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Why Was Danny Smith Allowed To Keep A Job? The all things Danny Smith Thread(Merged & M.E.T.)


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Typically, I would say let the Head Coach make the decision of who he wants on his staff.

Unfortunately, Danny has been with the Skins for quite some time, and during that time his Special Teams have been subpar year after year after year. We have yet to block a kick, take a kick return to the house, and often times our kick and punt coverage is pathetic and gives opponents a great field position.

it's about time we change, and make our special teams relevant. To make our team competitive we do need a solid Special Teams.


Please fire Danny Smith.


Uhm, we have blocked a kick. In fact, we've done it a bunch of times. We even did it this season against the Giants.

And we have returned kicks. Banks did it last year. Cartwright did it in 06 I believe and would've had another in 07 (if I'm not mistaken) had he not pulled his hammy on the way to the endzone.

Oh, and that was just a disgustingly false statement about our coverage. The one thing Danny does consistently well is coach good coverage teams.

Another classic example of negative nancy crap on ES. You could only see the bad, never the good. I'm not saying Danny has done a perfect job by any means, but those statements are sickening to see as they're incredibly one-sided.

At least Bang can bring some semblance of balance to his rants against Danny and even made a thread praising him this season.

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Uhm, we have blocked a kick. In fact, we've done it a bunch of times. We even did it this season against the Giants.

And we have returned kicks. Banks did it last year. Cartwright did it in 06 I believe and would've had another in 07 (if I'm not mistaken) had he not pulled his hammy on the way to the endzone.

Oh, and that was just a disgustingly false statement about our coverage. The one thing Danny does consistently well is coach good coverage teams.

Another classic example of negative nancy crap on ES. You could only see the bad, never the good. I'm not saying Danny has done a perfect job by any means, but those statements are sickening to see as they're incredibly one-sided.

At least Bang can bring some semblance of balance to his rants against Danny and even made a thread praising him this season.

There is only one consistent good, and it's kickoffcoverage.

It's all a consistent truth that we've routinely been one of the teams that kicks off the fewest numbers of times every year.

To me a Negative Nancy is someone wanting everyone canned after every mistake... or someone making undue or uneducated criticisms (the QB shoiuld be able to throw with five guys draped on him! He's fired!)

This is MANY years in coming, The problems are consistent.

I did make a thread this year saying that things were getting better,, then it went right back in the crapper and we've had another typical sloppy season on special teams.

I'd like to not just pile on,, I'd love to hear a list of the positives for discussion.

I believe I made that thread because I was steadily becoming more impressed with Gano, and if I'm going to pile on Danny for Gano's shortcomings, i better give some credit when he gets better. So i do.. but.. as I've laid out above, even though I am firmly in Gano's corner here at season's end.. it just isn't enough for Smith.

The one positive I keep hearing is kickoff coverage. And it's a fact that we do it less than most everyone else. We have have had more than a handful of games in which we only kick off one or two times. We got shut out this year.

Punt coverage before Rocca has not been anything to base good job performance on. Before Rocca, we average about 34 yards per punt in the previous six years. (including a wasted fourth round pick on a punter who's now out of the NFL, and made fun of our special teams practice habits when he was in Green Bay.)

If someone wants to stand on kickoff return coverage, then they simply cannot ignore the kicks out of bounds. They cannot ignore the meddling idiocy that it takes to ignore your excellent coverages and risk the costliest (by yards) penalty in the ENTIRE sport. And they cannot ignore that he did this 9 times this year, and six of them resulted in a kick out of bounds, which resulted in field position for guys like Tom Brady. (TD 2 plays later)

(This is my unofficial count. Of the other 3, 2 were touchbacks, easily accomplished by kicking deep and avoiding the potntial penalty, and one worked, vs the Cowboys. we pinned them deep, then gave them the field position back by holding on the subesequent punt.)

To me this is among the most damning criticism. He has one thing that his teams can consistently do well, and he keeps trying to re-design the wheel. It costs us dearly.


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Most will be unhappy about this tweet from TK

TKextremeskins TK

Seems like Danny Smith's job is safe. Someone else may not be...

51 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

If anyone is getting the axe wrt the coaching staff i have two suggestions.

1. Chris Forrester o-line coach. 41 sacks against, bottom third of the league in all rushing categories. I know he's got subpar talent but remember what Bugel did with a **** line towards the end.

2. Bob Slowick d-backs coach. Only 13 interceptions on the year.

I obviously have no knowledge of the situation but just throwing it out there.

