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NBC: DC Legalizing Medical Marijuana


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You really think that's even remotely possible with this douche of an AG we have now?

Luckily it's one and done here so we only have fours years to go.

No. The AG is a flat out loon, which frankly makes him a danger to the community, and I'm not convinced the governor isn't right there with him in crazy town. VA needs to cut property taxes in northern Va by half (yes I said half you blood sucking southern Va ****s!) and make up the difference by taxing marijuana. My guess is that they'll get the same amount of money in the tax coffers but it won't be coming from me!


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No. The AG is a flat out loon, which frankly makes him a danger to the community, and I'm not convinced the governor isn't right there with him in crazy town. VA needs to cut property taxes in northern Va by half (yes I said half you blood sucking southern Va ****s!) and make up the difference by taxing marijuana. My guess is that they'll get the same amount of money in the tax coffers but it won't be coming from me!


Off topic, but I was under the impression property taxes went primarily to local government. At least that's how it works in real VA.;)

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It's $62.50 (no ****, he really charges like that, always has) for an 1/8 of magazine quality herb around here.

If legal, it would be free, because it's a freaking weed and grows better than a freaking tomato plant. I grew some in my garden the year before last, between corn and zucchini. The corn barely made it, the zuches did well, but the weed was great.

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It's $62.50 (no ****, he really charges like that, always has) for an 1/8 of magazine quality herb around here.

If legal, it would be free, because it's a freaking weed and grows better than a freaking tomato plant. I grew some in my garden the year before last, between corn and zucchini. The corn barely made it, the zuches did well, but the weed was great.

$62.50? Really? First of all, I have a hard time paying $30/60 in general. When I sold, sometimes I charged $30/60, but that was only when I was paying more than $350 an ounce, and that was in Gainesville, which is in the middle of nowhere. In South Florida I REALLY have a hard time paying that much. Secondly, he's really a stickler for that $2.50? What would happen if you only had $62? I never got that with dealers. If someone came to my house and they were short a couple of bucks, I never really made a big deal about it, and I was small time, I needed it way more than most other dealers I've met.

Luckily everything around here is fire, and it's usually $25/50. Florida will be one of the last states to decriminalize, but with such an enormous oxy problem down here right now, they've really got bigger fish to fry than potheads anyway. I just wish my hometown wasn't the epicenter for all the world's bored, pothead-seeking cops. I can't drive around with a dimebag without eyes in the back of my head.

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I love the camp that says "If it's legalized and taxed people would grow it to avoid the tax." Yeah cause people are growing tobacco to avoid the tax, right?

People will buy it from stores because it's easier, plain and simple.

I agree with you but you will have a lot more people growing weed themselves than tobacco. Tobacco takes a lot of property to grow especially if you are a regular smoker. You can grow enough pot in the space it takes to grow tomato plants. Plus, many individuals are better at growing weed than tobacco. It may fade out eventually but I think initially you would see a lot of home growing.

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I agree with you but you will have a lot more people growing weed themselves than tobacco. Tobacco takes a lot of property to grow especially if you are a regular smoker. You can grow enough pot in the space it takes to grow tomato plants. Plus, many individuals are better at growing weed than tobacco. It may fade out eventually but I think initially you would see a lot of home growing.

I highly doubt a casual pot smoker would do this. I wouldn't. Sounds lazy, but I'd rather buy it than produce it.

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I agree with you but you will have a lot more people growing weed themselves than tobacco. Tobacco takes a lot of property to grow especially if you are a regular smoker. You can grow enough pot in the space it takes to grow tomato plants. Plus, many individuals are better at growing weed than tobacco. It may fade out eventually but I think initially you would see a lot of home growing.

I think we're just talking about a tax on the trade of marijuana. And Vishal, I think only the very laziest of potheads wouldn't even attempt to grow pot if there were no legal repercussions. I know that's the only reason I haven't tried it. I'm not making a misdemeanor substance a felony if don't have to. But if I can grow without fear of penalty, why not try it? If it fails, it fails.

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$62.50? Really?

