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ABC News: Year After Obama Won Nobel, World Looks for Signs of Peace


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Many went home only to go to Afghanistan shortly after. This president has nothing to do with "peace". He's no different from Bush in foreign policy.

Sadly, that was one area where I even grabbed onto the "Hope and Change" mantra. I should have known better

Well, he promised to ramp up Afghanistan. He said that repeatedly during the campaign. Where he's bummed me out is his decisions to continue the torture, and secret prison stuff. I think he let down the American spirit there. Continuance of the wiretapping and other liberty bending practices also makes me unhappy.

I think he has held as true to his Iraq pledge as was realistically possible and I give him some credit there, but there's still a lot of room to be critical.

Edit: And again, you'll never hear me say that he deserved the Nobel Prize based on his first few weeks in office or what he did during the campaign. That's just silly. I'm all for adding prestige to the U.S. and having another American with this award is all to the good, but it's a pretty hollow prize.

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Well, he promised to ramp up Afghanistan. He said that repeatedly during the campaign. Where he's bummed me out is his decisions to continue the torture, and secret prison stuff. I think he let down the American spirit there. Continuance of the wiretapping and other liberty bending practices also makes me unhappy.

I think he has held as true to his Iraq pledge as was realistically possible and I give him some credit there, but there's still a lot of room to be critical.

Edit: And again, you'll never hear me say that he deserved the Nobel Prize based on his first few weeks in office or what he did during the campaign. That's just silly. I'm all for adding prestige to the U.S. and having another American with this award is all to the good, but it's a pretty hollow prize.

He hasnt held true to his Iraq pledge at all. There are 50,000 exhibits of evidence there right now.

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. Where he's bummed me out is his decisions to continue the torture, and secret prison stuff. I think he let down the American spirit there. Continuance of the wiretapping and other liberty bending practices also makes me unhappy.


Wait.... I thought those were his redeeming qualities.

No wonder he is tanking in approval

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Ghandi never got one, Arafat did. That's beyond ****ed up.

I just don't understand that. No one has ever been able to explain this to me.

But, I can commit to this: the Nobel Peace Prize means nothing. Absolutely nothing. It might as well be made out of chocolate.

Actually, that would be pretty kick ass.

Edit: realized how foolish one statement I made was. Still, How does Arafat get one and Ghandi not get one?

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I think this is a bad sign


Duck, Mr President! A book narrowly misses Barack Obama's head after it is thrown on stage during a rally in Philadelphia today

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1319448/Obama-book-thrown-Philadelphia-rally.html#ixzz121CAdpsY


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FIrst of all, Obama's peace prize was for defeating Bush. Period.

Second, Obama has acted responsibly for the good of the nation. I applaud him for that.

He defeated who???:doh:

He has acted responsibly for the good of the nation???? another :doh:

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Since winning the Ghandi prize: (Might as well rename it now)

Military Death Toll Rises in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com

A US drone strike killed seven militants at a compound in Pakistan's tribal North Waziristan region 10/10/10, security officials said.- Yahoo

(A pre-emptive war?)

Ran the Iraqi war quite well with a mere 50,000 combat troops renamed Trainers.

Obama's illegal prison in cuba is horrible

Obama Maintains Bush Position on 'Extraordinary Rendition' Lawsuit - The Huffington Post

Some secret prisons better than others...

How could you not get a Peace prize....

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Sorry, I do not buy that at all.

Using that logic had McCain won he would have gotten the NPP for defeating Bush? I highly doubt that...

i don't think he was SUPPORTING the logic in the first statement, per se, simply stating the apparent motivation there. the rest of the word HATED w, and gave O a prize because of it.

I personally agree with the second statement.

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  • 2 years later...
Yep, Peace President doin all that "peacy stuff" again.


US to leave 10,000 troops in Afghanistan past 2014

This force will conduct training and counterterrorism operations after the NATO mission in Afghanistan formally concludes at the end of 2014, the report said.

Oh the horror. :rolleyes:

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