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And that is another reason why MDSGD is a VERY apt acronym for your ilk.

You'd take Champions League failure, just to be in the Champions League; over a European final and possible silverware.

Again, modern day football 'fans' (term used VERY loosely as that attitude is COMPLETELY foreign to me as a fan) ..... I ****ing despair.


Any fan should want their club to play at the highest level.... Europa is to get the champions league. Why would I not want my club playing in the CL? Now if we got knocked out early and end up EL then of course I'd want to win.
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We don't. :lol:

Pre-this season Bayern was mentioned very seldomly in this thread.

Again, this isn't a "Liverpool" thread. This is the soccer thread. The Liverpool fans just talk to each other and about our club more.

For whatever reason you guys take that as elitist or whatever you want to.

But make no mistakes, no one sweated Munich at all before this year. Can't stand them now.

Some more revisionist history from you. Probably "went over my head" because we didn't start that one either.

DC9 I was talking to you specifically as far as personal life shots. No one else does it. Only you pal. Most here I'd actually have beer with. I'd have one with GHH because he would be hilarious. I'd actually watch a game at Anfield with him lol. Edited by RichmondRedskin88
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Any fan should want their club to play at the highest level.... Europa is to get the champions league. Why would I not want my club playing in the CL? Now if we got knocked out early and end up EL then of course I'd want to win.



Of course you want your club to play at the highest level. 


But if you would rather your club play and lose in a semi final than be in a final you're the furthest definition from a 'fan' than I could wish to know. 


And the Europa League isn't 'to get to the Champions League.' That's a bye product and a bonus. But we aren't going to Switzerland next week thinking 'we win this, we're in the Champions League!' We're going to Switzerland thinking 'We win this, we win yet another major European trophy.' THAT'S it's main purpose. Silverware and adding your name to the history of the competition. 


The fact you completely don't understand that is why you're among the number of modern day football fans brought up in the Sky era who's attitude is SO wrong for this game. 


'I'd rather lose a Champions League semi final than be in a Europa League final.' Brilliant. Modern day football fan logic. 



Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Of course you want your club to play at the highest level.

But if you would rather your club play and lose in a semi final than be in a final you're the furthest definition from a 'fan' than I could wish to know.

And the Europa League isn't 'to get to the Champions League.' That's a bye product and a bonus. But we aren't going to Switzerland next week thinking 'we win this, we're in the Champions League!' We're going to Switzerland thinking 'We win this, we win yet another major European trophy.' THAT'S it's main purpose. Silverware and adding your name to the history of the competition.

The fact you completely don't understand that is why you're among the number of modern day football fans brought up in the Sky era who's attitude is SO wrong for this game.

'I'd rather lose a Champions League semi final than be in a Europa League final.' Brilliant. Modern day football fan logic.


I want to see my club go up against the best. Win or lose. Would I celebrate a Europa title? Of course. But do I want my squad playing at the highest level of course. Pick your path. I mean yeah we could wreck Europa every year. But the point is to show you are the best in Europe at the highest level. I can't see why I should be faulted for wanting the best for my club. Edited by RichmondRedskin88
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DC9 I was talking to you specifically as far as personal life shots. No one else does it. Only you pal. Most here I'd actually have beer with. I'd have one with GHH because he would be hilarious. I'd actually watch a game at Anfield with him lol.


I don't think they're shots.  I just think I'm just the one making connections between your bouncing around Europe to different football clubs and your inability to hold down a relationship.

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I want to see my club go up against the best. Win or lose. Would I celebrate a Europa title? Of course. But do I want my squad playing at the highest level of course. You pick your path. I mean yeah we could wreck Europa every year. But the point is to show you are the best in Europe at the highest level. I can't see why I should be faulted for wanting the best for my club.



You're advocating losing over winning. But turning a blind eye to that because at least that losing is in a better competition. (Which for the record never used to be the case in the UEFA Cup and if you compare teams in the knockouts, wasn't the case this year either.). 


Wanting to be semi final losers over being in a major final and possibly winning silverware is not wanting the best for your club no matter how you try spin it. 



