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Almost all of these threads are pretty positive. Yeah, we're all upset after blowing the lead, but instead of griping about how far this team is away from competing after getting thrashed by the Texans by 20+ points, we're here talking about how if we can establish a running game and fix some gaps in the defense (which is missing a starting safety) we'll be able to compete with any team in this league. You could see that this offense was a few inches off last week and was shaking the rust off. We saw IMPROVEMENT this week with the offense by leaps and bounds. If you would've told this fanbase that we would be 1-1 after Week 2, I think most people would've taken that, especially in the fashion we did it.

I think when it comes down to it, we're all starting to realize we might actually be alot closer to being a real good team than we originally thought. :point2sky By the way, I never start these threads after a game, but for some reason, (after being sick to my stomach about the loss) I really have alot of confidence in this team and where they can go from here. If we can only stay healthy...

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Almost all of these threads are pretty positive? Am I imagining the "omg we suck" posts in several threads constantly? Even in gameday threads people will predict we'll lose...it's frustrating trying to cheer on your team with those who are bashing the team in the process. There's a difference in constructive criticism and what I've seen

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As soon as number 30 Laundry left the game with an injury in overtime I knew Kubiak would call a throw to attack number 48 Horton who had just come in to replace Laundry. They have a good coach and good players. We should have won the game but we never seem to finish off opponents over the last few years when we have them on the ropes. If we had to lose a tough overtime game, I would rather it happen earlier in the season so both our coaches and our players will remember not to get complacent each Sunday.

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Bah humbug. I've seen this team compete with the best as recently as last year (see: Saints) and still manage to find a way to lose. They were crap last year, and they're only decent this year.

Decent is still >>>>>>>> crap, however, so I agree that the Skins have improved. I just think people are overlooking how sloppy they were last week in favor of focusing on the W, and this week too easily throwing the word "nearly" around as if the league has given us an IOU for a Lombardi.

If the team takes the Rams seriously next week and plays them as if they were the Skins' most hated rival, rather than a ticket to the top of the NFC East, I'll cut them some slack. As it is, it could go either way. Recent Redskins teams would do (and have done) their damndest to ensure a 17-14 game. If this Redskins team is worthy of such assurance, I expect a double-digit victory. One mark of a great team is consistent high-level play week-to-week, roughing up the great teams and destroying the inferior ones. When was the last time a Redskins team managed both?

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I was pissed when we lost but reflecting back, we look better than all our division rivals. Giants are getting spanked by the Colts. The Cowboys are 0-2. The Eagles had the Lions spot 32 on their defense. We've beat the Cowboys and were spanking a good Texans team until we seriously did every wrong thing we could have to lose a game.

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Gotta be proactive here. It's early. Our running game needs to get in gear (that would help us control the clock), and we can't be giving up 500 yards every game, but this is nothing to get upset about. Look at next week-the Rams. I'm not looking past St. Louis but let's be honest, who else would you rather play in the game after a tough loss? We just gotta put this one away like any other loss and get ready for next week. HTTR

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Not to rain on the parade, but on the other side of the issue, things we're doing right now that are working, could also be working due to the fact that nobody's seen this McNabb/Shanahan offense and Haslett/Redskins 3-4 until the past couple of games. Give the league a few games to collect some scouting reports and have consistent film to review, and some things could be different.

I think there are a lot of positive things about the Redskins right now. Especially compared to how they ended the season last year under Zorn. As a team and organization, in just one off-season, it's already night and day.

But looking at just this season as the first stepping stone in this process, I still don't think the 2010 Redskins are more than a 9-7 type of team (which, again, would still be fantastic after last year and the last couple of years of franchise stagnation under Zorn/Cerrato).

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I'm not looking past St. Louis but let's be honest, who else would you rather play in the game after a tough loss?

Honestly? Bills at home. :) Dome games are always tricky, and even though we beat them last year, they did beat us a couple of years ago, during our week 1-8 hot streak, no less. Like I said, I'll be impressed if we can win decisively.

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We can't compete with every team in the league. WTF? We gave up 500 yards in the air today. That's beyond terrible. #5 is not the fix-all for a 4-12 caliber team. You'll see. There are macro issues that no one sees b/c they're blinded by stop-gap players and a big offseason upgrade at the qb position. We still have all the major issues that we had last year at every other position save the Tackle and QB positions respectively on offense. Some of you are unwilling to see what's right in front of you. We beat an aweful Dallas team (at least to date they're aweful) and we beat ourselves tonight just like we have in many games against playoff caliber teams over the past few years.

This team is mentally challenged and not very talented from an overall roster standpoint. This game told the story for me. We're worse than Redskins fans think and we were one snap away from everyone calling for Snyder's head tonight. Let's talk during the bye week. It'll be interesting to see if I eat crow or if people are going nuts in a bad way in DC by the end of October. If Williams is out for a few weeks and/or any one of our other studs gets banged up, this team could be 2-6 or 3-5 very easily by then. Hell, they could end up that way with a completely healthy roster for that matter. Not looking good right now IMO.

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