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NBC: DC Legalizing Medical Marijuana


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I know so many people who buy nothing but crappy $20 weed and these people buy this **** frequently. Just makes me shake my head. $60 is too much for them, but in the end it all evens out but common sense and basic math is something almost everyone lacks these days.

See, I started on the good stuff, and I never got away from it. All regs do is make me tired and give me a headache. It's not even worth the money for me. There was a long time where I had probably a dozen or more connects for good ****, but honestly couldn't tell you where to find any reggies. Now I only know one person, but I only really know a couple people in total now, and one of them just happens to have brick stuff in addition to the good ****.

I do think it says quite a bit about how widely accepted pot is that someone could completely stop smoking for two years, and one day just pick up the phone and have a half-e of Mango an hour later. I mean, I used to know everyone back in the day, so I'm sure that helped, but I couldn't believe how easy it was to find. As a matter of fact, it was after 10 PM, so it was infinitely easier for me to get weed than it would've been to get booze if I wanted it.

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First Ramming Gay marriage down the DC residents throat and now pushing the pot head agenda with the thinly veiled medical marijuana scam. Good Ole San Francisco "values"

I wonder if the useless slackers will try to use obamacare to get others to pay for "prescriptions?"

Dealer err Doctor: What wrong?

Pothead err Slacker err Generation Ipod err patient: I just don't have the appetite to eat the excess bags of cheetos, potato chips and hamburgers in my house beofre they reach the expiration date.

Dealer err Doctor: when is the expiration date?

Pothead slacker Patient from Generation Ipod: 6 months.

Doctor Dealer: 6 months??? Take two Dime bags and call me in the morning.

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Question. DC is a federal city. Obama has either said or implied that he would respect the states on their moves concerning marijuana. How though can the federal government ignore this? It remains illegal and a target of the DEA and DC is a federal city.

I am the person to ask about anything on this subject. As long as it is under 99 plants the Feds wont bother with it. I am pretty confident at least in California that Marijuana will will be legal within the next 2 years. And it should be. If anybody has anything bad to say about marijuana just PM me and I will let you know all the good things about marijuana. Marijuana not only is harmful but can help make The United States billions of dollars a year.

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Real men don't need drugs to be motivated or focused. The weak use them as a crutch which is sad and pathetic.

Sounds like a shot at Bang which is pretty uncalled for, considering he's a self made man, owns his own successful company and does great work.

I don't smoke pot...don't know if I ever will. Used to be very against it, but lately I see why it should be legalized.

ND, there are plenty of other drugs out there that keep people motivated and focused...and those aren't drugs that grow out of the ground, they're drugs that are made with chemicals and can have nasty side effects.

But, since the government deems those legal, I'm sure you're fine with those.

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Sounds like a shot at Bang which is pretty uncalled for, considering he's a self made man, owns his own successful company and does great work.

I don't smoke pot...don't know if I ever will. Used to be very against it, but lately I see why it should be legalized.

ND, there are plenty of other drugs out there that keep people motivated and focused...and those aren't drugs that grow out of the ground, they're drugs that are made with chemicals and can have nasty side effects.

But, since the government deems those legal, I'm sure you're fine with those.


I didn't see it as a sideswipe at me in particular. Just the usual labelling and tunnel vision.


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God, ND, sometimes you manage to make a caricature out of a caricature out of a caricature of yourself.

Does anyone know if it's normal for Adderall or SSIDs (Lexapro, specifically) to affect how pot makes you feel? I've only smoked a couple times, but I use Adderall regularly and Lexapro has a cumulative effect that lasts a couple of weeks, so it's always part of my brain chemistry. When I smoked, I wouldn't feel any sort of "high" - I just randomly twitched a couple times a minute. It was weird. Didn't feel anything that would make me want to pay money for the stuff, but other people were seemingly high. Given a choice between the prescriptions and a "normal" pot experience, I'd easily choose the meds, I just wonder if anyone has heard of the same thing happening with other people or if pot just doesn't happen to get me high. (Yet I support legalization either way because of other societal effects - I guess I'm a damn dirty hippie by association or something.)