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I don't think they're shots. I just think I'm just the one making connections between your bouncing around Europe to different football clubs and your inability to hold down a relationship.

Thats cool Dr Phil but unless you've actually met me you really don't know anything about me. But its cool you try to figure me out on discussion board lol. I honestly most here I think are pretty cool/fun in real life. GHH would be a blast to hang out with the his stories he has lol.

Edited by RichmondRedskin88
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Let's take Arsenal as a glaring modern example to the 'Champions League being the be all and end all' bollocks: 


Where's the last 10 years of top 4 finishes gotten them? Out the first knockout round of Europe more or less every year and still nowhere near challenging. But the last two years, winning the Cup. How brilliantly better has that been for them as a fan? That excitement of Cup final day and the shear pride in your team winning it?

Great line I'm reminded of when a former director most won't of heard of, Tony Ensor, resigned the Sunday after the season ended back in '94 when everyone thought Souness, who hadn't been at the last game, would be sacked. He wasn't, Tony walked in disgust; and we had to suffer through another Cup embarrassment the following year going out to lower league opposition again at home to Bristol City before he was finally axed. It was a Shankly quote that is still the ethos of the club to many of us: 'Liverpool Football Club exists not to make money. It exists to win trophy's and be a source of pride to our fans. It serves NO other purpose.'

To most reds, that's of the utmost importance. Yeah, we aren't naive enough to know success in football doesn't happen without money. And the main cash cow today is the Champions League. A competition we know more about than anyone. Hell, we only look up to TWO clubs in Europe (three if you include Barcelona's total haul) and have a World wide reputation in large part due to our exploits in Europe's top competition. But that should NEVER be more of a priority than winning trophy's. It just shouldn't. 

As a fan, you want to be entertained. That's the first thing. Football always was, and still should be, the release at the end of the working week to escape from it all for a few hours on a Saturday and be totally immersed in your team. And you then naturally want to see your team win. And ultimately, you want to see them win trophy's. Ot else what's the point in playing the game and supporting your team at all? That holds even more true in today's game than ever before for me the ridiculous amount of hard earned money we fork out. 

What's more enjoyable as a fan? 

Arsenal from '05 through '13. Content with a top 4 finish that ultimately leads nowhere the next year and no silverware?

Or Arsenal of the last 2 years doing the same but winning the Cup and Charity Shield? Three big days out at Wembley and your team picking up a trophy. 

And I know the flip side is they've been in the Champions League all those years as opposed to L'pool being in and out. some times in the UEFA, sometimes dipping out of Europe completely. But I'm pretty sure if you said to most Arsenal fans going into 2013-14 after 8 LONG trophy less season's that you'd guarantee them the FA Cup but finishing 5th in the league  and NO Champions League football the majority would of snapped your hand off. 

Because that's the whole ethos of being a fan. Or else what's the point?

Each to their own, but ANYONE that would be happier losing a semi final than be in a final with a chance of silverware because they deem the latter less of a completion I truly do not understand what enjoyment you get and what you're ultimately in it for as a fan. 



Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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I take the championships as they come. My friends will tell you I've already warned them on May 21 if you come out you are getting drunk as hell on German beer and singing Bayern songs. Except my Utd bud. I got a Pokal rep coming over I plan to drink out of. Do I wish we got a Europe championship this year? Of course. But the pride I had of them fighting back and so close to a Champions league Final is a ok consolation. I about loss my mind when they called the penalty the first half for the chance at the lead and then when we almost fought back late.

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Thats cool Dr Phil but unless you've actually met me you really don't know anything about me. But its cool you try to figure me out on discussion board lol. I honestly most here I think are pretty cool/fun in real life. GHH would be a blast to hang out with the his stories he has lol.


I'm not a doctor and my name is not Phil.


Don't put this on me.  Today is on you.  Accept that and you can grow from it.


You switch teams all of the time.  Not me.


You've started more than one "Why don't girls like me" threads on a message board.  Not me.