RWJ, where are you at in WV?

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*Is pushing and shoving people to get to the table to sign Bang's petition.* People have been banging this war drum for quite some time. I really hope the blocked kick in the last game of the year pisses Shanny off something fierce so something is finally done. How could our special teams perform any worse. How? Are we going to have 10 kicks blocked next year? More kickoff out of play penalties? More bonehead game changing penalties? It's sad that Id almost rather eliminate our chances of failure and just start fair catching every kick. That's the only way those guys won't get penalties.... oh wait, they hold on fair catches too lol. If Mike and Bruce really know how to evaluate things, i really can't see how they keep Danny Smith on board.

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I'm not voting for or against this. Not my job.

But, if we do let him go, who would be a candidate for his job? Is there anybody we could get who would be better? If so, who might we look at?

I would suggest pretty much any living mammal, preferably human, but that isn't necessary in order to improve.


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If anyone is getting the axe wrt the coaching staff i have two suggestions.

1. Chris Forrester o-line coach. 41 sacks against, bottom third of the league in all rushing categories. I know he's got subpar talent but remember what Bugel did with a **** line towards the end.

2. Bob Slowick d-backs coach. Only 13 interceptions on the year.

I can see Forester getting the boot too. Maybe Tom Cable will come into play for our OL if he's available. I live in Weston, WV. I was born in Fairfax, VA so that's home. I was stationed in Anchorage from 86 till 88.

I obviously have no knowledge of the situation but just throwing it out there.

RWJ, where are you at in WV?

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Bang. I've got nothing but respect for you. But, for you to single out Smith like you are is slightly over the top. If he was bad as you say he is why would Shanny keep him? My guess is the "All 22" is telling the story. I'm guessing that the film doesn't lie and does indeed show weaknesses in the talent and not the coaching. The way you are singling out Smith can be said about the whole team from the OL to the secondary. Teams is the least of our worries.

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1. Chris Forrester o-line coach

2. Bob Slowick d-backs coach

You know Raheem Morris got canned today along with the entire "assistant staff." RM played safety in college. He was not only a D-coordinator (at K State) before being a HC in TB, but he did just about anything/everything for the defense in TB. Including the Bucs D-Backs coach prior to being HC. He gets players' respect.

Could be a good year for getting lots of coaches and players on the rebound.

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Aren't we the ONLY NFL team, not to have a KR or PR run back for a TD against?

This is just not a good idea, imo.

OK, so they didn't give up six.

they gave up 30 due to missed kicks and blocked kicks.

There's a good tradeoff.

I'd be glad to take my chances on giving up one kickoff or one punt per year so long as my field goal percentage was , oh, i don't know,,ranked in the top half of the league just once in seven years. Just 16th or better. that would be all.

But instead we miss more field goals than almost anyone. Dead last in FG% in 4 of the last 7 years. Dead LAST. How many points is that?

Last year we missed 11 for various reasons. Rookie kicker. Bad snaps. Botched holds, blocks. This year we missed 10.

There's 63 points. To equal this we'd have had to give up ten return TDs.

If this unit gave up 6 kickoffs in a season for touchdowns, you'd be screaming for his head.

Six blocked kicks are just as bad, if not worse.

If a team returns a kickoff, odds are it's because we just scored. It hurts, and it can be a real stunner.

If a team blocks a field goal, it's a KILLER. No points. Wasted drive. Wasted time.

Special teams are not just defense.

Special teams must score when the opportunity presents itself. It is often the difference between a win and a loss, and added up can easily be the difference between a playoff berth or a golf trip in January.

I'm confident Gano can score when called upon. He has a big leg, and his confidence was good this year. (he missed 4 on his own.. but perfection is too much to expect.)

I'm not confident his coach can fix the problem of blocks... or more truthfully, i'm out of patience to see if he can.


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You know Raheem Morris got canned today along with the entire "assistant staff." RM played safety in college. He was not only a D-coordinator (at K State) before being a HC in TB, but he did just about anything/everything for the defense in TB. Including the Bucs D-Backs coach prior to being HC. He gets players' respect.

Could be a good year for getting lots of coaches and players on the rebound.

I could def handle Raheem Morris coaching up the back half. Wonder if he'd accept it though going from HC to position coach?

I know Carlos didn't want to be here and all but he seems to be doing well in SF, and Dhall stinking it up this season. I keep wondering if it's been the tutelage our secondary is turrible, or if it's been the player combo's.