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First Ramming Gay marriage down the DC residents throat and now pushing the pot head agenda with the thinly veiled medical marijuana scam. Good Ole San Francisco "values"

I wonder if the useless slackers will try to use obamacare to get others to pay for "prescriptions?"

Dealer err Doctor: What wrong?

Pothead err Slacker err Generation Ipod err patient: I just don't have the appetite to eat the excess bags of cheetos, potato chips and hamburgers in my house beofre they reach the expiration date.

Dealer err Doctor: when is the expiration date?

Pothead slacker Patient from Generation Ipod: 6 months.

Doctor Dealer: 6 months??? Take two Dime bags and call me in the morning.

You obviously are very closed minded. If you were open minded and did research before opening your mouth you wouldnt look so dumb. The real medical scam is prescription drugs. The only reason why medical marijuana isnt used by the drug companies is because you cant patent marijuana. Drug companies dont want marijuana to be used medically cause then vicdins, oxy cottons, morphine and all the other hard drugs wouldnt be getting sold as much. Marijuana should be legal to uses regardless if it is for medical use but it helps people medically in hundreds of ways and can give people a regular life that they can not have without it. My wife has has a very serious pain disorder and without marijuana she would not be able to live a pain free life. She still lives with pain every day but nothing like she did before getting prescribed marijuana. I can give you hundreds of facts and ways marijuana helps and how there is no bad side affect at all that you can find in it but you would not care to hear about it. Just cause someone smokes doesnt mean they sit on the couch all day eating twinkies and potatoe chips. We live a very productive and active life and smoke daily.

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First Ramming Gay marriage down the DC residents throat and now pushing the pot head agenda with the thinly veiled medical marijuana scam. Good Ole San Francisco "values"

I wonder if the useless slackers will try to use obamacare to get others to pay for "prescriptions?"

Dealer err Doctor: What wrong?

Pothead err Slacker err Generation Ipod err patient: I just don't have the appetite to eat the excess bags of cheetos, potato chips and hamburgers in my house beofre they reach the expiration date.

Dealer err Doctor: when is the expiration date?

Pothead slacker Patient from Generation Ipod: 6 months.

Doctor Dealer: 6 months??? Take two Dime bags and call me in the morning.

Real men don't need drugs to be motivated or focused. The weak use them as a crutch which is sad and pathetic.

I hope so. I hope they raise the capital gains tax to directly finance it.

Everyone has a crutch. What's truly sad and pathetic is that some people can't come to terms with that fact.

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Sounds like a shot at Bang which is pretty uncalled for, considering he's a self made man, owns his own successful company and does great work.

Nope I didn't even see Bangs post. If you must know it was a response to an email on the topic.

Drugs to keep people from listening to voices in their heads and hurt others are not in the same category.

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Nope I didn't even see Bangs post. If you must know it was a response to an email on the topic.

Drugs to keep people from listening to voices in their heads and hurt others are not in the same category.

Uhhh...those aren't the drugs I was talking about but...keep up the Billy-Badass routine.

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I try not to post in threads like this due to possible prying eyes that may be reading and don't have the best of intentions for my continued well being.

BUT.. after reading it got my mouthwatering.

Being a lightweight,, that's a good thing at today's prices.

For me, it's like a lock being opened. I make cartoons, as some may know. :silly:

I like to get into my head when I'm looking for inspiration. Some headphones and a couple of tokes and ideas start to flow.

It goes against conventional (meaning straightlaced) wisdom... but I can work like you wouldn't believe after a little elevation. Even when I'm not making cartoons, i design advertising, I do website design, I do graphics and animation of all sorts. My productivity and quality of product goes through the roof.

(Now, i should clarify that is the inspiration phase,, the actual creation of a cartoon is pretty tediuous, and if I am all Fd up while I do that i get too easily distracted.)

I recently got an agent interested in a book I'm kicking around (a comedic history of sports). She loved what I sent her and wants to know if I can give her something complete by the end of summer.

Again, my productivity on this project reaches a new height when I indulge. i find I am able to completely lose myself in my own head and the subjects I'm making jokes about. When I am not, I find real life issues creep into my thoughts and generally keep me distracted from the task at hand.