Steven Gerrard @Gerrard8FanPage 3h3 hours ago

7:39 AM - 13 May 2016 · Details
123 retweets 140 likes      

Because that's the whole ethos of being a fan. Or else what's the point?

Each to their own, but ANYONE that would be happier losing a semi final than be in a final with a chance of silverware because they deem the latter less of a completion I truly do not understand what enjoyment you get and what you're ultimately in it for as a fan. 




Sounds like I'm hearing "Keep the trophy, we're in champions league."


It's amazing. A tough tournament that goes from 32 instead of 16 and all the way down.  Different types of football.  A lot of fun.

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Sounds like I'm hearing "Keep the trophy, we're in champions league."


It's amazing. A tough tournament that goes from 32 instead of 16 and all the way down.  Different types of football.  A lot of fun.



It's arrogance of the highest order and a complete disrespect to a great competition. One of the two European majors. Europe. The biggest stage of all. 


But what would we know? We win next Wednesday we'll of won more of those two European majors alone than Bayern have TOTAL UEFA trophies. But WE are the insignificant ones. 



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Okay. I'd like to divert this a bit if I may. I have a question.


Outside of GHH, you I understand for obvious reasons. This is primarily for those of you who are stateside.


How did y'all come to pick the Euro clubs you root for? I personally have trouble finding a stake in a team that's playing on a completely different continent. I mean, I can understand it to an extent, certain players or coaches draw your interest, stuff like that. But even though I tune into the BPL on weekend mornings, I just don't really have a team. I think the closest I'd have would be QPR just because I find their story after being rebuilt absolutely fascinating. If you haven't watched "The Four Year Plan", definitely give it a look. Should they ever make it back up to the BPL, I will absolutely watch them whenever I can. But other than stuff like liking the Norwich unis and colors, I just can't seem to get sucked into following one club the way I do the local teams and the college teams I root for.

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Lets try to leave personal attacks out of here, completely pointless to the discussion and just plain unkind. Try to keep it to soccer only guys, if you dont care about being kind to others how about lets keep the mods from having to come in here.

Okay. I'd like to divert this a bit if I may. I have a question.


Outside of GHH, you I understand for obvious reasons. This is primarily for those of you who are stateside.


How did y'all come to pick the Euro clubs you root for? I personally have trouble finding a stake in a team that's playing on a completely different continent. I mean, I can understand it to an extent, certain players or coaches draw your interest, stuff like that. But even though I tune into the BPL on weekend mornings, I just don't really have a team. I think the closest I'd have would be QPR just because I find their story after being rebuilt absolutely fascinating. If you haven't watched "The Four Year Plan", definitely give it a look. Should they ever make it back up to the BPL, I will absolutely watch them whenever I can. But other than stuff like liking the Norwich unis and colors, I just can't seem to get sucked into following one club the way I do the local teams and the college teams I root for.

I started following Everton because Howard was there and just naturally ended up becoming a fan. Just became attached over time.

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Okay. I'd like to divert this a bit if I may. I have a question.

Outside of GHH, you I understand for obvious reasons. This is primarily for those of you who are stateside.

How did y'all come to pick the Euro clubs you root for? I personally have trouble finding a stake in a team that's playing on a completely different continent. I mean, I can understand it to an extent, certain players or coaches draw your interest, stuff like that. But even though I tune into the BPL on weekend mornings, I just don't really have a team. I think the closest I'd have would be QPR just because I find their story after being rebuilt absolutely fascinating. If you haven't watched "The Four Year Plan", definitely give it a look. Should they ever make it back up to the BPL, I will absolutely watch them whenever I can. But other than stuff like liking the Norwich unis and colors, I just can't seem to get sucked into following one club the way I do the local teams and the college teams I root for.

