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Should we/Could we have waited to trade for Big Ben instead??


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Not that 2nd one, they didn't...

In the second SB win, Big Ben was 21/30, 70% completion rate, 8.5 yards per attempt, and drove the offense 78 yards for the winning TD with 2 1/2 minutes left in the game.

Without that defensive runback for a score they wouldn't have been in postion for a comeback drive. (Didn't see Longshot's post. Well put.)

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Very well said DDB. Donovan McNabb is our best chance to win and help transform the mentality of the lockerroom. We need LEADERSHIP and ACCOUNTABILITY at Redskins Park not more chaos. Big Ben is not a person who exhibits good decision making.

thank you...after the trade I was in shock...a co worker here (aka cowboys fan) came up to me asking my thoughts...after I told him that i could not believe it...and did not like it due to mcnabb being an Eagle...he explained to me that i should be happy...during that conversation he explained that McNabb will have a good idea on how to beat each team since being in the division for so long...that each the cowboys, giants and eagles should all be worried of the redskins now because McNabb knows each defense within the division... I went from :doh: to ---------> :D

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The way I heard Mr. Rooney, Ben is not going anywhere; was allowed to rejoin team after talks; willing to accept consequence, discipline. 5 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Don't think he is going anywhere

That certainly flies in the face of JLC's report that the Rooneys were "livid". It wouldn't be the first time that JLC was wrong.

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If it wasn't for Harrison's interception, that game probably would have gotten out of hand. and Ben wouldn't have been in position to win the game. He also has to give a lot of thanks to Holmes for making all of those great catches that did move the team down the field.

So the defense helped put Big Ben into position TO win the Super Bowl, is that what you're saying? lol ;)...Because either way, it says he at the very least helped win the game instead of the defense winning it "for" him.

And the score was Steelers - 10, Cardinals - 7 at the time of the INT...I'm not sure how Arizona being up 14-10 right before halftime equates to the game "getting out of hand"...Plus, if the game really WAS one goal line INT from getting "out of hand", that doesn't exactly speak highly of the defense's performance in that game up until then lol...

And giving praise to his receiver doesn't = Ben did next to nothing on that drive. It just means he's generous with the compliments to his teammates and has no problem acknowledging their role in the victory. Sorry, but it's not as if he closed his eyes and threw the ball over his left shoulder or something. And that last TD pass was just as much Ben keeping things alive until he saw that sliver of opportunity as it was Holmes' great catch.

But, with the exception of the two TD drives, they weren't doing much on offense.

And the defense had the Cardinals down 20-7, yet let them get back into the game and take the lead late in the 4th quarter...so how, exactly, did the defense win the game for Roethlisberger?

To me, Big Ben has been an overrated QB who benefited a lot from a defense that gives him back the ball on a regular basis. I do admit that last year he had a great season and maybe he was finally growing into it. But, I don't think he's one of the great QBs in the league.

Maybe...but that still doesn't mean that the defense "won him" the Super Bowl in 2008. He played as large a part in that victory as the defense did...and arguably a larger part.

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Without that defensive runback for a score they wouldn't have been in postion for a comeback drive. (Didn't see Longshot's post. Well put.)

You mean without the defense falling apart and letting the Cardinals not just back into the game, but actually take the lead--and in just over 9 minutes of play(!!)--in the 4th quarter (!!!)--with a 13 point lead (!!!!)--they wouldn't have needed a comeback drive (you didn't see my post, either lol ;) )

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That certainly flies in the face of JLC's report that the Rooneys were "livid". It wouldn't be the first time that JLC was wrong.

I don't know about that. I think the Rooneys can be livid at the face of their franchise acting like a ****ing idiot, and still not want him to leave the team. They're businessmen.

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Apparently the Steelers' organization is really upset with him, and they may consider trading him. If the price had been the same or similar would it have been better to hold out for Roethlisberger?

Here's the link: http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8178b2b1&template=with-video-with-comments&confirm=true

Also, I'd like to point out that JLC is the author and this info is from one of his "sources," but who knows if Big Ben is actually dealt.

We now have one of the top QB in the NFL (if only for 3 or 4 seasons). I think based on this trade and some other actions that the skins plan is to win NOW. With the #4 pick looking more and more like OT things may not be that far off the pace. If we trade AH for a top 1st round pick and take someone like Sue we could be in the mix this year. If were not offered a top 10 pick for AH, then we keep him and make him play NT or DE in the 3-4. He received his money so let him earn it. I could care less what he thinks of the 3-4. As for Ben and the point of your posting. Give me McNabb any day. The team and other players think the world of him as a player and person.

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This is a dog and pony show for fans and media to sink there teeth into as an answer for what happened recently. The truth is Pittsburgh's sweaky clean image is all a ruse. They draft guys who have messed up pasts more then most teams. The Rooney's care about the product, little about morals. They just want you to think they do.

Exactly. Same reason they did nothing but scold James Harrison when he was arrested for assult, but cut Cedrick Wilson for the same arrest the same month before the 2008 season.

Sure, they care about image as long as the image doesn't mean they have to get rid of a great player.

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Maybe...but that still doesn't mean that the defense "won him" the Super Bowl in 2008. He played as large a part in that victory as the defense did...and arguably a larger part.

I watched that Superbowl, and other than that last drive, I didn't find Ben's performance to be all that memorable.

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I watched that Superbowl, and other than that last drive, I didn't find Ben's performance to be all that memorable.

"Memorable"? Warner's game was more "memorable". Did it lead to a win? "Memorable" doesn't equate to "Win", it equates to "ESPN Highlights".

For me, when it's the 4th quarter that's the time for each unit to up it's game. If the Steelers defense REALLY won the SB for Big Ben, they would have closed out the deal when they had a 2-score lead and only 11 minutes left in the game. But they didn't up their game, and instead let the Cardinals take the lead for the first time in the game. Ben, Holmes and the rest of the offense upped THEIR game, though, and retook the lead when everything was on the line.

Remember that 64-yard TD by Fitz? That ball didn't travel 60 yards in the air, it was basically a slant lol...Fitz ran 54 of those 64 yards through the Steelers' defense. If the Redskins' defense allowed that to happen, and allowed the opponent to take the lead that late in the game everybody on ES would want all the defensive starters cut, would be clamoring for Landry to be traded, and would be calling Blache all sorts of names. It happens to the Steelers defense, though, and they somehow "won the game". I don't get it.

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Seriously...Dood has issues

I invite you to read this:


"In 5oo-plus pages of documents released Wednesday, Nicole Biancofiore told investigators from the Georgia Bureau of Investigations that her friend, a student at Georgia College & State University, "was dragged by a bodyguard to the back room in Capital [City, a local nightclub]. She was extremely intoxicated and not aware of what was happening."

"He had sex w/me and meanwhile his bodyguards told my friends they couldn't pass them to get to me," the accuser wrote in her statement, which was reported in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

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First, the Steelers aren't thinking about trading him. ESPN refuted this saying he might be on his last leg, but they weren't thinking about trading him at this time (and then talked about what a ridiculous price it would have cost).

Second, this guy has questionable character. I would take an old McNabb to a young Ben anyday.

Besides, with Ben's personal habits, and questionable judgement off the field, he might not have much longer in the league if Goodell decides to take a hard line with him.

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