen to disagree with him. He can't even take a joke.

Message to Brian Mitchell: Lighten up, jerk. Maybe you had some stuff going on in your personal life the past week that put you in an extra bad mood but don't bring it to work. You're not the god of football and you're certainly not the god of sports broadcasting. You looked like a fool yelling at your coworkers (and friends) last night.

I saw the whole thing and my thoughts were pretty much exactly how you felt about it.

I felt bad for Matich, b/c he obviously tried extremely hard to take the high road and not engage in a spiteful and misguided argument with BMitch when they were essentially saying the same thing.

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Lots of missed opportunities for the Redskins last night. I also saw a lot of missed opportunitites by the Colts to blow it out too. Our guys played up to their ability. We have a few very elite players on our team. The rest of the positions are filled by those who would be 2nd teamers on other teams. So plays break down and things happen. If we win 2 more games this season, we will beat last year's tally. Rebuilding does not equal SuperBowl in one year. It just doesn't.

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I caught the part where Bmitch was going off on Mike Shanahan for not playing Haynesworth, and promptly flipped back to ESPN. Everyone was pretty pissy last night, but you are at least supposed to keep things professional. B-Mitch pretty much just said eff it, and went off on everyone. This isn't the first time he's done this though. IMO he's just too much of a fan to be an analyst.

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I caught the part where Bmitch was going off on Mike Shanahan for not playing Haynesworth, and promptly flipped back to ESPN. Everyone was pretty pissy last night, but you are at least supposed to keep things professional. B-Mitch pretty much just said eff it, and went off on everyone. This isn't the first time he's done this though. IMO he's just too much of a fan to be an analyst.

BM is just too blaunt and honest. But the BM gives where credit is due when Skins play well.

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