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"Lost" Series Finale/ Prediction Thread


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i'm with you there. the on-island stuff was great. epic even. the sideways stuff was completely retarded.

Exactly. Now I think they were going for this is an afterlife for the Losties, all the other people involved were not the actual afterlife of those people, just used to get them to all meet up. I can piece a lot together, I just do not like it.

With you on Jack bleeding and the underworld island though. Season 6 should have just been the culmination on the island and maybe flashbacks to the previous doings on the island - More info on the mother, More info on what Dharma's goals were, more info on how Jacob learning about the ourside world he knew NOTHING About, etc. Sure I can piece together what I think happened but seeing some of that would have been far more satisfying. Ending with Jack was perfect, seeing some leave, Hurley staying back, loved all of that. If i could watch LOST and just delete all the sideways scenes it would have been much better to me.

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Those on the plane got off, and yes, I suspect that Kate and Sawyer got together in the end.

I know some people are pushing this, but I don't think it happened.

Here's why: When Kate is leaving Jack at the island, she tells him she loves him, and then asks, "Will I ever see you again?" I think this implies she was willing to wait for him.

When Kate greets him in "limbo" she says, "I've missed you." Kate lived out her life off the island without Jack, but all the time missing him, hoping to see him again. I don't think she found another partner (or hooked up with Sawyer). Both of their "true loves" died on the island, and I think the poetry of the story is both couples ended up together in the afterlife. The island seperated them, but the they were brought back together.

I hated the majority of the 6th season, but I did like the ending. I do like how everyone still has their theories (such as mine above) even with the story being "over." LOST is what you wanted it to be, I think interpretations of the ending show alot about a persons ideals/outlook on life.

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I've had some time to think about the finale... and like any episode of LOST, the more I think about it, the more I find the genius behind it.

The one thing that has always frustrated me about Lost is... when they have ever introduced something mysterious, all of us fans would spend as little as one week or many years pondering what the mystery item was. And by the time the writers got around to answering some mystery, it was ALWAYS something very simple. It could always be explained away quickly. Subsequently, there is this feeling of fulfillment from getting an answer yet there is also a feeling of frustration that the answer is so simple. But over time, the simple answer ends up being perfect. For example, let's recall just one mystery... "It's just chalk on a cave wall, Kate. You can have the job if you want it."

With the finale, I watched it and reserved myself to probably being given very simple answer(s) to a few things. I am so pleasantly surprised. I expected an epic showdown between Locke and Jack. I was thinking, "the best way to capture MIB would be to somehow lure him into the perimeter of the sonic fence, turn it and thus he'd be trapped. Then... somehow... Desmond would drag him back to the core and lock him away b/c he has that 'special power' to survive EM." Well... none of that happened. Instead, a simple answer was given. Popping the cork turned off the light. Once it was out, Locke became human. This was how he would leave. How Jack knew this, I can't figure out other to assume that becoming the protector meant that all knowledge of the island is inherited.

I thought Juliet and Sawyers discussion at the vending machine was a way of explaining what happened with the stone cork. Unlugging the machine would release that candy bar... but it would also blow the lights out... until you plugged it back in. It was by far very simple. So that's what the Losties did... unplug the machine... then plug it back in. There's something very disappointing about that... yet satisfying.

Now to the last half hour... we finally got a complex answer to something that was so vague and ambiguous that we could spend months debating it. Yet despite the ambiguity that the writers are known for... that was a finite message in it. Christian told Jack that "there's no now." and what we were to learn from that is that where there were was timeless and not bound to the same rules of time that we are acccustomed to. No matter when any of them died in real life did not matter. In THIS place, all can happen at once, in a nanosecond. It is limbo. And the message we were given over the course of season 6 was... the Alt TL was death. We can apply what we wish to this place. There was nothing about it that was dogmatic to any religion. It is what it is. And our Losties found the connections they needed to move on. They reconnected with each other. They "FOUND" each other. They were no longer lost. In fact, finding eacch other is what they needed to be able to move on.

As for Jack's epic moment of saving life... I look at it like this... He placed that cork back in the hole. And I'm sure many of us thought, "it's too late. the light has been out too long." But as he layed there dying... I remember what Mother said to Jacob and his brother when she showed them the light. They asked her what it was and she said something like, "It's life. Death. Rebirth. There is a little bit of light in all of us." At that moment, I realized that Jack was going to die in that water. And as that water surrrounded him, the light inside him would escape... but never be able to leave that pool of water. His self sacrifice saved everyone. His light shines on.