Yeah, really. It's what he gets it for exactly and doesn't want to profit off friends. It's the strangest thing. He has cheaper bud, but it's worth it for the dank. It really is medical grade or better and well worth it. It's a sativa, not an intego, so it picks you up. High >>>Stone IMO. I don't know if I used the terms right or switched them up.

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Yeah, really. It's what he gets it for exactly and doesn't want to profit off friends. It's the strangest thing. He has cheaper bud, but it's worth it for the dank. It really is medical grade or better and well worth it. It's a sativa, not an intego, so it picks you up. High >>>Stone IMO. I don't know if I used the terms right or switched them up.

It's sativa instead of indica, but it sounds like you basically got it right. Head high instead of couchlock. The $62.50 thing makes sense since that's what he got it for, but holy ****, $500 an ounce? That's steep. There were a couple of times I paid $80 an eighth for some Purple Snow Cap Kush one of my guys in Gainesville had shipped in from a guy in Cali who had it shipped to him from a guy in Canada, hence the steep price, and I think he paid like $600 an ounce. I had alot of money at the time though, and it was kind of a splurge purchase both times. Wasn't even in the top 5 of the best bud I've ever had, either.

I guess if your friend can justify always having $500 an ounce bud on hand, good for both him and for you. I'm always curious how it compares to the stuff here, because I always hear "medical grade" and stuff like that, and I've seen it, and it's pretty much what we get here. Of course, I'm an hour from Miami, so I'm thinking I'm just spoiled.

Surprisingly, the best bud I've ever smoked wasn't even down here, though; it was a half-o of Blueberry I bought at Bonnaroo from Boston. I went the first three days of the festival smoking crappy beasters I got in Gainesville before I left, and then the last day I was there, I got that Blueberry and an eighth of the best hash I've ever smoked in my life (only $50, too). It was too much to handle.

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No joke, $30 gets an 1/8th of decent stuff depending on who you know. Maybe it's this area. We're not talking about kush or dro, but it's nice.

What were you getting for $350 an o?

I mean, it's all relative. I only smoke good pot, so yeah, I can get an eighth for $30. I can probably get an ounce for $30. But it's ****. An eighth of good pot is $50 or more anywhere you go in the country. The terminology changes, I've noticed. Some parts of the country say kush or dro, we call it krip (as opposed to regs or mids, which are really just good regs), but regardless, the standard pricing is pretty much $50 or more. If you're paying less, you're either buying substandard weed, you're getting a great deal and therefore shouldn't be expecting people to getting similar deals, or you're in Canada.

And for $350 I was getting that hot fire. If I was paying that much, it was that **** that makes your eyes bleed.

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It's sativa instead of indica, but it sounds like you basically got it right. Head high instead of couchlock. The $62.50 thing makes sense since that's what he got it for, but holy ****, $500 an ounce? That's steep. There were a couple of times I paid $80 an eighth for some Purple Snow Cap Kush one of my guys in Gainesville had shipped in from a guy in Cali who had it shipped to him from a guy in Canada, hence the steep price, and I think he paid like $600 an ounce. I had alot of money at the time though, and it was kind of a splurge purchase both times. Wasn't even in the top 5 of the best bud I've ever had, either.

He gets a lot of pounds at a time, too. A few types. He is one of the head guys around and is a friend, so I get the hook up. I have no idea what it costs, but it places in the hemp cup at times. It's that good. I don't know the names, because they are all screwed up anyway. If it was legal, they could regulate it like the wine grapes and we would know what we are getting. That's the main reason I want it legal, that and growing myself.

I had one of the editors of high times get me high with a strain he said was $100 a gram, his price and they weren't going to enter it in the HC, because it was a new strain that was going to put a new company on the map. That was something. After 20 pulls off a twin camper gravity that held 44cf of smoke and 6 hookas of NL5, it was like I never smoked before. I mean wow. Then everybody got quiet and he spend 2 hours telling me the secrets to growing and I don't remember a bit of it.:ols:

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He gets a lot of pounds at a time, too. A few types. He is one of the head guys around and is a friend, so I get the hook up. I have no idea what it costs, but it places in the hemp cup at times. It's that good. I don't know the names, because they are all screwed up anyway. If it was legal, they could regulate it like the wine grapes and we would know what we are getting. That's the main reason I want it legal, that and growing myself.

