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Fans of opposing teams, are you worried about the Washington Redskins?


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I think a better question for this would be, " Fans of opposing teams, are you worried about the Washington Redskins?

Agreed. And the minute I saw the OP, on a site that actually does have plenty of fans from other teams whose input I'd like to see, I wished that it was less....stupid and aggressive, to engender better conversation on the topic. Oh well. As the season gets closer we'll start to see better, more intelligent discussion and smacktalk, I guess.

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Have you seen the schedule? 6 out-of-conference games against teams that finished above .500 last year. The other 4 out of conference games include the Rams, Lions & Buc's...of course the 'Skins owned them last year...

8 w's looks fantastic; 6 looks realistic; 9 looks like too much kool-aid right now.

Half of their roster right now are guys with 2 years or less experience - this is not going to happen overnight. I'd wet myself if they beat Filly out of the cellar this year.

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Agreed. And the minute I saw the OP, on a site that actually does have plenty of fans from other teams whose input I'd like to see, I wished that it was less....stupid and aggressive, to engender better conversation on the topic. Oh well. As the season gets closer we'll start to see better, more intelligent discussion and smacktalk, I guess.

I asked a question that I wanted an answer to. Now if scared was the wrong word to use, I can respect that. But to call it "stupid and aggressive" and to say that this conversation wasn't "intelligent" is not cool. Other fans did have their input. Some laughed at me, but I can understand and respect that. But to dismiss my thread because of my choice of wording is "laughable"

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I asked a question that I wanted an answer to. Now if scared was the wrong word to use, I can respect that. But to call it "stupid and aggressive" and to say that this conversation wasn't "intelligent" is not cool. Other fans did have their input. Some laughed at me, but I can understand and respect that. But to dismiss my thread because of my choice of wording is "laughable"

Well, I apologize for putting down your OP. It doesn't make the thread worthless or anything, but that's my opinion.

A much more thought-out OP, without the bravado and assumptions about what other team's fans think of our team, in MY opinion, would not only have encouraged better discussion, but would have saved you from having an entire first page, if not half the thread, of even Skins fans giving you incredulous reactions.

I didn't say it was the worst thread ever, I said that it could have been done better to promote better conversation on the topic between rivals. If that offends you, I do apologize. :2cents:

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Well, I apologize for putting down your OP. It doesn't make the thread worthless or anything, but that's my opinion.

A much more thought-out OP, without the bravado and assumptions about what other team's fans think of our team, in MY opinion, would not only have encouraged better discussion, but would have saved you from having an entire first page, if not half the thread, of even Skins fans giving you incredulous reactions.

I didn't say it was the worst thread ever, I said that it could have been done better to promote better conversation on the topic between rivals. If that offends you, I do apologize. :2cents:

Even if I did put worried, people still would have laughed. If they don't see us as a threat, then they don't see us as a threat. Like I said, I see where you are coming from, but I think it doesn't matter. You are either scared, or your not. It's that simple........

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I agree with Mahons though, you have to earn respect. But can somebody give me a reason why the Redskins hasn't earned any respect by the moves they made so far?

Because they haven't played any games yet? You claim the team has improved this year. I say maybe, but we won't know for sure until the actual games start. Every team looks like they may have a shot before the season starts, but some prove to be mere frauds. Until they prove otherwise, the 'skins are usually among the frauds.

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Not at all. However, I do see the the Skins improving this year. With the help of Shanahan & McNabb the offense may be better right away. I predicted the Skins would/should draft an OT with their 1st pick and when they did I scratched my head. I had to think Snyder took the day off and gave it to people who know how to build a team.

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Well...to put it bluntly.....NOPE.

Sorry, not "scared" even the slightest and fully expect to win both games this year. Regardless of the regime change and qb change, you are still some of our easier contests next year.

Having said that, I do think you are an improved team. While I don't think McNabb is nearly what he was, he does represent a giant improvement at a position that has been the achillies heel of your team for as long as I can remember.

This alone makes you better. I believe having a real coach in place will also improve your team. Zorn was pathetic...

I think your switch to a 3-4 will not be seamless, but much better than when Dallas made the transition. Dallas was too small and was trying to put square pegs into round holes way too much the first year.

I think Shanny will make your OL less of an issue. I think his approach will make your running game sound and your passing game efficient. Against Dallas's defense though, i'll take my chances. :)

I also think you purged a lot of the scum off of your team. This has been needed for a few years now.

9 wins in a perfect year, more likely 7 wins. <---- IMO

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Even if I did put worried, people still would have laughed. If they don't see us as a threat, then they don't see us as a threat. Like I said, I see where you are coming from, but I think it doesn't matter. You are either scared, or your not. It's that simple........

It's not a matter of word choice as much as it is tone. The first post came off as exceedingly ****y and overconfident on your part. At this stage in the game (offseason, have yet to see the product on the field) that attitude is laughable and is more inviting to negative response than other approaches might be. Had your first post seemed to stem more from cautious optimism, cautious skepticism, or even honest curiosity you would most likely have received far more thoughtful responses.

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It's not a matter of word choice as much as it is tone. The first post came off as exceedingly ****y and overconfident on your part. At this stage in the game (offseason, have yet to see the product on the field) that attitude is laughable and is more inviting to negative response than other approaches might be. Had your first post seemed to stem more from cautious optimism, cautious skepticism, or even honest curiosity you would most likely have received far more thoughtful responses.

