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Brian Mitchell's anger last night


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He was referencing his bike ride with Russ Grimm while Russ was on the set and said something to the effect of:

"Try riding a motorcycle in Arizona with expired tags and a last name of Hernandez."

Russ then deftly brushed it off and called Arizona an outlaw state and chuckled about it.

LOL!! I heart Chick. :)

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As crazy as this may sound, he sounds more like a fan now to me. It seems like he's had a change of heart since him and snyder talked, and snyder admitted he made a mistake by letting him go. He's still critical and brutally honest, but its less hate in his tone.

For example, a couple of years ago when we opened against the giants and got smashed, he seemed like he enjoyed rippin the team. He had a little smirk on his face the whole time, like how we would be if we were broadcasters after a cowboy loss. Everything he said may have been true, but the fact that he seemed to have enjoyed it made him seem like a hater. Last night he made the same types of comments, but seemed ginuinely upset that the team lost.

However, I do agree that the way he talked to trevor and doc was uncalled for. That's like me comin in to work and cussin everybody out today.

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the man wants to win and gets angry when the skins dont. god forbid he gets intense about his team

The Redskins have been losing for 15+ years. They lose last night to last year's SB runner-ups and suddenly he's just being "passionate?" I don't see it. From where I'm standing, Brian needs to chill out. I'm not saying he's violent or insane. I'm saying he needs to take it all down a notch. What I saw last night was not professional at all. I could feel the awkwardness among the other guys on the broadcast.

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Mitchell is very passionate about the Redskins.....that's true. And, I understood his calling out the coaches in the last two years and being very critical of what they were doing. That was completely warranted.

But he has been all over Shanahan for the Haynesworth issue...an issue that was not of Shanahan's making. I don't think Mitchell should be attacking Shanny for his power play with Haynesworth. That type of leadership has been desparately needed around here for some time.

I love B Mitch, but I think that if he wants to make this team better, then he needs to put on a pair of coaches shorts and take up coaching on the Special Teams. Show Banks exactly what to do and how to be successful in that position.

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I think B. Mitch's heart is in the right place, but he certainly does seem tempermental, doesn't he? As somebody else pointed out, he may have been unusually irritable because Devin Hester is smashing his records.

Bmitch has said on numerous occasions that he actually likes Devin Hester, and normally goes out of his way to praise him, so I'm not sure why people keep bringing that up. And so what if Hester gets more TD's then him, Bmitch still is second all time in total yardage, and Hester isn't touching that.

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Bmitch has said on numerous occasions that he actually likes Devin Hester, and normally goes out of his way to praise him, so I'm not sure why people keep bringing that up. And so what if Hester gets more TD's then him, Bmitch still is second all time in total yardage, and Hester isn't touching that.

True, good point. Why is he so angry then?

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True, good point. Why is he so angry then?

Because we lost. People need to stop reading in between the lines all of the time and just look at things at the face value. He didn't like the way the team was letting opportunity slip through their hands and he didn't like the gameplan against Peyton. He and Trevor and Doc wasn't saying the same thing either. They were saying that the defense shouldn't get blamed for the lost because of the drop interceptions and whatnot. BM was saying that they should get blamed. After that things calmed down and it was a pretty good show.

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I saw it, I think venomous tirade might be a bit of a strong characterization, but he didn't seem to take Doc's playful ribbing in the manner in which it was intended. It was an awkward moment, he seemed to throw off Doc a little by not going with the flow, which is hard to do.

But i don't buy he was just cranky over this specific loss. BMtich's watched this team lose a lot of bad games in recent years, this one wasn't any more or less worse than any of them. It looked like there was some other bug up his behind.

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Gotta be a realist. I'm pissed that they lost. I'm pissed that they've been losing for 15 years. When you finally start doing things the right way you're going to take some lumps. We weren't a great team last year. We weren't even a good team last year. If we played the Colts last year we probably would've been stomped 56-0. BMitch (and some fans) have to realize that this is a work in progress. We're making progress so let's make note of what progress is being made, and what still needs to be done. Getting pissed over progress is pointless.