Since I have been using the same source for 25 years and I'm not a person who runs the roads while I'm holding, the legalization doesn't really matter to me for my own purposes. But to keep the jails open for real criminals, I'm all for it. I read in the local paper each week of the number of pot busts taking up the police's time and I wonder how many things that they could be concentrating on if they weren't chained to a computer filling out arrest reports on people busted for simple possession.


Honestly I feel more industrious and creative when I have a little. My mind just runs wild with ideas and a lot of them turn out to be pretty damn good. I feel more connected with myself if that makes sense.

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God, ND, sometimes you manage to make a caricature out of a caricature out of a caricature of yourself.

Does anyone know if it's normal for Adderall or SSIDs (Lexapro, specifically) to affect how pot makes you feel? I've only smoked a couple times, but I use Adderall regularly and Lexapro has a cumulative effect that lasts a couple of weeks, so it's always part of my brain chemistry. When I smoked, I wouldn't feel any sort of "high" - I just randomly twitched a couple times a minute. It was weird. Didn't feel anything that would make me want to pay money for the stuff, but other people were seemingly high. Given a choice between the prescriptions and a "normal" pot experience, I'd easily choose the meds, I just wonder if anyone has heard of the same thing happening with other people or if pot just doesn't happen to get me high. (Yet I support legalization either way because of other societal effects - I guess I'm a damn dirty hippie by association or something.)

Smoking marijuana and using Adderall is not gonna give you the same feeling. Close but Adderall is not as good. But ya using Adderall will build up a toerance for marijuana so you will just have to smoke a little more.

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Drugs to keep people from listening to voices in their heads and hurt others are not in the same category.

Of course they're not in the same category. Marijuana is harmless; anti-psychotics are incredibly dangerous. The adderalls and ritalins that Spaceman was referring to are amphetamines, which are also extremely dangerous. The regulation of marijuana shouldn't be anywhere near a strict as it is for most other drugs.

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Honestly I feel more industrious and creative when I have a little. My mind just runs wild with ideas and a lot of them turn out to be pretty damn good. I feel more connected with myself if that makes sense.

I actually do better with cognitive tasks, too. It depends on the person. It does make most people dumber. I usually studied better high, too, though, when I was in school. My mind is a flurry, and pot just slows it down enough to help me concentrate and collect my thoughts.

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I actually do better with cognitive tasks, too. It depends on the person. It does make most people dumber. I usually studied better high, too, though, when I was in school. My mind is a flurry, and pot just slows it down enough to help me concentrate and collect my thoughts.

I wouldn't say it makes most people dumber really. The late Carl Sagan attested to this.

This account was written in 1969 for publication in Marihuana Reconsidered (1971). Sagan was in his mid-thirties at that time. He continued to use cannabis for the rest of his life.

It all began about ten years ago. I had reached a considerably more relaxed period in my life - a time when I had come to feel that there was more to living than science, a time of awakening of my social consciousness and amiability, a time when I was open to new experiences. I had become friendly with a group of people who occasionally smoked cannabis, irregularly, but with evident pleasure. Initially I was unwilling to partake, but the apparent euphoria that cannabis produced and the fact that there was no physiological addiction to the plant eventually persuaded me to try. My initial experiences were entirely disappointing; there was no effect at all, and I began to entertain a variety of hypotheses about cannabis being a placebo which worked by expectation and hyperventilation rather than by chemistry.

After about five or six unsuccessful attempts, however, it happened. I was lying on my back in a friend's living room idly examining the pattern of shadows on the ceiling cast by a potted plant (not cannabis!). I suddenly realized that I was examining an intricately detailed miniature Volkswagen, distinctly outlined by the shadows. I was very skeptical at this perception, and tried to find inconsistencies between Volkswagens and what I viewed on the ceiling. But it was all there, down to hubcaps, license plate, chrome, and even the small handle used for opening the trunk. When I closed my eyes, I was stunned to find that there was a movie going on the inside of my eyelids. Flash . . . a simple country scene with red farmhouse, a blue sky, white clouds, yellow path meandering over green hills to the horizon. . . Flash . . . same scene, orange house, brown sky, red clouds, yellow path, violet fields . . . Flash . . . Flash . . . Flash. The flashes came about once a heartbeat. Each flash brought the same simple scene into view, but each time with a different set of colors . . . exquisitely deep hues, and astonishingly harmonious in their juxtaposition. Since then I have smoked occasionally and enjoyed it thoroughly. It amplifies torpid sensibilities and produces what to me are even more interesting effects, as I will explain shortly.