The scene with jack and his father... wow. Just... so emotional. I really felt it. And for a split second, before Christian began to explain what was going on... I thought Jack had died on the plane. His bod was outside the cave and as he stood up, it was clear his spine was broken (watch again, the lump on his back is cringe worthy). He struggle back to the place he was at in the very first scene of the Pilot episode. I thought, "oh my God he's beeen dead the whole time. He died on the plane." I thought, he's been given peace and now his soul is returning to the place of his dead body. He layed down right where he had risen in the very beginning.

Of course... I was completely wrong about that. LOL.

Yet, I feel that it may be possible. It was a comfortable theory. I feel that the show is SO open and SO loose that you could conclude any number of ways as to what happened over the last 6 years.

To wrap it up.... I will miss this show so much. If it has done anything, it has kicked the dust off my spiritual side. It is truly one of the most historic endeaveurs on television today. It told HBO, "hey, network tv can be just as good as your stuff." I am so glad that one day while bored, I decided to watch the Pilot episodes on the internet. that was a few weeks before Season4 started. I scrambled over 2 months to catch up to season4.

I don't think I've appreciated any show quite like I appreciated this one. :)

R.I.P. Lost.

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Who are the others? Why do the beat the crap out of people, lock them up, kidnap people and kids, and run tests on them? How are they the good guys? Why did they have lists of names that they wanted of the survivors to be kidnapped? If they were good guys, why did the others have bad asses like Mikhail to kill people, and why did they kill all of the Dharma guys?

Why did the stewardess join the others, and take the two kids with her, who were those 2 kids? Why did she so quickly believe that they were good guys?

Why did Clair run away from the main group in the first place and abandon her baby?

Why does Kate see Black Horses everywhere?

Why can't kids be conceived on the Island?

What powers does Walt have, and why did the other kidnap him?

Why do people see Walt in places that he is not?

How was Walt talking to his dad on the computer?

Who was the real Henry Gale?

That was that "box" that Ben used to get Locke's dad on the island?

Did setting off a Nuke in the past change the future, or did it kill everyone, or do neither?

Why is the island hard to find, and why is it hard to leave?

Why did Whitmore want to get back to the island so badly, and what was his plan all along? Why did he hire goons to kill Ben's daughter?

What about the 100s and 100s of other people that were on the plane crash that slowly were ignored and killed off throughout the show, why were they not in the church?

Did Jacob really think that it would be worth sacrificing those 100s of people so that a handful of loosers that feel sorry about their lives can find meaning?

Seems to me MIB was more insightful than Jacob was, MIB seemed to be willing to talk to humans when they were kids, so how come earlier in the series when them two were talking, MIB was mad that Jacob kept bringing humans to the island, and how come Jacob wanted to bring them?

Why would it be such a bad thing if MIB got off the island?

What were the rules for MIB to get off the island?

Why do both MIB and Jacob lie about promising things to people that they will never produce?

How did Alpert see his wife alive on the island?

Why does everyone say to kill Jacob or MIB, you must kill them before they say something?

There are even more questions that this that remain unanswered, to me, this show was all about stringing you along with a bunch of cool mysteries that you just can't figure out by yourself (because there is no logical answer to them), and when the writing crew figures out that there is no way to answer a question, they distract you with a whole bunch of other questions and hope you forget about the other ones. They show stopped being about a group of plain survivors trying to survive on an island that has some strange stuff going on, into a show about 10 or so people, and every other poor soul on the plane was a no one that could be donked off no problem. Sure, I know a lot about a lot of characters, and I know how a bunch of them end up, but the happy endings of 10 or some people doesn't seem worth the piles and piles of dead that were racked up, and piles and piles of unanswered questions got left. Label me disappointed.

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I liked it a lot. They set it up so there was an ending...but we all can still believe what we want about what happened in the details.

For me this episode told me a handful of things.

While Jacob/MiB battled over the island.....there was one constant from the time they crashed, to the final scene. Even if we didn't see him...Vincent was there. The dog was symbolic for the Island's soul to me.

