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Brian Mitchell's anger last night


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There's nothing wrong with getting mad when your team loses. But, Mitchell needs to grow up and learn how to take a loss. He's is suppose to be a professional. You don't sit there, pout and take your anger out on your colleagues. And that's just what he did last night.

Yeah, he lost his mind last night. I usually like his passion and candor also, but he needs to learn to have some self control.

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I think its just B Mitch's personality. He is just a very fiery individual who gets frustrated easily and speaks his mind. I remember when he was a player he was in somebody's face after every play. The Redskins have been nothing but frustration for us all for many years now so I feel his pain. He just carries his frustration on his sleeve.

I agree alot of what he says but I can't put most of the blame for the Skins shortcomings all on the coaches the way he does. Maybe last year but even then I think there was alot player error that cost us games.

I agree with him if Haynesworth wanted to play he should have. His size and strength alone could have made a difference at least on 3rd downs as Trevor pointed out. Overall I don't feel so bad about the game even though we lost. They showed alot of moxy and I actually thought they were going to at least tie it up when it got down to the 2 minute mark. I hated the play calling on that drive though. I put that one on the coaches.

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Hester didn't break any record. He tied it.

Just imagine what he's gonna do when he breaks it.

Edit- We play the Bears next week. What if he breaks it against us? That would really piss Mitchell off.

I almost hope that Hester scores on a PR, so long as it is the only points the Bears score all day (and they give up more than 7 to us).

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Relevant quote from ****ell

He said that was the feeling he got when he went through town and interacted with fans. The only person he didn't get along with here was Cerrato, and how could you blame him, when you see the bums that he was replaced by. The man retired as a Washington Redskin, if that doesn't tell you where his heart is, then I don't know what will. Every negative thing he's said about the Redskins is no different, and less insulting than the stuff I see in this forum every Sunday after a loss. But I guess some people can't handle truth, they'd rather have some idiot homer spoon feed them garbage that will make them feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Be my guest.

He's as much a fan of this team as you and I, hell I didn't even take the loss as badly as he did, which is sort of the point of this entire thread. Do you really think if he hated this team so much that he'd take time out of his schedule to help mentor Banks on special teams? Jesus christ!

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But I guess some people can't handle truth, they'd rather have some idiot homer spoon feed them garbage that will make them feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Be my guest.

You may be missing the point there. Statements like the one HG28 posted are the problem. He needs to think before he opens his mouth. I also believe he loves this team passionately and we're all used to him trashing them out of love for them. However, to get cross with his coworkers was over the line, just like when he said he felt like he was born an Eagle. Stupid and typical. I said in the first post that I like and respect BMitch. His act though, is wearing thin.

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You may be missing the point there. Statements like the one HG28 posted are the problem. He needs to think before he opens his mouth. I also believe he loves this team passionately and we're all used to him trashing them out of love for them. However, to get cross with his coworkers was over the line, just like when he said he felt like he was born an Eagle. Stupid and typical. I said in the first post that I like and respect BMitch. His act though, is wearing thin.

I agree with you completely, he did get out of control, but there is a big difference between "He's out of control, he needs to chill out" and " He's a *****, he should be dead to all Redskins fans."

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I was so mad last night that my Skins lost so I even didn't watch the post game show.It sounds like he said a few things to his coworkers that he should'nt have said! I agree with you all that he should'nt go on a war path to his coworkers BUT he is the only person one that show that will tell you like it is.Trevor imo is awful on the show and should'nt be on it!! B Mitch yes he sometimes loses it on the show but he is the realest peron on that site and he will tell you just like it is.

Yes he is a huge fan of the Redskins just like we are and you have to keep one thing in mind.He can't just walk away and cool down after the Skins lose like we the fans can.We can walk off or go to another room and cool down but he can't.He has to jump right on the tv and do the post game show so sometimes his emotions get the best of him like last night b/c he did'nt get a chance to cool down.

Im a HUGE B mitch fan and I honestly think he is the best on the show.I don't think I could watch it if he was'nt on the show b/c there would be nothing but ass kissing the owners, team,coachs and players after every Redskins lost.I personally don't want it to be that way b/c I want to hear the reason why we lost and B Mitch is the only one that will say it like it is.

