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TBD.com - Two brothers fight off carjackers. PG County cops beat up brothers and kill their dog.


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I hope you don't or never own a dog.

I like pets, have had them in the past growing up. I don't want anymore. I loved my pets. But humans nowadays seem to put them up on a pedalstool. Just because I don't value a dogs life to a humans (I know a human did not die in this situation) doesn't mean I haven't been a good pet owner. FWIW, I think the cops in PG county have been overeacting to perceived dangerous dogs and have been unnecessarily shooting them without cause. It IS a shame. My point was, nobody in this thread gave two shakes about the cops beating down the owners of the dogs or that they almost got jacked.

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Here's a more recent story with a few more updates http://www.gazette.net/stories/09242010/prinnew103218_32557.php Sounds like the carjackers were trying to steal his 1996 Crown Vic :rolleyes: So the one brother runs inside and grabs his shotgun, and chases the guys away. The police responded to the reports of gunfire and an armed man roaming around, then arrived before the brothers report of a carjacking reached them. They order everybody to get down on the ground while they figure out what's going on. Evidently there was some resistance by at least one of the brothers who figured since he was a victim, he was now above the law, and gave a quote later "I didn't feel the need to get on the ground." So there you go. These guys acted like big tools when the officers arrived. And predictably, the dog is said to have been perfectly innocent, not even growling, sitting patiently in the yard, according to the brothers and their friends. Then an officer just went and shot him, for no reason, according to these pillars of society who owned the dog. Never mind the fact that additional shots fired would raise the danger and the tension in an already tense situation. Never mind the mountain of paperwork and investigation that comes with firing your weapon and killing ANYTHING. They want us to believe the officer just went and executed the dog who was just peacefully watching the whole thing.

I tend to believe there was at least some plausible sign of the dog being upset and charging,much more than the other side who claims he was an angel. What kind of dog wouldn't get upset when his owner is getting roughed up? I mean it's kind of understandable the dog would try to get into the action. Unfortunate, though. If the owners hadn't felt they were too good to listen to the cops, all they would've done is take a statement and everybody would've been happy. They might not have even had the house searched to discover the illegal sawed off shotgun.

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Cops don't just kill dogs for the fun of it people......

"Cops" are a group of people. I can promise you individuals do all sorts of terrible ****.

Consider this: I'm sure you'd say for example "cops don't shoot innocent 93 year old women and then accuse her of shooting at them" but... they did:

What they said at the time:

Three undercover Atlanta police officers who kicked in the door of an elderly Atlanta woman to serve a no-knock search warrant for drugs were shot and wounded when the woman opened fire on the intruders. They returned fire, killing 92-year-old Kathryn Johnston inside her home.

Note how reports all claim she shot at them and this one specifically lists injuries:

Dreher said as soon as the officers forced open the door, Johnston shot at the officers and the officers returned fire to protect themselves. One officer was shot 3 times – once in the leg, on the side of the face and once in his bulletproof vest. One officer was hit in the leg and another hit in their arm. All officers are on paid administrative leave pending an investigation – as is common.

but wait! flash forward to 2010:

Three former Atlanta police officers were sentenced Tuesday to prison terms ranging from five to 10 years for covering up a botched drug raid in which a 92-year-old woman was killed.


The raid occurred as police were executing a so-called "no-knock" search warrant based on the faulty information. Police said Johnston fired at them with an old pistol during the raid, and they returned fire in self-defense. Johnston's one shot went through her front door and over the officers' heads; they responded with 39 shots, hitting the elderly woman five times.


Makes you wonder if those cops were shot... and if so who shot them.

Point is that most "cops" don't do bad things. The VAST majority are good people are good enough (not saying they are all saints). But in any group there are some scum bags that will do terrible stuff... like shoot dogs that don't need shooting and cover up the murder of a 92 year old woman. I don't know if the dog in this case needed to be shot.. I just hope we get a real investigation.

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You know, I've lived all over this country. In Texas where the entire justice system is scary. In Vegas where things never stop. In San Diego where the border and Tijuana (and all their problems) are right there. reputation of the police speaks for itself. I wasn't staying in Mailibu or Beverly Hills or Point Loma or on the top floor of the Bellagio. I was in the thick of it. With the chulos and the gangsters.