Then he sat with Jack as he died.

So, while we know how it "ends" with all their souls coming together after their own individual deaths. We don't know how long Hugo/Ben protected the island...or how long Rose/Bernie were there.

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Of course, these are just my opinions, but let me try to answer from my interpretation.

why was the island underwater in the "afterlife?" does this mean that at some point, hurley and ben failed and someone was able to destroy the island? does that mean that the light went out everywhere in the sideways world, as Mother said it would? if it went out, then how did Christian walk into the light in the church? if the island is sunk, it should all be gone, right?

The island didn’t exist in the afterlife. The light had gone out and the island sunk. There was no need for the island and the light sense they were already dead. There was no light in the afterlife as they were not alive.

why did jacks neck keep bleeding but no one else had physical symptoms from their past lives?

Existentialism. Each character had moments of reflection in the mirrors in the afterlife. However, they each could tell something wasn’t quite right. Jack’s scare on his stomach, his bleeding neck were ways for him to “awaken” the memories of his life. And, of course, it was just a cool thing to connect at the end for the viewers.

why didn't island desmond know that the sideways world was the portal to the afterlife?

It’s unclear what Desmond knew but he seems to have been the only one aware of the “alt” timeline in the real life. Perhaps he didn’t know it was the afterlife he saw but either way he knew that their life on the island wasn’t all there was. He had faith in his life continuing.

if the sideways world was created by the losties to meet up before they move on, then why create a reality where they all don't have their memories? why would desmond create a reality where he wasnt with penny for 99.9% of his life?

How could they have been “found” if they had memories from the beginning? Get it? Lost, now found?

how does all of this explain how ghost ana lucia talked to hurley off-island in season 5?

That was the Smoke monster manipulating him.

i'm sorry, but the sideways timeline was completely unsatisfying. its new age faux-religious crap aimed at satisfying people who don't really think about things too much. maybe further review will reveal that there's more to it than meets the eye, but right now, it looks like an incredibly lame ending.

They could have tied it all up to quantum theory, but in the end, the show was about finding oneself. What better way to end it than to be rewarded for finding themselves with a happily ever after? It could have gone the science route, but that may not have been as moving, not as deep an impact for most people. Some will wish it didn’t take a spiritual turn, but spiritual elements were always a part of this show.

so what happens to ji-yeong? right now she's just a fetus in the sideways world, so what happens to her when her parents walk into the light? does she get to be born in heaven or something? i guess that would satisfy the pro-lifers. however, i guess the pro-choicers think its just tissue so there will be no ji-yeong, since its just tissue. kinda funny that seeing their baby on the ultrasound is what woke up jin and sun, however by moving on, one way or another, theyre going to deny her a human existance.

Ji-Yeong is an heiress to a powerful Korean company. She’ll be just fine. She was a manifestation in the afterlife. A way to connect Sun and Jin to their memories of their actual life.

then, where's the sense of danger in everything we've seen on the show if, no matter what, everyone just gets to be together when they die?

We don’t know if “no matter what’ they end up like they did. Ben wasn’t in the room. Some even say it was Jack that created the afterlife, or it was Jack’s afterlife, not everyone elses. Jack was redeemed in the end, he was given his happily ever after. Many ways of interpreting that.

and again, what was david?

Just a manifestation. Jack had daddy issues. Best way to overcome them is to be a good dad yourself.

there's so much supporting evidence to say that jughead was responsible for the sideways timeline and then the show just throws that out the window in the end and gives us this afterlife crap. laziness. sheer, utter laziness on their part.

Jughead was the incident.

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why dont you explain it to us retards then.

The alt/flash sideways/Limbo was not part of the physical universe. It was place in which the “lost” souls of the castaways and the constant (Desmond with his love Penny) finally met up with eachother and were able to move on (to heaven, the afterlife, __________ <insert your own definition). It was a very spiritual and poetic ending to the greatest show of all time.

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The alt/flash sideways/Limbo was not part of the physical universe. It was place in which the “lost” souls of the castaways and the constant (Desmond with his love Penny) finally met up with eachother and were able to move on (to heaven' date=' the afterlife, __________ <insert your own definition). It was a very spiritual and poetic ending to [b']the greatest show of all time[/b].

