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"Lost" Series Finale/ Prediction Thread


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It was/is Jacob. Did you watch Across the Sea?

So it's stereo jacob them? Older Jacob appears to Hurley and informs him of tactics.... But younger Jacob also appears to hurley, but has a different agenda?

I just don't get it.... Sorry for being thick. Elder Jacob was basically a phantom.... so was younger Jacob? What's the difference between them. Why was the boy even necessary if all he was, was an older version of the ghost of Jacob?

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So it's stereo jacob them? Older Jacob appears to Hurley and informs him of tactics.... But younger Jacob also appears to hurley, but has a different agenda?

I just don't get it.... Sorry for being thick. Elder Jacob was basically a phantom.... so was younger Jacob? What's the difference between them. Why was the boy even necessary if all he was, was an older version of the ghost of Jacob?

Hmm.. was there a real reason for it to be young Jacob? Not that I can think of right now. I think what it did was get the audience saying... who the hell was that... and speculating that it was Jacob as a boy. Then in the next episode(s) Across the Sea? you find out about young MIB/Jacob and the reason they abide by the rules. So it seems to be more a storytelling technique than serving a real purpose in the island reality.

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Am I the only one who thought the closing credits, where they showed the wreckage, was just that, pics of some of the sets for the show, as a final memorial to that part of the show?

It was an okay finale. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either. I didn't start getting into lost until at some point in the previous season, so maybe that's why I don't feel as attached to the finality of it all.

I thought the same on the credits. I really think people are looking too deep into it and the producers were just trying to show the set of the pilot episode. The showed ended with Jack's eye closing.

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So it's stereo jacob them? Older Jacob appears to Hurley and informs him of tactics.... But younger Jacob also appears to hurley, but has a different agenda?

I just don't get it.... Sorry for being thick. Elder Jacob was basically a phantom.... so was younger Jacob? What's the difference between them. Why was the boy even necessary if all he was, was an older version of the ghost of Jacob?

I think it just adds to the mystery of the show. Nothing more. Who's that boy? If it were adult Jacob standing there, you'd know all along.

You can fanwank all you want about why he was in boy form, but I just take it as a way for the writers to introduce other "weirdness" for the viewers to soak in. It was a cooler to see a boy telling Flocke the rules, and tormenting him. Again, if it were adult Jacob, you'd know who it was.

And, I too, think the ending credits were simply symbolic of the opening scene and that the losties have all moved on.

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I hope the writers get together and make a series of books out of this. They could tie up so many loose ends that, IMO, too many people are focused on...the temple, Widmore, why Jack didn't turn into Smokey, "mom" etc.

I'd buy them, for sure.

Either way, I never realized how much I had invested into those story lines until last night. Charlie/Claire, in particular, was just amazing. Not Penny's boat is my favorite scene of the show.

Kate made me happy she was still on the show, and boy did she look good in the alt! Jack redeemed himself. The scene where he and Locke met up with Jacob and the rest of the cast was epic. In an instant, Locke was no longer a character to be feared. Jack was his equal and opposite, and he was going to kill him. The loveable Hurley was the new protector and Ben stayed to help as a fully redeemed character.

The alt was the icing. It could have easily been a show just about the island. That would have been neat. But the alt made what they did on the island worth it. All of those days where the fought and fell in love mattered, forever.

The only thing I didn't like was Sayid not ending up with Nadia. I can look the other way on that one. It seemed like they just wanted to force the other chick's character back into the final.

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Too me, the on island ending was perfect. I wish the season 6 focus would have been something other than their afterlife. The ending of the show would have a strong impact to me without seeing that crap.

Why is the afterlife crap?

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Why is the afterlife crap?

I just did not like it (and this is and will be the big dividing point on whether people liked the finale or not). I think the show would have been better ended without seeing what happens after they all die. Just a feeling really.

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My take (similar to others)

Jack saved the island and died with Vincent by his side.

The others escaped on the plane flying overhead and lived out their lives (Sawyer likely banging Kate)

Hurley and Ben ruled the island as 1 & 2 - (maybe even gay lovers j/k) and died at some point.

