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Rueters: S.Korean ship sinking, North attack suspected-media


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This will be a major story tonight if the suspicion of a nK attack turns out correct.

SEOUL, March 26 (Reuters) - A South Korean naval vessel with more than 100 aboard was sinking on Friday in waters near North Korea and Seoul was investigating whether it was hit in a torpedo attack by the North, South Korean media said.

Broadcaster SBS said many South Korean sailors on the stricken vessel were feared dead.

South Korea's YTN TV network said the government was investigating whether the sinking was due to a torpedo attack by the North, and Yonhap news agency said the Seoul government had convened an emergency meeting of security-related ministers.

Yonhap also reported a South Korean navy ship firing towards an unidentified vessel to the north.

North Korea in recent weeks has said it was bolstering its defences in response to joint South Korean-U.S. military drills that were held this month. (Reporting by Cho Mee-young and Jon Herskovitz; Writing by Alex Richardson; Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan).


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I wouldn't be so sure that this will lead to war. Something like this happens every few years, like clockwork.

Kim Jong Il is under a lot of pressure due to his recent currency devaluation flap (several top ministers were executed because of it), and may think he needs to escalate things with an outside enemy to distract the people and rally them behind him.

So he sinks a ship, rattles the sabers, but does nothing else. Meanwhile, South Korea is angry as hell, but doesn't want to go to war because there are 10,000 artillery tubes trained on Seoul.

Sucks to be South Korea in all of this.

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I was afraid of this...if Kim Jong Il is in poor health he may decide...screw it if i'm going down I'm taking as many people as I can with me...and what better way to do that than starting a war.

He could preemptively nuke Seoul.

I think its going to turn out to be nothing but some saber rattling or end up not being anything at all.

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He could preemptively nuke Seoul.

I think its going to turn out to be nothing but some saber rattling or end up not being anything at all.

You could be right...one day though he might stop rattling his saber and that is the day things could get messy to say the least.

If the North did do this...I am wondering why the little ego-maniac isn't having parades and all that crap? He's so ego driven and this would be right up his alley.

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Believe me, we're watching N. Korea very closely. I guarantee we have constant surveillance on their nuclear sites. The minute their missile silos open, North Korea will become a parking lot.

China would disown North Korea in a split-second if they try to go the nuclear route. China is about to jump into the top spot in the world economy - you think they'll risk that out of loyalty to worthless North Korea? No chance.

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I really don't think that is true.

China is to NK, as we are to Israel. Without China standing behind him, we would have squashed NK years ago. Even with whatever little nucular;) arsenal NK has now, it is only China, that has allowed them to remain a nuisance. By design, IMO.

If China decided tomorrow, to take him out, by whatever means needed, there would be little, to nothing, we could do about it. Our pledge of support is to SK. He is there because they allow him to be.

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China is to NK, as we are to Israel. Without China standing behind him, we would have squashed NK years ago. Even with whatever little nucular;) arsenal NK has now, it is only China, that has allowed them to remain a nuisance. By design, IMO.

If China decided tomorrow, to take him out, by whatever means needed, there would be little, to nothing, we could do about it. Our pledge of support is to SK. He is there because they allow him to be.

I agree that in many ways, China is to NK as we are to Israel.

However, recent events should show us how hard it is to get Israel to do anything we want them to do. I think China has the same problem with North Korea.

The fact that China could squash NK like a bug doesn't mean they own NK. We could squash Mexico, or Cuba, or Jamaica or any other western hemisphere country like a bug, but they are not under our complete control.

China does not want 20 million starving NK refugees coming across its borders, and it does not want US troops near its borders either. Neither of those is a very surprising position for them to take.

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Yea, so I guess this really isn't considered an act of war. Probably an accident (assuming it was the North and all, which is a big assumption at this point). Nothing to see here. Move along.

BTW, what would the U.S. do if North Korea sank one of our battleships, hypothetically?

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Yea, so I guess this really isn't considered an act of war. Probably an accident (assuming it was the North and all, which is a big assumption at this point). Nothing to see here. Move along.

BTW, what would the U.S. do if North Korea sank one of our battleships, hypothetically?

End them

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Yea, so I guess this really isn't considered an act of war. Probably an accident (assuming it was the North and all, which is a big assumption at this point). Nothing to see here. Move along.

BTW, what would the U.S. do if North Korea sank one of our battleships, hypothetically?

Oh, it wasn't an accident. But there is a reason they attacked a South Korean ship rather than an American ship.

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