I love the show and all . . . but come on! Seriously?

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My thoughts on the final episode:

I think the final episode was great and awful. It was a perfect ending for season 6 as it was moving well done and allowed watchers to say good bye to characters they followed for a long time. But not a good enough ending for all 6 years of viewership.

I do think in the end we all got long-conned though.

We were all captivated by the mysteries of the island. It kept people watching for several years and towards the end of season 5 and start of 6 we were then told no it's all about the characters?

It's almost like a cop out on the way to answer the huge list of questions that never got answered.

I enjoyed it for what it was and it provided some closure ... and maybe there is no perfect way to ever end a show but I'm left wanting more.

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My thoughts on the final episode:

I think the final episode was great and awful. It was a perfect ending for season 6 as it was moving well done and allowed watchers to say good bye to characters they followed for a long time. But not a good enough ending for all 6 years of viewership.

I do think in the end we all got long-conned though.

We were all captivated by the mysteries of the island. It kept people watching for several years and towards the end of season 5 and start of 6 we were then told no it's all about the characters?

It's almost like a cop out on the way to answer the huge list of questions that never got answered.

I enjoyed it for what it was and it provided some closure ... and maybe there is no perfect way to ever end a show but I'm left wanting more.

I have to say this is probably almost exactly how I feel.

I appreciate the ending for what it was but I feel like the writers kept putting "mysteries" into the shows plot and getting to a point where they couldn't possibly explain a lot of them. I feel like too many things that were important to the early seasons that were never explained by the end of the series. Seems to me the writers got sloppy at too many points.

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The only criticism I have for the finale is... everyone got closure but I really wanted to see Jacob and his brother to be reunited as they were before they ever learned about the island from Mother.

I thought that would've been really awesome since they haven't been "friends" for over 2,000 years.

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Instead, a simple answer was given. Popping the cork turned off the light. Once it was out, Locke became human. This was how he would leave. How Jack knew this, I can't figure out other to assume that becoming the protector meant that all knowledge of the island is inherited.

Jack didn't know that. Jack trusted that Jacob brought Desmond there for a reason. He didn't know that the reason Desmond was there was because he could take smokey's power. After smokey was dead, Jack realized that he had to save the island.

Nobody else could have pulled the cork to get Smokey.

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Who are the others? Why do the beat the crap out of people, lock them up, kidnap people and kids, and run tests on them? How are they the good guys? Why did they have lists of names that they wanted of the survivors to be kidnapped? If they were good guys, why did the others have bad asses like Mikhail to kill people, and why did they kill all of the Dharma guys?

Who said they were the good guys? Obviously if the others were good, Jacob wouldn’t need to keep bringing others to the island to prove his brother wrong. Even the MIB said the first others were bad people. They killed the Dharma guys because the MIB was acting like Jacob to Ben. They were getting too close to the source of the light and had to be stopped.

Why did the stewardess join the others, and take the two kids with her, who were those 2 kids? Why did she so quickly believe that they were good guys?

She was probably always an other and was there to make sure the candidates got to the island safely. Once there, she got up and left to go back to the others, taking the children since they had the means to raise them healthily and to keep them uncorrupted as possible. Similar to Illana, one of Jacob’s people.

Why did Clair run away from the main group in the first place and abandon her baby?

It is believed that Claire had the same thing happen to her that happened to Sayid. She died in the explosion and was “resurrected” since she was a candidate. But she was manipulated by the MIB.

Why does Kate see Black Horses everywhere?
Why can't kids be conceived on the Island?

Perhaps because life could not begin on the island, being that it was the source. Perhaps a way to keep too many people from populating the island. You can’t begin there, you can only be brought there.

What powers does Walt have, and why did the other kidnap him?

Many think Walt was the original Desmond but he grew too old. As with Aaron, he didn’t end up special as some predicted. He was a child that could be more easily raised by the way of the others. I think the Desmond thing was the plan and his sudden growth spurt killed that .

Why do people see Walt in places that he is not?

Manifestation of MIB.

How was Walt talking to his dad on the computer?

The MIB manipulating Michael.

Who was the real Henry Gale?

Who knows. Perhaps Ben just made the ID up, perhaps he was just some guy that died on his way to the island.

That was that "box" that Ben used to get Locke's dad on the island?

