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Towleroad.com: Lady Gaga Speaks Out Against Arizona Immigration Law In Phoenix (MET)


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She tries to be profound at her show, before she gets in her private jet and leaves. I hate this chick even more now


A few days ago GetEqual urged Lady Gaga to join in the boycott of Arizona by canceling her concert in Phoenix or take a stand against the state's recent immigration law, SB 1070. Looks like she chose the latter.

Gaga tweeted this before her concert last night: "Tonight we will continue to actively protest social and political injustices in Arizona. We will sing, we will stand up, + we will be heard." She then took a few minutes during her show to address SB 1070.

Some quotes from Gaga:

"I got a phone call from a couple of really big rock and rollers, big pop stars, big rappers and they said 'We'd like you to boycott playing Arizona because of SB 1070' and I said, 'You really think that us dumb ****ing pop stars are gonna collapse the economy of Arizona?'"

"I'll tell you what we have to do about SB 1070. We have to be active. We have to actively actively protest and the nature of the Monster Ball is to actively protest prejudice and injustice and the bull**** that is put on our society."

"I will not cancel my show. I will yell and I will scream louder and I will hold you and we will hold each other and we will peacably protest this state. Do not be afraid because if it wasn't for all of you immigrants, this country wouldn't have ****."

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She tries to be profound at her show, before she gets in her private jet and leaves. I hate this chick even more now


A few days ago GetEqual urged Lady Gaga to join in the boycott of Arizona by canceling her concert in Phoenix or take a stand against the state's recent immigration law, SB 1070. Looks like she chose the latter.

Gaga tweeted this before her concert last night: "Tonight we will continue to actively protest social and political injustices in Arizona. We will sing, we will stand up, + we will be heard." She then took a few minutes during her show to address SB 1070.

Some quotes from Gaga:

"I got a phone call from a couple of really big rock and rollers, big pop stars, big rappers and they said 'We'd like you to boycott playing Arizona because of SB 1070' and I said, 'You really think that us dumb ****ing pop stars are gonna collapse the economy of Arizona?'"

"I'll tell you what we have to do about SB 1070. We have to be active. We have to actively actively protest and the nature of the Monster Ball is to actively protest prejudice and injustice and the bull**** that is put on our society."

"I will not cancel my show. I will yell and I will scream louder and I will hold you and we will hold each other and we will peacably protest this state. Do not be afraid because if it wasn't for all of you immigrants, this country wouldn't have ****."

lol.... At your sig!.... And for Lady Gaga whatever I guess. :pfft:

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"I got a phone call from a couple of really big rock and rollers, big pop stars, big rappers and they said 'We'd like you to boycott playing Arizona because of SB 1070' and I said, 'You really think that us dumb ****ing pop stars are gonna collapse the economy of Arizona?'"

"I'll tell you what we have to do about SB 1070. We have to be active. We have to actively actively protest and the nature of the Monster Ball is to actively protest prejudice and injustice and the bull**** that is put on our society."

"I will not cancel my show. I will yell and I will scream louder and I will hold you and we will hold each other and we will peacably protest this state. Do not be afraid because if it wasn't for all of you immigrants, this country wouldn't have ****."

Actually, I think that's right on the money, whatever your feelings on the immigration laws.. :whoknows:

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Lol@ Zoony, nice thread title change. She's a Madonna biting, not talent having *****. No two ways about it.

You know, I pay good money to go to concerts and personally don't give a rats ass what their political views are. STFU and sing! If you want to "have a voice" go on a political campaign and strum your guitar or whatever. If you want to sell records and entertain, then perform. It just taints the whole experience when they use the stage to push a political agenda and the mindless lemmings cheer without even knowing WTF they're talking about most of the time.

Besides, how many "immigrants" do you think attended a Lady Gag Gag concert?

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Meh. Everyone has their own opinion and we have every right to say what's on our minds in this country.

So when you go into McDonalds and order a #2 do you want the person ringing you up pushing their political views on you? What about someone at the DMV who is renewing your tag, you want to hear what they think about President Obama? Its no different, she's selling a product and that product is her music and performance on stage.

No one gives a rats ass what she thinks about a State that she doesn't even reside in. Go to Arizona, pay taxes and vote. If not, STFU and sing.

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Lol@ Zoony, nice thread title change. She's a Madonna biting, not talent having *****. No two ways about it.

You know, I pay good money to go to concerts and personally don't give a rats ass what their political views are. STFU and sing! If you want to "have a voice" go on a political campaign and strum your guitar or whatever. If you want to sell records and entertain, then perform. It just taints the whole experience when they use the stage to push a political agenda and the mindless lemmings cheer without even knowing WTF they're talking about most of the time.