So with that being said, PG County police are THE worst. It's not even a debate in my mind. That series the Post did on them a few years back was absolutely horrifying. The worst of them all was the guy in the wheelchair paralyzed from the waist down. He was stopped and searched by PG County police. After he was searched, he got into an argument and was subsequently shot byy the police and made paralyzed from the neck down. Rodney King ain't got **** on that besides video evidence.

The sad thing is, some would read that story and still not hesitate to defend them. It's sickening. (But let a dog be killed and it's the end of the world. Oh the outrage that causes :rolleyes: )

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You know, I've lived all over this country. In Texas where the entire justice system is scary. In Vegas where things never stop. In San Diego where the border and Tijuana (and all their problems) are right there. reputation of the police speaks for itself. I wasn't staying in Mailibu or Beverly Hills or Point Loma or on the top floor of the Bellagio. I was in the thick of it. With the chulos and the gangsters.

So with that being said, PG County police are THE worst. It's not even a debate in my mind. That series the Post did on them a few years back was absolutely horrifying. The worst of them all was the guy in the wheelchair paralyzed from the waist down. He was stopped and searched by PG County police. After he was searched, he got into an argument and was subsequently shot byy the police and made paralyzed from the neck down. Rodney King ain't got **** on that besides video evidence.

The sad thing is, some would read that story and still not hesitate to defend them. It's sickening. (But let a dog be killed and it's the end of the world. Oh the outrage that causes :rolleyes: )

Truth. A lot of truth.

One of the most important functions of any American is to think about what functions local police perform. Which is to enforce local laws deemed worthy of local law enforcement. If you think that all laws are justified for any reason whatsoever, then yes, local law enforcement is always right. If, however, you think those laws might be worthy of criticism for any reason whatsoever (notice the similarity with standard laws), then you might want to make sure that-that is actually accountable to, you know, local laws. That local accountability should apply to anyone who has never worn a badge. Congratulations, you're our elected official. Don't ****ing embarrass us.

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Note 1: IF you discharge a weapon and you are not a cop: You are now the criminal. (insert any scenario, it does not matter).

Um, I'm going to take task with this one. Your not in Florida obviously. In Florida you can defend your life or the the life of others under threat of loss of life. If I see a woman getting raped in a car in a mall and she is yelling for help, I can use lethal force to stop the crime. I can shoot a guy in the back in my front yard if he had been threatening my life (tricky here) on my property. They recently changed the law and the guy would have to be rolled over and shot in the front to avoid prosecution. (pretty acurate sadly) Also has to do with any weapon the criminal has or witness statements, was he reaching for something, was he holding something, was he moving toward you or the victim. It still gets fuzzy in the courts. But they clearly are now allowing the public to defend themselves even off their own property.

Note 2: IF you have a dog and call the cops: Put the dog in a room and lock it. (pull the shades and place a hutch against the door.

(they apparently only gave tasers and pepper spray (nonlethal) to cops to use against people)

Many Cops are fearful of dogs attacking because of the dogs tryting to protect the owners. Seems reasonable. Cop gets to the scene and emotions are running high, brothers feeding off each other, Cops don't know who is good guy, who is bad guy, dog barking, I could see how things get out of control quickly. Cops are people too. There job is dangerous and generally deals with heated confrontation. Put yourself in their shoes. Not saying that alot of these guys have not allowed the rigors of the job numb sensitivities, but really that is one job you could count me out on. I would just shoot everyone yelling and sort it out later(J/K). I don't disagree though, put your dog away he is no longer needed to help the Cops figure things out.

I feel like i should GO to a police station to report anything (with lawyer), it seems no matter your status if the cops come to your home there are too many variables that are bad for you.

Probably true sadly, but think of it from the Cops point of view, they are entering a mystery everytime.

My family is full of cops ...

I would like to hear what they think, and not from you, but from them.

I guaruntee they went to the house upset because a firearm was discharged in the city limits and not within the inner sanctum of the house under imminent threat.

(Now replay female cop outside discharging a firearm in the city limits and not within the inner sanctum of the house under imminent threat) the irony!

