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NBC: DC Legalizing Medical Marijuana


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NBC: D.C. in The Weed(s)

Medical marijuana users in the District may not have to go to a clinic or a doctor’s office to get their dose; they may be able to go into their backyard.

D.C. Council is thinking of adding a provision to the new medical marijuana bill that would allow some users to grow plants for their own use. They’d likely be limited to two plants per home.

City leaders are still ironing out a number of details about legalized medical marijuana -- a decade-old issue that just recently became relevant. Washingtonians voted to legalize marijuana back in 1998, but it wasn’t until last December that Congress approved D.C.’s 2010 budget. That allowed the District to legalize marijuana.

click here for entire article.

It's only a matter of time until marijuana is legalized fully. I for one am down for it due to the amount of money the Fed and State Governments can make off of taxing it.

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I love the camp that says "If it's legalized and taxed people would grow it to avoid the tax." Yeah cause people are growing tobacco to avoid the tax, right?

People will buy it from stores because it's easier, plain and simple.

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Question. DC is a federal city. Obama has either said or implied that he would respect the states on their moves concerning marijuana. How though can the federal government ignore this? It remains illegal and a target of the DEA and DC is a federal city.

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It needs to happen (being totally legal). I think it could seriously help out some of our economic issues. Tax the hell out of it. People will still buy it.

It'll be cheaper even with a heavy tax. It's still a crop, and though I'm not an agribusiness expert, I assume you'd be hard pressed to find many other crops that bring over $4000 a pound on the open market. It'll be just as good quality, if not better, it'll be the same price, if not cheaper, and not only will we reap the financial benefits on the tax collection end, but we'll also save a ton of money on the back end that we're currently pumping into the prison system. It's a no brainer unless you're an idiot or an *******.

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Question. DC is a federal city. Obama has either said or implied that he would respect the states on their moves concerning marijuana. How though can the federal government ignore this? It remains illegal and a target of the DEA and DC is a federal city.

It's an enforcement issue. DC has its own government. It's intertwined with the Federal government and sure, they COULD go after them in DC; it just sets a bad precedent for respecting the laws of local governments. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if the DEA goes off the reservation and goes after the dispensaries in DC; they already have made some raids in Colorado or somewhere else out west (I think it was CO) in direct disregard of Obama's enforcement strategy.

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It's only a matter of time, but I have a feeling being in Virginia. That we might be one of the last states to take that forward step:(

I'm not too sure about that. Virginia is definitely a very conservative state; but it's also home to big tobacco; and big tobacco loves the legalizing MJ talk. They've already branded their market offerings into that frey....

If anybody could move Virginia on this matter, it would be RJR Nabisco.

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Question. DC is a federal city. Obama has either said or implied that he would respect the states on their moves concerning marijuana. How though can the federal government ignore this? It remains illegal and a target of the DEA and DC is a federal city.

DC is not a federal city. They have their own popularly elected government. The federal government has a lot of say in what goes on in DC because they give DC a sizeable federal package every year.

When DC does something the Federal Gov doesn't like, congress usually puts their foot on the federal dollar hose.

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I think people would easily pay $60 an 1/8th vs. $50 if it was legal. Chaching!

Not if I have a choice given equal product. I mean, if it's legal to possess, the only thing I have to worry about is getting caught buying it. Once I have it, if it's the same bud, I'm not paying $60 bucks for it b/c it's from a store. Regardless, though, it probably wouldn't work like that; it would probably be cheaper, or close to the same. The markup because of prohibition is ENORMOUS.

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Chopper Dave is right. If you're paying $50 an 1/8th on the black market. Chances are if it were legal the actual price is going to be somewhere between $25-$40. Think anbout how the pot trade wors now.

Huge Guy sells massive quatities @ say $300 per lb

Big Guy sells large quantites @ say $400 per lb to turn a profit

Mid level Guy sells Mid level quantities @ say $500 per lb

low leve Guy sells low level quantities @ say $750 per lb

street level guy sells minimum quantities @ say $1000 per lb

The markup once it gets to the actual consumer has grown exponentially.

If legalized it goes

Farmers+tax - Distributors+tax - Stores+tax

1) The starting price isn't nearly as high

2) The mark-up through each teir is not nearly as much and is regulated

3) Not nearly the amount of tiers to get to consumer

To rid the country of a black market you make it impossible for the mid level guys to make a profit by setting the price below their level. Now consumers are getting better quality and safer product at a fraction of they used to pay. Win, Win, Win! The only ones that lose are the drug dealers, which is fine by me!!!

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To rid the country of a black market you make it impossible for the mid level guys to make a profit by setting the price below their level. Now consumers are getting better quality and safer product at a fraction of they used to pay. Win, Win, Win! The only ones that lose are the drug dealers, which is fine by me!!!

also, it loosens up the supply end, by allowing it to be grown openly in large quantities instead of secret patches or indoor facilities. that will further lower the production costs and therefore the price.

i don't smoke weed and probably wouldn't even if it were legal, but legalizing it just makes too much sense.

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Virginia needs to get out ahead of this. As smoking tobacco decreases the promised land stands ready to mass produce the next smoking cash cow.

You really think that's even remotely possible with this douche of an AG we have now?

Luckily it's one and done here so we only have fours years to go.

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That's good for the people that need it, but call me when they decriminalize simple possession in Washington, DC. I, too, want to see how the coming raids are going to work out with Obama right down the street. It may end up being a catylst for the total legalization we've all been looking for.

A lot of things I didn't think I'd see in my lifetime are happening one right after the other right now. I'd like to see serious talk of national legalization being on the ticket either in 2010 or 2012.

Like G.A.C.O.L.B. pointed out, our AG is crazy. I bet he can't wait to start picking people off coming from DC, perscriptions or not.

Edit - This is not working having pockets of the country that can have a lil weed, or some for medical reasons, surrounded by states and counties that are ready to put you away for having seeds on the dashboard or roaches in the car ashtray. DC is going to bring this all to a head, watch.

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30 an 8th? Maybe if it's mids...maybe...

50/60 is usually about average for decent stuff.

...um from what I've heard anyway :silly:

That sounds about right, around here anyway. Painful, but true. And don't worry, your secret is safe with us. :)

On topic, from reading the article, this looks like a slow process towards getting dispenceries and shops in DC. Next will be legal simple possession I believe. Mess around and start helping the growth of your tax base if people in DC started growing plants to sell to shops, which again brings me back to how this is going to be a big deal the first time somebody gets raided. Obama's right there, he's going to have to do something.

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That sounds about right. Painful, but true. And don't worry, your secret is safe with us. :)

On topic, from reading the article, this looks like a slow process towards getting dispenceries and shops in DC. Next will be legal simple possession I believe. Mess around and start helping the growth of your tax base if people in DC started growing plants to sell to shops, which again brings me back to how this is going to be a big deal the first time somebody gets raided. Obama's right there, he's going to have to do something.

It's going to bring the larger issue to a head. The DEA is still making their raids, now in spite of stated federal policy (though, admittedly, not in spite of written federal law). Hopefully that will stop once Obama puts someone in charge of the DEA. I'm sure it will; he's not going to put someone in who will oppose him on the single largest issue their agency has to deal with, and if they do, he'll probably fire them, or threaten to after the first time raids occur.

The fact is, Obama is out front on this. He's been on record for quite awhile as saying he does not want to use federal resources to override state and local laws. It seems to me that would include DC, non-standard intricacies and White House proximity notwithstanding.

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