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Bring Back Thrash to help out Receivers?


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In recent years, the prevailing image associated with many of the Redskins players has unfortunately been that of the overpaid, underperforming, me-first type of athlete. However, with the recent (and long overdue) hiring of accomplished coaches and front office personnel, the organization’s goals seem to finally be back on track. With the obvious exception of Albert Haynesworth, it appears the entire team has bought into Coach Shanahan’s program wholeheartedly. Everyone seems eager to bring this once proud franchise back into contention. Bruce Allen has promised that this team will be “the hardest working team in football” and so far it seems that the players are all striving to rise to the challenge.

With that being said, one of the biggest areas our team has been focusing on this offseason is the production of our wide receiving corp. In my opinion the addition of former Redskin Keenan McCardell as a receivers coach was a great move that should instantly help our young players step up their game.

In a similar vein, I’m wondering what everyone’s opinions would be on having James Thrash brought back as a receivers coach as well. I know he was given the job last year but as far as I know he didn’t survive the regime change. If this is the case I think it would be beneficial to bring him back for 2 reasons:

First, he played with McNabb in Philadelphia for three seasons, including two as their leading receiver. I definitely think he could help our young receivers in becoming familiar with McNabb’s tendancies and greatly reduce the learning curve that comes from playing with a new QB at the helm.

Secondly, while many players from Redskins recent history could be characterized as selfish or unwilling to work hard, in my opinion Thrash doesn’t fall into those categories. While never an elite talent, he was known as a quintessential team player who forced coaches to put him on the field due to his strong work ethic and attention to detail when studying the playbook. He was proof that hard work and preparation translates into onfield success even against opponents who may have more natural ability. He was not a media diva or someone who questioned how the coach wanted to use him on gameday. The only time you heard his name called was when he found the endzone or made a big play on special teams.

While I understand and support ShanAllen’s plan to start fresh and distance the Redskins from their abysmal recent history, I feel that in this instance it would be a smart move to reconnect with this former player. Thrash was always willing to give 100% and play unselfish football for the good of the team. These values seem to be at the heart of our new Front Office’s philosophy and I think our receivers could greatly benefit from having him around.



Me rockin my Thrash jersey

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How about as a special teams assistant? He was heavily praised for the way he prepared for special teams. He could teach a thing or two on that, especially since special teams are usually played by younger players who need those pointers.

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They did that already under zorn and it didn't really have a effect.

Your right, its completely the same situation as last year. nothing has changed except the coach, GM, Quarterback, and receivers on the team. Clearly there would be no difference. What?

I'm not sure if i didn't make myself clear but in no way am I saying replace McCardell with Thrash. I want them both here. Its not like Danny would have to break the bank to bring him on and honestly, because of McCardell's inexperience the skins could get two decent coaches with recent NFL playing time for what most teams would probably pay for one. Why does it have to be one or the other?

As far as I know there's no limit to the number of coaches and consultants allowed by the team. Considering the fact that we are again trying to learn a new system and are trying to use every opportunity to become more competitive, I'm a little surprised everyone is so against this.

Why settle for having just McCardell who "should be able to handle it", even though he's never coached before, when you can increase your chances by bringing in Thrash as well? How can you all say Thrash has nothing to offer when he was McNabb's top reciever for two years? I fail to see any downside to giving our players more preparation than just "good enough". The bare minimum shouldn't be the goal were trying to reach, we have alot of work to make this team respectable again and it seems idiotic to me to not use every possible advantage available to us.

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How about as a special teams assistant? He was heavily praised for the way he prepared for special teams. He could teach a thing or two on that, especially since special teams are usually played by younger players who need those pointers.

You got there first...That was my original thought.

Besides, if it does not work out, how hard can it really be to cut a coach?

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#1- I didn't know he was gone. I thought he was the guy who helped out the Rookies to adapt in the NFL.

#2- Although I loved Thrash, he was nothing to talk about either. The only good thing about him was he was dependable. The Skins let him go the first time for a reason. His whole career with the Eagles was not impressive either until his last yr just before we picked him up the second time. Then he was mediocre again. Due to this he was the 3rd or 4th WR on the roster. Yes we was good at getting the 1st down on 3rd down but other wise he was a non factor.

#3- I'd rather the WR coach, coach up our WR's. Plus the majority of the Offensive coach's have worked with the WR's at some point in their career with excellent results. To include;

Kyle Shanahan in Tampa and his first yr in Houston.

Matt LeFleur did in Houston his first yr.

Jon Embree did in Kansas City. He was Asst. head coach/WR's coach.

