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So excited to be here!


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I was not alive when Gibbs was here the first time around, but i'm hoping that Shanallen can give me hope.

I will always love the Redskins. Preseason is almost here, can't wait!

Thanks for allowing me to be part of this community. I do know my football despite my young age, so I will be sure to post my opinion on things.

1: Welcome to the board!! Glad to have you here and to join the madness that is ES. ;)

2: http://www.hulu.com/search?query=washington+redskins&st=1

Catch up on all things Redskins history and enjoy yourself!!

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Welcome aboard. I always feel bad for myself and the generation(s) of Skins fans after me. I barely, BARELY remember the 1991/92 season and SuperBowl win, but I definitely have some flashes of how happy my family was, watching the game on TV with them, the nerves, etc. Truthfully though I don't remember it all too well, or as well as I'd like.

It's definitely not the same as your team winning something when you're old enough to appreciate it. I sure hope we all get to see another Skins SB win before too long. At least we have 1999 to look back on fondly... :facepalm:

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Welcome aboard.

Now please get in line and wait your turn for the ES conditioning test.......

You have to read the rules in 70 seconds, then you get a 3 minute break. Then you have to read all the info in Mark the Homer's index in 70 to 73 seconds.

You can't read the forums until you are in posting shape! Good luck! ;)

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Welcome to the site. Good to see ya starting out early and on the right track. As for me I"ve only been a skins fan since the sonny and kilmer days. Just joined site a few days ago myself after finally getting my season tickets for the first time this year.

Stay safe


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Welcome to the board man I was in the same boat as you I was a lurker and being a young one like you (18 for me) I never saw the glory years unless it was on the NFL network haha. Anyways man welcome and if you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask anyone here on ES we're a friendly bunch(for the most part)

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