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I didn't get a chance to watch post game last night, but I can say that I'm sick and tired of B. Mitch continuing to stir the pot about the Haynesworth "situation." During Mike Shanahan live today, he was at it again. For whatever reason, Shanahan sat Haynesworth on Sunday. Mitchell and some others need to stop acting like Haynesworth in the game is going to put a finger in the dam. I've never in my life seen one player that some think the whole damn football team revolves around, like they do Haynesworth. He is just a player that has to earn his time like everybody else. For those that say he makes too much money to sit...I say that Shanahan had nothing to do with that, and he should not be obligated to play him just because the last moron, gave him an absolutely ridiculous contract

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I would rather Haynesworth sit the whole damn season, and we lose every game for the rest of the year, then for Shanahan to give an INCH and put him in if he has not earned it. I don't give a **** how "talented" people think he is.

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My only real experience with Brian Mitchell was when he rudely bumped by me while I was walking into FedEx. He turned around to see who he hit, mumbled something under his breath, gave an angry stare, and kept walking. I may or may not have shouted an expletive at him.

Honestly, I think he's just an angry guy.

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Those are all good points, but I'm guessing the reason some people are pissed is because we actualy had a chance to win the game. I expected a blowout, and if the Colts had'nt turned the ball over 4 times, it probably would have been, but this team found a way to stay in the game, which is something they would not have done in years past, and that is very encouraging. This team, the way it is currently constucted, was not meant to go from 4-12 to contending for a super bowl overnight, no matter what Bruce Allen or Shanahan say.

I hate the word if. If the Colts hadn't turned the ball over 4 times. Here are some more ifs. If the Redskins don't drop 3 sure interceptions the Redskins blow out the Colts, if McNabb doesn't under throw on the last play the Redskins win. Why do fans come on here & everytime we beat or play a close game with a good team the "IF" squad gets to work making excuses for the other team. Besides I have a correction for you the proper statement is "If the Redskins hadn't caused 4 turnovers then the game might have been a blowout."

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I didn't get a chance to watch post game last night, but I can say that I'm sick and tired of B. Mitch continuing to stir the pot about the Haynesworth "situation." During Mike Shanahan live today, he was at it again. For whatever reason, Shanahan sat Haynesworth on Sunday. Mitchell and some others need to stop acting like Haynesworth in the game is going to put a finger in the dam. I've never in my life seen one player that some think the whole damn football team revolves around, like they do Haynesworth. He is just a player that has to earn his time like everybody else. For those that say he makes too much money to sit...I say that Shanahan had nothing to do with that, and he should not be obligated to play him just because the last moron, gave him an absolutely ridiculous contract

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I would rather Haynesworth sit the whole damn season, and we lose every game for the rest of the year, then for Shanahan to give an INCH and put him in if he has not earned it. I don't give a **** how "talented" people think he is.

For the Record I blame Haynesworth for the mess because he started it. But having said that Shannahan has made the situation worse. Haynesworth didn't show up when he was suppose to & that made Shannahan mad & rightfully so, but Shannahan needs to off his vendetta against Haynesworth because it isn't helping the team. Either play the man or trade him but stop the silly childish games.

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I hate the word if. If the Colts hadn't turned the ball over 4 times. Here are some more ifs. If the Redskins don't drop 3 sure interceptions the Redskins blow out the Colts, if McNabb doesn't under throw on the last play the Redskins win.

I could care less whether you hate it or not, the fact is that we couldn't stop them until it was too late. And as far as your useless "correction" is concerned, a turnover is a turnover, whether its forced or not. I was actually paying the team a compliment in that post. We forced 4 turnovers sure, but we should've forced 7, and you're right, we can play the "If" game all we want, but it doesn't matter, they won, we lost. And considering that we forced some of those turnovers in the redzone, I'm pretty sure that if we hadn't, we would've been blown out, because in case you didn't notice, they were carving us up all game, and we literally had no answer for the no huddle attack.

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