Sean McVay did in with the Tuskers...Haslets UFL team.

Richard Flowers was a WR.

Keenan McCardell was a WR.

I think we have enough coach's who should be able to get some sort of production out of the WR's we have now. Unless the WR's we have are no good. Now thats a thought.

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Your right, its completely the same situation as last year. nothing has changed except the coach, GM, Quarterback, and receivers on the team. Clearly there would be no difference. What?

You wanted peoples opinions...so why act like a little kid when they give it to you? What?:silly:

How can you all say Thrash has nothing to offer when he was McNabb's top reciever for two years?

He was McNabb's top receiver because McNabb had one of the worst receiving corps in the league, with the likes of Todd "bean pole" Pinkston opposite Thrash, so yeah Thrash was gonna be the top guy. On any other team he would've been 4th or 5th on the depth chart.

Thrash made his mark playing special teams, so if you wanna bring him back to help out Danny Smith coach the young guys trying to make the team via ST then do that. McCarddell was 10 times better as a WR than Thrash so no his help is not needed there. There's a reason Thrash was allowed to walk and go to Philly in the first place.

The bare minimum shouldn't be the goal were trying to reach, we have alot of work to make this team respectable again and it seems idiotic to me to not use every possible advantage available to us.

I don't have any work to do to make the team respectable again and neither do you, not unless this is Kyle Shanahan or somebody that has an account here that I didn't know about. What position do you play? coach? Since you're part of the team, can you tell Coach Shanahan to call 50-Gut 10 times in a row to start the opener and have LJ run it. Much appreciated.:dallasuck

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You wanted peoples opinions...so why act like a little kid when they give it to you? What?:silly:

He was McNabb's top receiver because McNabb had one of the worst receiving corps in the league, with the likes of Todd "bean pole" Pinkston opposite Thrash, so yeah Thrash was gonna be the top guy. On any other team he would've been 4th or 5th on the depth chart.

Thrash made his mark playing special teams, so if you wanna bring him back to help out Danny Smith coach the young guys trying to make the team via ST then do that. McCarddell was 10 times better as a WR than Thrash so no his help is not needed there. There's a reason Thrash was allowed to walk and go to Philly in the first place.

I don't have any work to do to make the team respectable again and neither do you, not unless this is Kyle Shanahan or somebody that has an account here that I didn't know about. What position do you play? coach? Since you're part of the team, can you tell Coach Shanahan to call 50-Gut 10 times in a row to start the opener and have LJ run it. Much appreciated.:dallasuck

My kid response was because the negativity genuinely surprised me and your response seemed more like an attempt at a snappy one liner than an actual valid point. I dont think Zorn's poor coaching is a reflection on what the players or some of the other coaching staff are capable of.

And regardless of where Thrash would theoretically rank on other teams, he WAS the leading reciever in Philadelphia for two seasons. What I said he would bring to the table is familiarity with how McNabb plays the game. I don't see how that is contingent on how impressive his stats were. This offseason Bruce Allen has made a point of bringing in low risk, high reward personnel for not alot of money who can benefit the team. In my mind Thrash fits the bill.

And I'm a fan, so yeah, I call it my team. I must have missed your inaugeration as the new king of ES. Ill be sure to check with you before I post my opinions in the future.

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If Thrash's determination, ambition and work ethic rub off on the young guys, that alone would be enough reason for me to bring him in here again. No matter what you say about him, he would do anything the team needed done, and it showed that he took pride in his work. I wish we could bring him in as a positions coach or an assistant. Bringing Thrash back into the fold would also breed familiarity with McNabb. Im for this move in any fashion.

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My kid response was because the negativity genuinely surprised me and your response seemed more like an attempt at a snappy one liner than an actual valid point. I dont think Zorn's poor coaching is a reflection on what the players or some of the other coaching staff are capable of.

And regardless of where Thrash would theoretically rank on other teams, he WAS the leading reciever in Philadelphia for two seasons. What I said he would bring to the table is familiarity with how McNabb plays the game. I don't see how that is contingent on how impressive his stats were. This offseason Bruce Allen has made a point of bringing in low risk, high reward personnel for not alot of money who can benefit the team. In my mind Thrash fits the bill.

And I'm a fan, so yeah, I call it my team. I must have missed your inaugeration as the new king of ES. Ill be sure to check with you before I post my opinions in the future.

Not to be a jerk but I too seem to get the impression you asked people what they thought about bringing Thrash back and purposefully left out a "NO" answer. Then when you started getting a resounding "NO" from other fans you didn't like the answer. Maybe you should have just wrote your comment and then locked the thread?

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