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Bang. I've got nothing but respect for you. But, for you to single out Smith like you are is slightly over the top. If he was bad as you say he is why would Shanny keep him? My guess is the "All 22" is telling the story. I'm guessing that the film doesn't lie and does indeed show weaknesses in the talent and not the coaching. The way you are singling out Smith can be said about the whole team from the OL to the secondary. Teams is the least of our worries.

Because Shanny doesn't do special teams. He doesn't do defense either, he counts on Has for that, and Danny for teams.

No, the way Danny is singled out is not just like the whole team or Oline or secondary or whatever. The personnel for FG blocking was clearly bad early and never fixed. Or even attempted to be fixed, it was the same guys getting run over every time. The kicks kept going out of bound, resulting in quick scores for the other team, and this continued. No attempt at a fix. Blocks in the back and holds happen to everyone, but again, seemingly no attempt to discipline guys, and based on the other problems-the insane way of doing these teams plays the SAME WAY over and over with no adjustment, resulting in failure...it's not hard to guess Danny's not whipping these guys into shape or even suggesting they please don't block in the back on the other side of the field.

The interaction on the sideline looks weak. Matter of fact, he's always standing next to Shanny (camera hog). He does a stupid little huddle with the team before a teams play with a generic rah rah thing. How about say "NO ****ING HOLDS".

The things describes above/in this thread... the blocked FGs, the kicks out of bounds... are NOT NORMAL. Should NOT be just brushed off like it's every other teams' problem, too. It's not. And there's no ****ing excuse, for a SPECIAL TEAMS COACH, to be given this much room for error. Some people want Shanny gone already. HEAD COACHES are axed for MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH LESS!!!!! Why is Danny Smith allowed to have one of the most penalized special teams, who also allowed league high blocks, and probably league high kicks out of bounds. Why are we dissecting it and looking at Gano, and Sellers, and Alexander, when in the real NFL world, the coach is gone after such things, no room for bull****.

I think it's because, like I said, Shanny doesn't know/do special teams. The players like him, and he's been here awhile, so he kept him. Why he'll keep him this year I can only guess is because there's no one else, or at least no one he feels would make an immediate improvement. But I don't get it. Again, a TEAM COACH is allowed to have this kind of production, and a head coach is canned for half as much...

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There is only one consistent good, and it's kickoffcoverage.

It's all a consistent truth that we've routinely been one of the teams that kicks off the fewest numbers of times every year.

To me a Negative Nancy is someone wanting everyone canned after every mistake... or someone making undue or uneducated criticisms (the QB shoiuld be able to throw with five guys draped on him! He's fired!)



Bang, I was responding to mi6 who made three blatantly wrong statements of Danny's ST tenure here. He said we've never blocked a kick (wrong), never ran back a kickoff (wrong) and have had poor coverage teams (wrong again). If that's not being a negative nancy, not sure what is, lol.

I understand your points and don't want to go back and forth like we've done before about it. :)

I think my position is clear and stands on firm ground, namely that Danny must be given the same amount of leeway the other coaches are being given. I can't agree with the suggestion that he's been around for longer than the other guys and the same issues creep up; simply because he's had it the worse out of everyone before due to just how bad the depth on our team was which makes up the majority of ST players. The logic is simple: if we all agree our depth has been porous since Danny has been here (I think that goes without saying), and we all agree that ST is made up of depth players (that goes without saying as well), then Danny's coaching must be given a ton of benefit of the doubt for much of his stay here.

Granted, he should've done much better this year considering we've built better depth (which is why I'm on the fence about him right now a bit and don't know how I feel towards him anymore), but I'd give him one more year if I were Shanahan to see what he can do and if the same stuff happens again I wouldn't hesitate to let him go. Let his team grow like we're allowing with the other coaches. We've already seen growth from Gano as well as Sundberg (who was just plain awful as a long snapper last year and contributed to most of Gano's misses). He finally got a great punter in Rocca and now, suddenly, we're a great punting team.

You can point to guys like Sellers and Lorenzo all you want as being consistent pieces, and therefore, condemning Danny for their mistakes... but those guys are the exceptions and I believe they don't commit nearly the amount of penalties as you suggest. Those guys are actually the consistent ones, which is actually an argument for Danny, not against. The guys consistently committing penalties are the gunners (who are almost always new WRs/DBs we just added to the team) or rookie LBs (Riley committed a bunch of costly ones last season).

In fact, it may be prudent for us to go back and see exactly who committed the penalties and how consistently. I don't recall Lorenzo being a part of many, nor Sellers. I may be wrong.

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