Thanks EA, that's exactly what I was trying to get across to him. Good post.

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You do have to earn respect. All I will say is the while the Skins have been down, no team in the NFC east has taken advantage of that with the exception of the Giants. Eagles still have nothing in the trophy case, the Redskins actually have more playoff wins in recent memory than the Cowboys do. It's not like any of these dudes should have a superiority complex.

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It's not a matter of word choice as much as it is tone. The first post came off as exceedingly ****y and overconfident on your part.

What? Somebody said something to me first. They always say something to me first. I don't walk in a room screaming "REDSKINS 2010 SUPERBOWL CHAMPS SUCKAS."

But I just took a poetry class, and I know how important the tone is. If I came off as ****y I apologize, I didn't mean it. All I wanted to know is if teams consider the Redskins a threat and are they scared of us. I am not telling the NFL to bow down to their feet.

Thanks EA, that's exactly what I was trying to get across to him. Good post.

Man why didn't you say that in the first place? :silly:

;7503251']Why would I be scared of them? I don't play against them.

Stop taking things so literally :silly:.......

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NOPE....for what? Because the team has McNabb now? I will be the first to admit that I have been a big McNabb fan for his career in Philly, thus the username, but at the same time, he was let go for a reason and based on the extension Kolb signed yesterday, it wasn't about money.

Would I wish him back for one more season, NO.

Am I glad he went to a rival, NO.

But if I had to pick any rival for him to go to, I'm glad its the Skins.

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Actually, I think the OP is a legitimate question to ask. We are a much different roster going into this season with a new proven coach.

If I were an opponent fan, I wouldn't be scared yet- but I'd feel about the same way I did when the Cowboys ditched their dumbass coach and brought in Parcells.

Which is to say, not good.

Any opposing team fan who really claims they have nothing to worry about is either lying or dumb. :)


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Now if the Skins had gotten Bradford, and maybe upgraded the WRs, then yes because of his accuracy. But as it stands, the biggest knock on McNabb from everyone, even us Eagles fans have been the constant diet of wormballs. Though he has the big arm, Moss isn't the home run threat that he used to be. So while he may have a better run game, he has a weaker WR core, TE is a PUSH, and to be honest, his OL is worse.

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Now if the Skins had gotten Bradford, and maybe upgraded the WRs, then yes because of his accuracy. But as it stands, the biggest knock on McNabb from everyone, even us Eagles fans have been the constant diet of wormballs. Though he has the big arm, Moss isn't the home run threat that he used to be. So while he may have a better run game, he has a weaker WR core, TE is a PUSH, and to be honest, his OL is worse.

I disagree completely that the receivers are worse and the TE is a push.

I'd say receivers are a push, and we have the TE advantage. I'd give you the OL and running game evaluations.

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I disagree completely that the receivers are worse and the TE is a push.

I'd say receivers are a push, and we have the TE advantage. I'd give you the OL and running game evaluations.

There is no way in the world that the Skins WRs compare with the Eagles. NO WAY. Jackson, Maclin, Avant, and now Cooper against Moss, Thomas, Kelly, and whoever else.

Jackson alone trumps every Skins WR, then you add Maclin who trumps Thomas and Kelly (put them together and he still trumps them). And TE is a push because though not as accomplished as Cooley, Celek is well on his way and in many circles considered a Top 10 TE.

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I disagree completely that the receivers are worse and the TE is a push.

I'd say receivers are a push, and we have the TE advantage. I'd give you the OL and running game evaluations.

If anything, McNabb will be helped by the running game, but even that might be an issue if Portis isn't himself. Johnson and Parker don't worry me at all.

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There is no way in the world that the Skins WRs compare with the Eagles. NO WAY. Jackson, Maclin, Avant, and now Cooper against Moss, Thomas, Kelly, and whoever else.

Jackson alone trumps every Skins WR, then you add Maclin who trumps Thomas and Kelly (put them together and he still trumps them). And TE is a push because though not as accomplished as Cooley, Celek is well on his way and in many circles considered a Top 10 TE.

Jackson is the best receiver of the group. Moss is next. The rest are all unproven. Including Maclin, Thomas, Kelly, Avant and Cooper. I will however say you probably have a slight edge there, but not to the dramatic sense you're making it out to be.

TE still isn't a push. Cooley is better than Celek. Davis is better than any backup you have.

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You must be because every time I put on some Redskin gear you all start talking. In the off-season it is usually just us NFC East rivals going at it. All of a sudden everybody is taking shots at us. I know I am not the only fan noticing this. I can't be. I was in a clothing store today, and the worker, who was a Vikings fan, asked me was I a Redskin fan.I guess he couldn't tell from my hat. After confirming his thought he said that we are only going to when two more games than last year.

Two wins, TWO WINS!!! Are you kidding me? That kind of pissed me off at first. But when I thought about it, I realized that maybe his blindness of our improvements might be a sever form of fear.

So I will ask again, fans of opposing teams, are you scared of the Washington Redskins?

If not, you should be........

I am convinced that with proper coaching and a lucky bounce or two on fumbles, we would have won at least nine game last year.

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