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Anyone else concerned about McNabb running out?


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Yea it was a mental lapse by Donovan.....I immediately said "woah buddy stay in bounds", but I'm glad he didn't get hit, especially after what happened to Vick. McNabb did play poorly in the 2nd half, but I'll take a win when it counts every time. Just ask the Bengals or Colts lol

Overall I'm not overly worried, not because I wanna excuse McNabb, but because I don't see the point of stressing our win too much. Just like the Cowboys game, people are saying we didn't deserve to win this game. You would have thought the Eagles EVER had control of the game....

I said in another thread that I watched all of McNabb's games last year after we traded for him. From what I saw, that is how I grew to embrace him...in addition to more research on him. Trust me when I say this was one of his worst games, more specifically worst half.....but it was great to see that the game wasn't rested all on his shoulders. That says plenty about how much the team looks toward him as a leader and it says plenty about the coaching staff. Anyway...let's get ready for the Packers game this weekend, we can't focus too much on this so let's put this behind us

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How do you know that it wasn't a blown route by Fred Davis? From the garbage that we've seen from Davis so far this year, I certainly wouldn't rule that out.

Davis was targeted ONCE and that pass was early in the game and incomplete. Try to pay attention and stick with the rest of the class, will you?

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Avant almost caught that hail mary at the end of the game. It was in his hands and he just dropped it. That's how close we came to losing. If McNabb slides and keeps the clock going, it never gets that far. HELL YES that concerned me.

I like McNabb. But he is prone to some boneheaded plays sometimes. He started strong and had some other good moments, but today was NOT a good day for him.

Carlos Rogers had that interception in his hands but he just dropped it. That's how close we came to not even being put into that last play!

A football game is very intense and fast. It was a bad decision not to slide and keep the clock running, but it was a great decision to run and even get the first down in the first place.

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I'm more concerned with people on here nitpicking every play that didn't go exactly right instead of celebrating the win.

No, the play doesn't 'concern' me because likely it will be pointed out by the coaches to McNabb when they review that he should've stayed inbounds there. Case closed.

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I'm more concerned with people on here nitpicking every play that didn't go exactly right instead of celebrating the win.

No, the play doesn't 'concern' me because likely it will be pointed out by the coaches to McNabb when they review that he should've stayed inbounds there. Case closed.

Yea...I can only hope we crush the Packers so that we can actually celebrate properly...we were expected to lose this game and we came out swinging and won. We'll improve as we go along and mistakes happen so that you can correct them.

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He had a man coming in on him from the direction he would have had to slide to stay inbounds.

I find no fault with what he did.

Damn the nit-picking!

This. There were four Eagles defenders closing on McNabb on that play from various angles, including Quintin Mickell, the Eagles SS, who definitely would have put a hit on McNabb had Donovan stayed inbounds. McNabb had just run over 25 yards (his scramble began from about the 14 yard line and he was nearing the 40 yard line) and had felt some tweak in his left groin, so rather than take a big hit (sliding was not an option at that point), he stepped out.

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This is the same Mc5 that didn't know about games tying at the end of overtime. It did get us 3 more downs to bleed the clock, but like a previous poster said the game winning catch was dropped by the eagles on the last play.

Actually the refs told him in that game that there would be another quarter if time ran out. I'm not saying he shouldn't have known otherwise, just that he got bad information and perhaps had never been in an OT game that made it that far with the clock.

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McNabb is catching the same disease that every Redskin player gets. It's a condition that causes you to make bad decisions in the 4th quarter when the opponent still has some life left in them and our team starts to sputter. Heyer showed it yesterday, Rogers showed it by dropping an INT that would have helped ease the drama of another last minute decision. Now McNabb is showing it (though to be fair, he sometimes did the same as an Eagle).

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With about 3 minutes left, mcnabb scrambled for a first down and instead of taking the easy slide inbounds that would take the clock close to the 2 minute warning, he jogs out of bounds...It wasn't a smart football play, anyone else care about it when it happened like I did?

Sooooooo, let me get this right. At about ten after one in the morning, several hours after the game, a win by the way because of McNabb, you come on here to talk smack about Donnie!!!! You 20 year old son of a biscuit. 3 words 4 U

match dot com Oh, make it four words cause I am officially adding a word to the end. guy.

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With about 3 minutes left, mcnabb scrambled for a first down and instead of taking the easy slide inbounds that would take the clock close to the 2 minute warning, he jogs out of bounds...It wasn't a smart football play, anyone else care about it when it happened like I did?

Yeah that was a bonehead move and suprised the hell out of me!

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I like McNabb. But he is prone to some boneheaded plays sometimes. He started strong and had some other good moments, but today was NOT a good day for him.

If you're looking for king of the boneheaded play, look no further than mike Sellers. God I love the guy for being such a hardworker and dedicated Redskin all these years, but you can NOT count on him for a heads up play or needing a play in the clutch.

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McNabb just said on his show on 980 that he knew that he had made a mistake and that he should have found a way to go down in bounds, but that he felt a twinge in his quad so did not slide because he thought he might aggravate it.

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