Good question. But we saw that the others had incredible resources and may have just kidnapped Original Sawyer as a way of manipulating Locke and Ford.

Did setting off a Nuke in the past change the future, or did it kill everyone, or do neither?

I think the nuke was the incident.

Why is the island hard to find, and why is it hard to leave?

The electromagnetic energy creates a shield around the island preventing compasses and other radar imagery from finding it. It’s hard to leave because the energy just pulls you back.

Why did Whitmore want to get back to the island so badly, and what was his plan all along? Why did he hire goons to kill Ben's daughter?

Originally it was revenge for being exiled. Then he said Jacob came to him and changed his perspective, allowing him to return and bring Desmond as instructed by Jacob.

What about the 100s and 100s of other people that were on the plane crash that slowly were ignored and killed off throughout the show, why were they not in the church?

They weren’t in that group. Perhaps they have their own afterlife to reconnect with the people that changed their lives. The people in the church were all there because they all deeply affected each other during their redemptions. Another theory is that it was just Jack’s afterlife and the people there were important in his redemption. It was HIS heaven, not all of theirs.

Did Jacob really think that it would be worth sacrificing those 100s of people so that a handful of loosers that feel sorry about their lives can find meaning?

Jacob did it to find a replacement. If he had not, everyone would have died anyways. And with Jacob being privy to creation, perhaps knew that death was not as bad as those without that faith or knowledge.

Seems to me MIB was more insightful than Jacob was, MIB seemed to be willing to talk to humans when they were kids, so how come earlier in the series when them two were talking, MIB was mad that Jacob kept bringing humans to the island, and how come Jacob wanted to bring them?

Jacob always wanted the inner light to shine through people. If he had to manipulate them or push them as much as the MIB tried, then what’s the point?

Why would it be such a bad thing if MIB got off the island?

The light in all men would cease. The end of the world.

What were the rules for MIB to get off the island?

Those were Jacob’s rules he made. Remember, the MIB was always on the island and was always just told he couldn’t leave. Jacob made it so that as long as there was a protector, he couldn’t leave.

Why do both MIB and Jacob lie about promising things to people that they will never produce?

Such as? MIB was corrupt beyond repair. Not sure what Jacob ever lied about.

How did Alpert see his wife alive on the island?

Most believe that was the MIB manipulating him to get him to want to move on. Join the MIB and be with his wife where ever she was.

Why does everyone say to kill Jacob or MIB, you must kill them before they say something?

Because they would talk you out of it.

There are even more questions that this that remain unanswered, to me, this show was all about stringing you along with a bunch of cool mysteries that you just can't figure out by yourself (because there is no logical answer to them), and when the writing crew figures out that there is no way to answer a question, they distract you with a whole bunch of other questions and hope you forget about the other ones. They show stopped being about a group of plain survivors trying to survive on an island that has some strange stuff going on, into a show about 10 or so people, and every other poor soul on the plane was a no one that could be donked off no problem. Sure, I know a lot about a lot of characters, and I know how a bunch of them end up, but the happy endings of 10 or some people doesn't seem worth the piles and piles of dead that were racked up, and piles and piles of unanswered questions got left. Label me disappointed.

The show was about personal redemption. Finding yourself when you are lost. All the other stuff was just icing on the cake. It didn’t matter why the island was what it was, what mattered is that in the end, they found purpose in their lives. I know a lot don’t like that, but it appears to be the answer.

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What do you consider the greatest show of all time?

The Wire, The Sopranos, Dexter - off the top of my head.

If you want to add comedies then I could definitely expand it.

Might be the best network drama I've ever seen but I'd have to think about it a little more.

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Yeah. I'd agree that it's the best show of all time. I don't expect everyone to share that opinion. But I'm sure there are a lot of people that think it is.

That's fine.

I'm surprised that people would feel this way. The show kept me intrigued for six seasons and is definitely in my top 5 as far as dramas - I just feel the writing was way too sloppy at points and it became obvious the writers were making too much stuff up as they went along.

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as a whole, i loved Lost, but The Wire is the greatest show of all times

I didn't watch the Wire but, for me, Lost blows the Sopranos out of the water. That show peaked in the first couple of seasons and, after the russian in the woods/snow angle was killed off for no apparent reason, it never regained it's greatness.

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