I know some friends of mine got into Arsenal because of the big following in RVA. We also have a cool Liverpool pub. Bayern runs in my family as does Celtic. Also I know many American fans get behind clubs with American players. That's why there are a lot of Everton from Howard's time there. Barca has a academy here and does training here. Real is rich as hell and massive following. Manchester City- Anti Utd. Manchester United- rich history but rough times recently. Liverpool- rich history but similar issues to Utd until very recent. Arsenal- consistent but just doesn't put it altogether. I push people toward Swansea sometimes. It's a good club and usually plays a nice brand of soccer. Edited by RichmondRedskin88
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Started rooting for Manchester United in the mid 90s because they were the only team you could catch on TV with any regularlity at the time. We got some Italian league matches on RAI too, but it was never the same club, so hard to develop a rooting interest. 


As a teen, I started accompanying my mom a lot to France for business trips, it was during that time that I got into Zidane and later Henry. I was in France both in 1998 and 2000 when they won, so it was a crazy party. Started following Henry (and Trezeguet) more. In the early to mid 2000s, I got more EPL matches on TV but I was still just an independent soccer fan. I worked right next to Lucky Bar and would duck out and watch Champions League games (and have drinks). I remember being there for the Milan-Liverpool match, everyone was rooting for LFC during the shootout. I remember being there for the Barca-Arsenal CL final, I was actually rooting for Barca that match. 


It wasn't until 2006 that I started following Arsenal exclusively. A lot of it had to do with one of my real good friends being a fan already, so we'd end up at Lucky watching a lot of the games. That was part of it. The other was that I liked how Wenger's teams played. 


Now because of work I end up in Germany a lot. German soccer is pretty interesting—even in Div 2 the technical ability of the players as a whole is super high. Unfortunately, we're in Dusseldorf a lot. Fortuna Dusseldorf is Div 2 but they've got a really nice arena. But I'm also a 90 minute train ride from Dortmund when I'm there. 

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Okay. I'd like to divert this a bit if I may. I have a question.

Outside of GHH, you I understand for obvious reasons. This is primarily for those of you who are stateside.

How did y'all come to pick the Euro clubs you root for? I personally have trouble finding a stake in a team that's playing on a completely different continent. I mean, I can understand it to an extent, certain players or coaches draw your interest, stuff like that. But even though I tune into the BPL on weekend mornings, I just don't really have a team. I think the closest I'd have would be QPR just because I find their story after being rebuilt absolutely fascinating. If you haven't watched "The Four Year Plan", definitely give it a look. Should they ever make it back up to the BPL, I will absolutely watch them whenever I can. But other than stuff like liking the Norwich unis and colors, I just can't seem to get sucked into following one club the way I do the local teams and the college teams I root for.

i went looking for an EPL team that was redskins-like. didn't want to cheer for a team that was already awesome and winning everything... wanted to have a little capital in not being a bandwagon fan to one of the constant top 3-4. liverpool, like the skins, present as:

historic franchise

former glory, but uneven recent results

blue collar squad/tactics/attitude

that liverpool are called the reds(kins) helped too

i didn't know suarez was on the squad until the first game of the season and almost changed (hated his "hand of god II in the WC vs ghana). glad i stuck it out, and now suarez is my favorite non-red player (with all his warts).

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Jordan Rossiter has signed for the blue half of the ugly sisters. Can the pool fans give me any insight into the player or did he not feature for the the first team?



LOL. Nicely put. 


I don't watch the U-21's/ U-18's, and he's only played 5 times for the first team so it's hard to really speak on him. But off that, he has looked really promising in all those games. Tough, combative midfielder who loves a tackle, has a great range of passing with both feet, and get's forward well in support. He always looked on the small side to me to think he'd ever really carve out a top flight career. But he is one tough little so and so who isn't afraid to get stuck in. Made his debut at 17 and scored the league Cup. League debut the start of this year off the bench at Arsenal. And a few Europa League group games thrown in. Injuries did him under Klopp (nasty hammy with England U-18's kept him out for a good spell), and he's just been surpassed by one or two others who have played and I think he's more a victim of the numbers game than anything else. 


Be real interesting to see if he develops to what people thought he would coming through (being given the 'new Gerrard' tag never helped) up in Scotland. 


Massive move for him at 19 and I wish him all the best. 