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the man wants to win and gets angry when the skins dont. god forbid he gets intense about his team
There's nothing wrong with getting mad when your team loses. But, Mitchell needs to grow up and learn how to take a loss. He's is suppose to be a professional. You don't sit there, pout and take your anger out on your colleagues. And that's just what he did last night.
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Gotta be a realist. I'm pissed that they lost. I'm pissed that they've been losing for 15 years. When you finally start doing things the right way you're going to take some lumps. We weren't a great team last year. We weren't even a good team last year. If we played the Colts last year we probably would've been stomped 56-0. BMitch (and some fans) have to realize that this is a work in progress. We're making progress so let's make note of what progress is being made, and what still needs to be done. Getting pissed over progress is pointless.

Those are all good points, but I'm guessing the reason some people are pissed is because we actualy had a chance to win the game. I expected a blowout, and if the Colts had'nt turned the ball over 4 times, it probably would have been, but this team found a way to stay in the game, which is something they would not have done in years past, and that is very encouraging. This team, the way it is currently constucted, was not meant to go from 4-12 to contending for a super bowl overnight, no matter what Bruce Allen or Shanahan say.

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Only 2 years? LOL! How about Dan Snyder's entire ownership?

I didn't catch the Brian Mitchell rage on CSN, but can you really blame the guy? The Redskins as an organization have been a bunch of losers for a very long time now and we're now the laughing stock of the NFL. I'm actually glad BMitch was pissed because I was mad as hell too after we could've won the game. Apparently, a lot of Redskins fans today think it's okay to be mediocre, but that's a losers mentality that starts at the top. Dan Snyder, you fail.

I'm tired of fans having these lofty expectations of superbowls year after year after a few wins. I'm sick of seeing my neighbors and coworkers root for all the other teams EXCEPT the Skins, even though they live here. I'm sick of watching the Redskins barely pull out a win or never dominating the game or never rebuilding a team properly.

Shouldn't we as Skins fans expect more from our players instead of making up excuses for them? Hell, I'm still pissed watching every game and seeing the opposing fans cheer louder than the home crowd a lot of times during the game. You all should be pissed just as much as Brian Mitchell.

The problem is, when the team was 5-11 the previous year and you are starting over yet again with a new head coach who is going to force some roster turnover, you are going to have struggles. Fact is, it was pretty obvious last year that there was going to need to be a lot of work to get decent and one offseason wasn't going to change this team into a dominant football team. The good thing for us is that there isn't a dominant team in the NFC. They are all mediocre this year.

To get what Mitchell wants, we need to stop the revolving door at the head coaching position. Get a plan we can stick with and build something on. For that, everyone needs to have some patience, because great teams are not built overnight. They are built over years of getting the players you need to do what you want to do as a football team.

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B Mitch better watch out or he will be going the way of Steve Czabon as far as being part of the CSN Redskins postgame show. I do generally like listening to what Brian Mitchell has to say but last night he came across more like a mean 'ol drunk and less like a professional sports analyst. He was all over the coaches for not responding to the Colts' no-huddle offense. I only recall one play where the team was subbing and got caught with 12 men on the field. Obviously you don't want any penalties but overall I didn't see anything that the coaches did that was so terrible from a preparation point of view. The coaches can't make interceptions--that was the biggest failure of the defense and if the issue was Haynesworth being inactive, he likely wouldn't have been in for lots of plays when the team was running the 1-4-6 defense anyhow--he wouldn't have been able to handle having to stay on the field for 3 or 4 consecutive no-huddle plays without being gassed and useless. The offense had to play from behind for the last 3 quarters of the game and given the limited talent did an admirable job too so B. Mitch needs to take a bit of oxygen before going camera so he doesn't hyperventilate with his rage. You could see by the look that Doc gave him that he was too over the top.

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I saw it, I think venomous tirade might be a bit of a strong characterization, but he didn't seem to take Doc's playful ribbing in the manner in which it was intended. It was an awkward moment, he seemed to throw off Doc a little by not going with the flow, which is hard to do.

But i don't buy he was just cranky over this specific loss. BMtich's watched this team lose a lot of bad games in recent years, this one wasn't any more or less worse than any of them. It looked like there was some other bug up his behind.

"Venomous tirade" was an exaggeration but then he knew he was on tv so maybe just short of that is about as far as he'd let it get. In any case, I'm with you- this wasn't about the loss. He's just real touchy sometimes and can't handle being challenged in any way. Relax and grow up, B-Mitch. It's just television.

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