(what was NOT okay for the brother against Armed men surprise attacking, is now considered a 'justified' shooting by a police officer against family dog).

A firearm being discharge anywhere is a letal situation for someone and trying to enter that situation and figure out who's-who without getting anyone or any dog killed is highly stressful. At least when someone is shooting at you, you know who to shoot at. As in War, identifying the enemy is the first battle.

Whomever came up with "insulting a cop" as a crime in this situation should get a reprimand.

Respect for law enforcement is long gone. It used to be a cop could thump an idiot to get his attention, now he must CYA so the department does not get sued. Try doing that while guns have or are being fired by someone, somewhere in the vicinity. Not a job for me.

Oh and my brother lives in PG county and you guys are right about them and the problems they face. None of that changes what I stated above.

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Note 1: IF you discharge a weapon and you are not a cop: You are now the criminal. (insert any scenario, it does not matter).

So, I suppose, people have the right to bear arms, but, if they fire them, they are criminals. Oh, and people have the right to self-defense, but if they defend themselves with a firearm, they are a criminal?

Note 2: IF you have a dog and call the cops: Put the dog in a room and lock it. (pull the shades and place a hutch against the door.

(they apparently only gave tasers and pepper spray (nonlethal) to cops to use against people)

A well disciplined cop wouldn't resort to drawing his/her weapon and killing a dog unless it was absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, there are a LOT of poorly trained cops who have itchy trigger fingers and cops with poor judgment.

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Respect for law enforcement is long gone. It used to be a cop could thump an idiot to get his attention, now he must CYA so the department does not get sued. Try doing that while guns have or are being fired by someone, somewhere in the vicinity. Not a job for me.

A great deal of law enforcement officers are honorable, well-intentioned, well-trained, and decent men and women. Those individuals have my respect. I also respect the badges any law enforcement officer wears, because it represents our country and our laws. I do NOT, however, respect every person who wears a badge. There are an awful lot of law enforcement officers who are itching to pick fights, abuse their authority, and who would enjoy getting into a situation that would allow them to "thump an idiot to get his attention." Perhaps they should why they are losing the respect of people in the community.

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this article is from June 2001:


LANDOVER, MARYLAND--At least 122 people shot, 47 of them dead, others paralyzed and permanently injured. Two dozen lawsuits by people mauled by police dogs. False murder confessions coerced from people who were later exonerated.

This is part of the documented casualty toll inflicted by the police against working people from 1990 to 2000 in Prince George's County, Maryland, which borders Washington, D.C.

Many protests have been organized by survivors of the attacks and by families and friends of the victims. But not one cop has been jailed. Police and government officials have declared every police shooting to have been justified.

So give or take 20 years of a bad reputation leads to...

more doubt.

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Hey, if you want to disparage my PSA alerts that fine.. I always give the cops the benefit of the doubt.

Over the last several years PG county has removed the doubt.

I give them the benefit of the doubt too

When they shoot unarmed people I give them the benefit of the doubt and don't assume they are murderers

How far should that benefit go though?

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The sad thing is, some would read that story and still not hesitate to defend them. It's sickening. (But let a dog be killed and it's the end of the world. Oh the outrage that causes :rolleyes: )

I never understand these type of responses.

I'm 99% sure if someone posted about cops killing an innocent person there would be even more outrage - in fact I remember plenty of threads that went on for pages and pages involving exactly that.

Obvously, people that love dogs are also going to be appalled by stories where innocent dogs get killed also - but I certainly don't see it as being an either/or situation. Both kinds of stories piss me off - obviously the ones involving humans moreso.

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Sadly, it is easier to assume a dog is innocent than a person. We all believe there are some flat out evil nut cases in the world. It's just our pets are more seen as the symbol of a more noble side of humanity. It's not that we are more outraged over the life of a person than of a dog. It's just more natural in today's media driven perceptions to think the cops may have injured/hurt the innocent when the dog died. It's not reality driven, just automatic gut reactions.

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I wasn't so concerned about the dog.

I thought it was ironic that the guy was getting his face punched in for discharging a weapon in his yard against armed assailants.

Yet the female cop thought it was perfectly acceptable for her to do in the same exact spot against a dog.

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