Besides, how many "immigrants" do you think attended a Lady Gag Gag concert?

We never hear this commentary about Charlie Daniels.

And the thread title change was per forum rules. I missed the joke :)

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We never hear this commentary about Charlie Daniels.

And the thread title change was per forum rules. I missed the joke :)

Don't want to hear from them either, just me. As much as I love Pearl Jam's music it irritated me when Eddie Veder did it at one of his shows as well.

I'm down with "get out and vote" or "support your troops" but to go into a state and bash it is just a foul to me. Hearing a singer or band get up on stage and push a political agenda is foul for me. A broad statement that applies to all, okay. Getting on stage and alienating a person who doesn't share your political views after they just put money in your pocket, ain't down with it. You do that and I won't go back.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I have to agree with every artist's political views to like them. What I'm saying is, I don't care what your political views are so keep them to yourself.

My best friend in the world, he's like a brother to me, we are so far apart on political views it's ridiculous. We'll broach the subject every now and then and honestly I can almost always see where he's coming from. I'm not paying him $$ to be my friend though.

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I've always thought it was the duty of every American to speak out. It is the right of every American to be loud and obnoxious. Just because someone is a celebrity does not mean that they forfeit their first ammendment rights or should be loathe to exercise them.

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I've always thought it was the duty of every American to speak out. It is the right of every American to be loud and obnoxious. Just because someone is a celebrity does not mean that they forfeit their first ammendment rights or should be loathe to exercise them.

I agree, but there's a time and place for everything. Do you want a plumber fixing your P-trap and dogging Obama while 6 inches of his ass crack is hanging out of his pants? You want the guy changing the oil in your car stoping after every turn of the wrench and yelling "go vote republican if you want change"! Time and a place my friend, time and a place.

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So when you go into McDonalds and order a #2 do you want the person ringing you up pushing their political views on you? What about someone at the DMV who is renewing your tag, you want to hear what they think about President Obama? Its no different, she's selling a product and that product is her music and performance on stage.

No one gives a rats ass what she thinks about a State that she doesn't even reside in. Go to Arizona, pay taxes and vote. If not, STFU and sing.

The person ringing you up at McDonald's fears for their job. If you don't like what Lady Gaga has to say GTFO of her show. Think she cares? She is her own boss and can say whatever the hell she wants. That a big difference despite your claims otherwise. You think JayZ gives a **** about what you want him to say at his show? You think Toby Keith gives a **** what I want him to say at his show? If you don't like the product they are producing, don't buy it. U2 is one of the most politically outspoken bands in existence and guess what... in 2010 they are the most profitable band in the damn world having earned north of 100 million in the last year. Think they care about what you want them to say at their concert?

Those people succeeded wildly and can determine for themselves what they will say and when they'll say it. You can stomp your feet and compare them to McDonald's employees and plumbers if you like but they aren't close to being in those positions and they live by an entirely different rule book.

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Also let's set you straight here: There are many more people that give a rats ass about what she has to say than care what you or I have to say... and yet here we are having this discussion.

And from what I know of the two of you, you're both more informed than she is. That says something for the state of the State too, IMO.

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i don't mind gaga's music to be honest.....but i also don't give a **** about her political stance on anything.

shut the hell up and sing. She won't cancel that concert because that's dollar signs down the crapper. And apparently, all those wronged immigrants who she wants to "peacfully protest" for through her concerts, aren't important enough to lose out on the revenue earned from that one show.

Arizona's money is as green as the rest of the nation's folks. And Lady Gaga, unlike these other simpletons who are cancelling concerts, knows it. ;)

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i don't mind gaga's music to be honest.....but i also don't give a **** about her political stance on anything.

shut the hell up and sing. She ain't cancelling that concert because that's dollar signs down the crapper.

Hey, this worked out really well for the Dixie Chicks. They just had....you know....that one real big song....you know that one.....like.....6 years ago. :ols:

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Hey, this worked out really well for the Dixie Chicks. They just had....you know....that one real big song....you know that one.....like.....6 years ago. :ols:

Worked out great for U2. They just make more money.... than like.... any other band.... on the planet. :ols:

The Dixie chicks would have been fine if they didn't play country music. Everyone knows that if you want to have a political opinion in that genre you need to be on the level with the Ford Truck Guy.

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Worked out great for U2. They just make more money.... than like.... any other band.... on the planet. :ols:

The Dixie chicks would have been fine if they didn't play country music. Everyone knows that if you want to have a political opinion in that genre you need to be on the level with the Ford Truck Guy.

And if art imitated life, Obama would be ****in furious with U2, trying to figure out how to make them give big chunks of that money to the Chicks. :evilg:

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