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Anyone else concerned about McNabb running out?


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McNabb just said on his show on 980 that he knew that he had made a mistake and that he should have found a way to go down in bounds, but that he felt a twinge in his quad so did not slide because he thought he might aggravate it.

This and to be exact...

McNabb on ESPN980 as to why he didn't slide: "There was a situation; I grabbed my quad."

More McNabb on the run: "I've got to get down and stay in bounds; a mistake on my part." #Redskins

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If McNabb stayed upright and got out of bounds to avoid injury, there was nothing boneheaded about it at whatsoever. If he had injured a groin or quad, you can bet we'd be discussing something a lot more serious today.

The thread implies that Portis falling and McNabb running out were signs of weakness or apathy, which I think couldn't be further from the truth. Just take Ryan Torain as a counterexample. He was running with heart and fire... or as the U2 song goes, Desiiiiiiiiiire.

I'll take McNabb over JC any day of the week and especially on Sundays. He can run out of bounds whenever he fees necessary for all I care.

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This is what I believe happened.

McNabb knew he was delivering a backbreaking blow to the Eagles and was really excited about it. You can see him pointing at the sidelines and fans in exuberance. He was sticking it to them.

In the excitement, he forgot he should keep the clock running by sliding until the end of the run. He grabs his quad so he can attribute it to injury and draw attention away from the mental lapse. Athletes do this all the time. Blow a layup and they'l look shake their hand so they can say it was hurting.

This is what I thibnk happened and its possible that if these types of plays continue, it will eventually come back and haunt us. But its real easy to say what an NFL player should have done on the field in a crucial moment of the game from our oh so precarious positions in the stands, on our couches or at our tables, behind our computer screens. We are not the ones out there playing, getting hit, trucked and literally running for our lives.

We won. That's all I'm focusing on now.

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Only thing that concerned me was that he starting holding his groin a little bit. Could he have slid and stayed in bounds? Yes, but I felt pretty comfortable we had the game won when he got that first.

Im with ya. I went from "great run, but why the hell did you go out of bounds", to "Awwww sh%t he just pulled his groin". Huge relief to see he wasnt hurt.

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Give the guy a break. When was the last time you slid feet first while being chased? He looked a little gimpy to me before the play. I think he ducked out of bounds because that is a heck of a lot easier on the legs and back, especially if you are in pain.

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McNabb running out of bounds bothered me but not as much as the false start on Heyer on 2nd and 2. I can't believe we are even talking about this play when it resulted a 1st down on third and long. Great play possible bad decision but it wasn't even close to the worse play on that drive. Talk about Heyer screwing up and then you have something to be concerned about. How about on 2nd and goal against Houston with a chance to close out that game Heyer gets a false start and we end up having the FG blocked. To me we should be talking about these constant false starts at important times in games.

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McNabb running out of bounds bothered me but not as much as the false start on Heyer on 2nd and 2.

The difference is we aren't counting on Stephon Heyer to lead this team for the next couple of years, or really even start in anything other than an emergency situation. Heyer screwed up, he screws up all the time. That's why he's a backup. I was pissed at him, moreso than McNabb running out of bounds, but I don't have the same level of expectation.

If McNabb had been smart on that play, he would have kneeled as soon as he was a yard past the first down marker. Instead he ran for another 10 yards then "had" to run out of bounds. I'd have liked to have seen the smart play there, but given that he played such a big role in winning the game, it's forgivable. I just hope he doesn't do it again in a similar situation.

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McNabb running out of bounds bothered me but not as much as the false start on Heyer on 2nd and 2. I can't believe we are even talking about this play when it resulted a 1st down on third and long. Great play possible bad decision but it wasn't even close to the worse play on that drive. Talk about Heyer screwing up and then you have something to be concerned about. How about on 2nd and goal against Houston with a chance to close out that game Heyer gets a false start and we end up having the FG blocked. To me we should be talking about these constant false starts at important times in games.

Dude...Heyer has costed us at LEAST the Texans game...and I'm being generous there. We could have extended the lead in the Eagles game if he hadn't committed a hold near the goal line. Smh...I'm sure Trent will mess up now and then but man...Heyer does it at the worst possible time, almost like he does it on purpose

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Yes, I literally **** my pants and yelled why the hell he didn't slide in bounds to keep the clock running. My husband started arguing with me, which only pissed me off more. Fortunately, the argument ended in a me "shut the hell up, you don't know what the hell you are talking about, please go outside and play in traffic now." Then him saying " oh, I though you guys were behind." I think I am banishing him to his room for the rest of these games because I can't handle him watching them with me with his irrelevant comments. Plus, he was rooting for McCoy and the Eagles D/ST for his Fantasy Football league which pissed me off more.

Regardless of that, stupid play, mental lapse. Oh well. But I was ticked at the time.

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Yes, I literally **** my pants and yelled why the hell he didn't slide in bounds to keep the clock running. My husband started arguing with me, which only pissed me off more. Fortunately, the argument ended in a me "shut the hell up, you don't know what the hell you are talking about, please go outside and play in traffic now." Then him saying " oh, I though you guys were behind." I think I am banishing him to his room for the rest of these games because I can't handle him watching them with me with his irrelevant comments. Plus, he was rooting for McCoy and the Eagles D/ST for his Fantasy Football league which pissed me off more.

Regardless of that, stupid play, mental lapse. Oh well. But I was ticked at the time.

How can you even stay married to that guy? :silly:

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