I can remember another early visual experience with cannabis, in which I viewed a candle flame and discovered in the heart of the flame, standing with magnificent indifference, the black-hatted and -cloaked Spanish gentleman who appears on the label of the Sandeman sherry bottle. Looking at fires when high, by the way, especially through one of those prism kaleidoscopes which image their surroundings, is an extraordinarily moving and beautiful experience.

If anyone wants the full essay (it's pretty long) then PM me for the link, or just copy and paste the first paragraph of the essay here into Google. It's hosted on a forum I wouldn't feel comfortable linking to.

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don't federal rules still override this?

I'm pretty sure in california you can still break federal laws while adhering to cali laws

may be mistaken an dmay have just misheard/misread a commerce clause case or something though

Again, practically speaking, it's an enforcement thing. Yeah, there's intricacies given the fact that it's DC, but ultimately, it comes down to what they enforce. It doesn't matter if the rules technically override it, if they choose not to enforce the rules.

Maybe they could try to challenge on a Constitutional basis, I dunno exactly what the rules are, but it kinda sounds like a done deal at this point.

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I'm not too sure about that. Virginia is definitely a very conservative state; but it's also home to big tobacco; and big tobacco loves the legalizing MJ talk. They've already branded their market offerings into that frey....

If anybody could move Virginia on this matter, it would be RJR Nabisco.

Virginia has already made strides, to an extent. It was the first state to decriminalize the drug in cases where doctors prescribe for certain things.

When I heard that in government class, my jaw dropped. Even though it really does nothing, the fact that the state did it back in the 70s blows my mind.

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I wouldn't say it makes most people dumber really. The late Carl Sagan attested to this.

If anyone wants the full essay (it's pretty long) then PM me for the link, or just copy and paste the first paragraph of the essay here into Google. It's hosted on a forum I wouldn't feel comfortable linking to.

Carl Sagan was not most people, though. Most people I know get dumber when they smoke, but that's alright, because then you just have to be responsible about it, i.e. don't get high before you have to do something important, etc. When I have a tolerance I can do anything high, some things better, even. Many people are completely useless, though.

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Real men don't need drugs to be motivated or focused. The weak use them as a crutch which is sad and pathetic.

Do you enjoy just insulting a lot of people? Do you? Because you just did, including a lot of people on this site.

You arent fooling anyone. We all know you have faults, because everyone has faults. Saying things like this doesnt hide it.

Its like youre one of those gay conservatives who push anti gay rights legislation to hide the fact that they are gay themselves. Not saying that you in fact like a hit from the blunt every once in a while, but I think you know what I mean.


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don't federal rules still override this?

I'm pretty sure in california you can still break federal laws while adhering to cali laws

may be mistaken an dmay have just misheard/misread a commerce clause case or something though

Obama and Holder aren't going to override the states on this issue.
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Carl Sagan was not most people, though. Most people I know get dumber when they smoke, but that's alright, because then you just have to be responsible about it, i.e. don't get high before you have to do something important, etc. When I have a tolerance I can do anything high, some things better, even. Many people are completely useless, though.

TBH my best semester in college came when I was toking pretty regularly. Maybe I am just blessed to be able to program well while a bit dazed :D. I'm not ashamed to admit it's also helped shape my views of reality to some degree.

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Obama and Holder aren't going to override the states on this issue.

Yeah, haven't subsequent federal raids been about other things - like massive underground dealings to "non-medical" users - rather than the medicinal marijuana approach? I mean, let's not kid ourselves, virtually every "medicinal" marijuana dispensary is going to be connected to some non-medical dealings that are very lucrative, but I thought that Obama/Holder had basically been going after the worst and letting the operations that were truly medical in nature, perhaps with some shady agreements on the side, go on with their daily business.

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