Now because of work I end up in Germany a lot. German soccer is pretty interesting—even in Div 2 the technical ability of the players as a whole is super high. Unfortunately, we're in Dusseldorf a lot. Fortuna Dusseldorf is Div 2 but they've got a really nice arena. But I'm also a 90 minute train ride from Dortmund when I'm there. 



LOVE Dusseldorf. Great City. Particularly this time of year. Down the old town. Banks of the Rhine. Schweinerburger in hand along with a cold refreshment ..... Man I want to be there the weekend now damn it!



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Cheers GHH. Sounds like a homeless mans gattuso! The undersized part of his game shouldn't be too much of an issue as everyone is up here compared to the English game(I blame the lack of sunlight and poor diet!). Disapointing that warburton is sorting rangers out a lot more fun when they were a mess.

Edited by Wellred93
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Cheers GHH. Sounds like a homeless mans gattuso! The undersized part of his game shouldn't be too much of an issue as everyone is up here compared to the English game(I blame the lack of sunlight and poor diet!). Disapointing that warburton is sorting rangers out a lot more fun when they were a mess.



Be interesting to see how they do back the SPL after a 4 year absence. You look at that squad and it's still a good ways behind what Celtic have. I'd love to know what's gone wrong between Cammy Bell and Warburton. Even accounting for his injury, he's been completely out of the picture and not even making the bench most weeks. Goram was all over him begging Rangers to sign him before they did, saying Bell was even better than he was at that age! And when big Andy talks on 'keepers, I tend to listen. 



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Be interesting to see how they do back the SPL after a 4 year absence. You look at that squad and it's still a good ways behind what Celtic have. I'd love to know what's gone wrong between Cammy Bell and Warburton. Even accounting for his injury, he's been completely out of the picture and not even making the bench most weeks. Goram was all over him begging Rangers to sign him before they did, saying Bell was even better than he was at that age! And when big Andy talks on 'keepers, I tend to listen.


Player for player celtic are better but rangers are a more cohesive unit at the moment. I expect them to get at least second though hearts are looking promising next season. Bell has two problems. First he can't stay fit. The second is mental. After 4 years of playing against lower opposition he has got complacent and can't seem to find that next gear he has. He also hasn't got over his howler against the mighty well in the relagation play off last year.
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Player for player celtic are better but rangers are a more cohesive unit at the moment. I expect them to get at least second though hearts are looking promising next season. Bell has two problems. First he can't stay fit. The second is mental. After 4 years of playing against lower opposition he has got complacent and can't seem to find that next gear he has. He also hasn't got over his howler against the mighty well in the relagation play off last year.



Meh. If Rangers hadn't of had to of played like 5,000 games in 7 days before that game they'd of been back up a season earlier!  :P.



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Meh. If Rangers hadn't of had to of played like 5,000 games in 7 days before that game they'd of been back up a season earlier! :P.


Haha sounds like same excuse they had before the uefa cup final. 6-1 is a pretty definitive answer to who is the better team :P
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Okay. I'd like to divert this a bit if I may. I have a question.


Outside of GHH, you I understand for obvious reasons. This is primarily for those of you who are stateside.


How did y'all come to pick the Euro clubs you root for? I personally have trouble finding a stake in a team that's playing on a completely different continent. I mean, I can understand it to an extent, certain players or coaches draw your interest, stuff like that. But even though I tune into the BPL on weekend mornings, I just don't really have a team. I think the closest I'd have would be QPR just because I find their story after being rebuilt absolutely fascinating. If you haven't watched "The Four Year Plan", definitely give it a look. Should they ever make it back up to the BPL, I will absolutely watch them whenever I can. But other than stuff like liking the Norwich unis and colors, I just can't seem to get sucked into following one club the way I do the local teams and the college teams I root for.


I started out being a  fan of Gerrard. I love his game, I love his competitiveness, I love his will to win, I love his loyalty. I love that he always put the club first. Then I researched the club and I love everything they stand for. I love the connection the city has with the club. They have a great history and passion for the game. As hogs said, they mirror the Skins (and Orioles).

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