The sideworld was a timeless place (Limbo) where all the characters who died before and after Jack were gathered to either live their lives the way they wanted to, pay for their sins, or just were there doing nothing... Jack was there b/c he couldnt let go of his past life and Desmond somehow was able to help them all move along to the next step - likely Heaven.

The final scenes were very powerful. Great stuff. I will miss this show.

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I just did not like it (and this is and will be the big dividing point on whether people liked the finale or not). I think the show would have been better ended without seeing what happens after they all die. Just a feeling really.

It was great to see the redemption of the characters and the sideways world was actually limbo where the LOSTies had a place to meet up and move on together. A fitting ending to a show that was so firmly based in conflict.

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This thread is one of the main reasons the writers left a lot of stuff "unanswered". Its open to interpretation, the discussion continues, people will rewatch the show... if they spelled out everything for you, it would suck. You would say "Oh" and then forget about the show. As it is, people can argue about what the answers are an again, the discussion continues, the show lives on...

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Too me, the on island ending was perfect. I wish the season 6 focus would have been something other than their afterlife. The ending of the show would have a strong impact to me without seeing that crap.

i'm with you there. the on-island stuff was great. epic even. the sideways stuff was completely retarded.

why was the island underwater in the "afterlife?" does this mean that at some point, hurley and ben failed and someone was able to destroy the island? does that mean that the light went out everywhere in the sideways world, as Mother said it would? if it went out, then how did Christian walk into the light in the church? if the island is sunk, it should all be gone, right?

why did jacks neck keep bleeding but no one else had physical symptoms from their past lives?

why didn't island desmond know that the sideways world was the portal to the afterlife?

if the sideways world was created by the losties to meet up before they move on, then why create a reality where they all don't have their memories? why would desmond create a reality where he wasnt with penny for 99.9% of his life?

how does all of this explain how ghost ana lucia talked to hurley off-island in season 5?

i'm sorry, but the sideways timeline was completely unsatisfying. its new age faux-religious crap aimed at satisfying people who don't really think about things too much. maybe further review will reveal that there's more to it than meets the eye, but right now, it looks like an incredibly lame ending.

so what happens to ji-yeong? right now she's just a fetus in the sideways world, so what happens to her when her parents walk into the light? does she get to be born in heaven or something? i guess that would satisfy the pro-lifers. however, i guess the pro-choicers think its just tissue so there will be no ji-yeong, since its just tissue. kinda funny that seeing their baby on the ultrasound is what woke up jin and sun, however by moving on, one way or another, theyre going to deny her a human existance.

then, where's the sense of danger in everything we've seen on the show if, no matter what, everyone just gets to be together when they die?

and again, what was david?

there's so much supporting evidence to say that jughead was responsible for the sideways timeline and then the show just throws that out the window in the end and gives us this afterlife crap. laziness. sheer, utter laziness on their part.

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OK so here is my take.

The sideways universe represented what would have happened if the Bomb exploded the 1970's, which destroyed the Island. When the Island died, the world came to an end so everyone in the sideways universe was dead.

In the universe where the plane crashes, all happened as it did, with Jack killing the MIB during the time that the island was "disabled" by Desmond. AFter Jack plugged the whole, the island was saved, thus the world was saved, thus everyone went about their business. Those on the plane got off, and yes, I suspect that Kate and Sawyer got together in the end. Hurley and Ben stayed on the island and Desmond eventually used Locke's boat to make his way back to Penny.

That is my interpretation, after having slept on it.

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OK so here is my take.

The sideways universe represented what would have happened if the Bomb exploded the 1970's, which destroyed the Island. When the Island died, the world came to an end so everyone in the sideways universe was dead.

In the universe where the plane crashes, all happened as it did, with Jack killing the MIB during the time that the island was "disabled" by Desmond. AFter Jack plugged the whole, the island was saved, thus the world was saved, thus everyone went about their business. Those on the plane got off, and yes, I suspect that Kate and Sawyer got together in the end. Hurley and Ben stayed on the island and Desmond eventually used Locke's boat to make his way back to Penny.

That is my interpretation, after having slept on it.

so if, in the sideways universe, the bomb went off, the island sank, and the world came to an end, how was there a sideways universe in 2004? i might be misunderstanding youre theory, but it seems to be a contradiction.

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