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Litchensteiger's play vs. the Packers


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I didn't get a chance to watch the game too closely, but on the replays I saw him dodge his defender several times. Sometimes your man will beat you, this was something else entirely. He acted as though the whole thing was new to him. He practices against an agressive 3-4 for pete's sake!

I suppose its unfair to single out a lineman when our line seemed so porous, but I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.

While I'm at it, I'm curious to see a breakdown of how our linemen played as individuals and who played what, where.....

I suppose I should have titled the thread Who, what, when, where, why and how for the o-line.

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The interior line was just a sieve today. Raji will be an all-pro NT one day but still.

Rabach and Lichensteiger were struggling. Hicks was AWFUL today. Really, really bad day for Hicks.

Could've really used Dock in there today.

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Yeah, I was really missing Dock today. Especially when Hicks and Heyer had to move to tackle and we had will montgomery playing guard. Dockery is a starting caliber guard. Maybe he doesn't work for our scheme but you gotta figure he's worth activating as a back up instead of will montgomery. Guess they like Montgomery in case Rabach goes down.

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Rabach usually struggles when he has to deal with a lineman who is playing head-up on him, particularly when that lineman is a big NT. He's excellent working in tandem with his guards and in calling out protections, so we just have to deal with it until someone better comes along.

Lichtensteiger seemed to keep getting caught in the same bad situation where he followed a man to the inside that Rabach would pick up and got caught blocking no one while another defensive player hit the spot that Lichtensteiger vacated and got through the line to McNabb with ease.

Didn't really see too much of what Hicks was doing.

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Lich just looked confused all day. The Packers throw some pretty complicated blitzes and he just wasn't picking them up at all. It didn't help that Rabach had to go up against a powerful NT in Raji who is basically a Jay Ratliff clone. Hicks also stunk up the joint. Lich's run blocking last week was pretty good though so I do have hope in him, he's young and will hopefully learn from this experience.

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Lichtensteiger seemed to keep getting caught in the same bad situation where he followed a man to the inside that Rabach would pick up and got caught blocking no one while another defensive player hit the spot that Lichtensteiger vacated and got through the line to McNabb with ease.

THIS. It's not like he was standing around or anything, but c'mon... at least keep an eye out for a rusher heading for the large hole you just created. In his defense, as someone mentioned earlier, Rabach does need help vs. NTs.

Did Heyer play at RT for part of the game? If so, I could see Hicks being in a tough spot... help the dude who sucks against NTs, or help the Tackle that holds all the time.

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Licht___ got pwned today. He was beat on I would say 60-70% of his plays... Casay was often man-handled.... Hicks was beat a few times... Trent had trouble early but settled down...

someone said it above... the interior got killed.....Heyer surprisingly didn't pretty well... on both sides... (NOW, most of the plays Clay Matthews wasn't in...)

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Licht___ got pwned today. He was beat on I would say 60-70% of his plays... Casay was often man-handled.... Hicks was beat a few times... Trent had trouble early but settled down...

someone said it above... the interior got killed.....Heyer surprisingly didn't pretty well... on both sides... (NOW, most of the plays Clay Matthews wasn't in...)

This^^^ The line as a whole is not good, but in the interior is the weak link -- absolutely horrible.

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Lichtensteiger really seemed to have some issues yesterday. I won't pretend to be an authority on the zone blocking scheme, but Dockery couldn't be as bad as Lichtensteiger was.

Lichtensteiger was completely out of football last year. And if I understand correctly, it wasn't an injury situation. And this is the starting guard? Going into next season, we're going to be in the same boat as this year when it comes to replacing linemen. Instead of finding a guard and tackle, we'll need to find a guard and center. And with limited picks, we wont be able to get better 3-4 personnel, so we'll be singing the same song this point next year.

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as thin as we are at O-Line, there is really no justification, short of injury, for Dockery being inactive

not really sure what Shanahan was thinking on that one

Dockery can only back up LG, whereas Montgomery can backup LG, C, RG. Not saying I agree, but that was his thinking.

And yeah Kory got his butt kicked. Not that he was beaten, he just seemed to not know who to block. Many times they blitzed up the middle and he let BOTH guys by him, not touching either one! SMH

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Lichtensteiger really seemed to have some issues yesterday. I won't pretend to be an authority on the zone blocking scheme, but Dockery couldn't be as bad as Lichtensteiger was.

Lichtensteiger was completely out of football last year. And if I understand correctly, it wasn't an injury situation. And this is the starting guard? Going into next season, we're going to be in the same boat as this year when it comes to replacing linemen. Instead of finding a guard and tackle, we'll need to find a guard and center. And with limited picks, we wont be able to get better 3-4 personnel, so we'll be singing the same song this point next year.

How come we can question this Shanny decision and not the DT decision?

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I agree. This guy was horrible all game long. He missed more blocks than Heyer on his worst days. They blitzed through his hole all game long. I don't understand what Shanny sees in him.

But in Kory's defense, we didn't have a big play taken back because he was holding, as is normally the case with Heyer.

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Our o-line as a unit just didn't seem to be on the same page yesterday. Anytime you let people in untouched repeatedly, to me shows miscommunication and inability to read the defense. Lich seems to have played pretty well this season (minus this week), but I just have trouble believing Dock can't make his way on the field, truly baffles me.

To have a starting caliber guard inactive, would make one think we have great depth. Seeing that our running game is non-existent and our pass blocking is at times Spurrieresque, you can't help but question the decision making and offensive coaching.

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