I had one of the editors of high times get me high with a strain he said was $100 a gram, his price and they weren't going to enter it in the HC, because it was a new strain that was going to put a new company on the map. That was something. After 20 pulls off a twin camper gravity that held 44cf of smoke and 6 hookas of NL5, it was like I never smoked before. I mean wow. Then everybody got quiet and he spend 2 hours telling me the secrets to growing and I don't remember a bit of it.:ols:

That's nuts, man. I've been getting like that every time I smoke now, because I took like a two year break. Just started smoking again recently, like last week, actually. My tolerance is pathetic. I used to be able to smoke people under the table, not that that's necessarily something to aspire to, but now I'm such a ridiculous lightweight.

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Same here and with no break. I'm a couple puff at the end of my day and by myself kind of smoker. That's why I can justify the best I can get.

I've been smoking mostly like that since I've started again (save for a few nights out where there were blunts and whatnot), but back in the day, it was all day, all night, constantly, every day. It was out of place for me to not be stoned. You know what I've realized? I've felt happier, more energetic, more motivated, overall better, and more like my old self in this past week that I've been smoking than any day when I wasn't. It's medicine. It just is. People might say, "oh god, high all the time, that's terrible," but you know what? It wasn't. I got more done high than I ever have sober. I'm pretty sure I've got a certain type of crazy, and it just so happens that pot cures it, and I'm Case Study Number 1 as to why it should be legal.

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I'm pretty sure I've got a certain type of crazy, and it just so happens that pot cures it, and I'm Case Study Number 1 as to why it should be legal.

That is dead on man. I agree.

It also slows the libido and the mind and keeps me from hunting at the bar, if you know what I mean.

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I've been smoking mostly like that since I've started again (save for a few nights out where there were blunts and whatnot), but back in the day, it was all day, all night, constantly, every day. It was out of place for me to not be stoned. You know what I've realized? I've felt happier, more energetic, more motivated, overall better, and more like my old self in this past week that I've been smoking than any day when I wasn't. It's medicine. It just is. People might say, "oh god, high all the time, that's terrible," but you know what? It wasn't. I got more done high than I ever have sober. I'm pretty sure I've got a certain type of crazy, and it just so happens that pot cures it, and I'm Case Study Number 1 as to why it should be legal.

That sounds about right. :)

I don't smoke as much as you do anymore, so my tolerance has taken a hit. But the right kinda in the right amount, and I can "see" like most people wouldn't even understand, and I'm not going to apologize for it. Am I dependant, no, but God knows it helps. Dirt makes me feel like crap the rest of the day, so if I have a choice or I need to go grocery shopping, I'm not smoking. A lot of people are judges, but not everybody that smokes weed is a lip-drooling pothead crashing cars and eating strawberry jelly friotos in their mama's basement.

I could smoke a blunt or my dry gravity bong if I wanted to, but right now, I'd love to have a one-hitter like my brother-in-law with some "one-hit".

On topic, Holder had a press conference around the say time last year saying they were not going to do anymore raids like what we're talking about. DEA is still doing raids, so I really wonder how much longer is Obama going to put up with Holder, not just what will happen with the new DEA chief. It looks like the lady running the DEA (defacto) now is the person Obama has nominated to be the top chief (Michele Leonhart). So what's really good?

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I try not to post in threads like this due to possible prying eyes that may be reading and don't have the best of intentions for my continued well being.

BUT.. after reading it got my mouthwatering.

Being a lightweight,, that's a good thing at today's prices.

For me, it's like a lock being opened. I make cartoons, as some may know. :silly:

I like to get into my head when I'm looking for inspiration. Some headphones and a couple of tokes and ideas start to flow.

It goes against conventional (meaning straightlaced) wisdom... but I can work like you wouldn't believe after a little elevation. Even when I'm not making cartoons, i design advertising, I do website design, I do graphics and animation of all sorts. My productivity and quality of product goes through the roof.

(Now, i should clarify that is the inspiration phase,, the actual creation of a cartoon is pretty tediuous, and if I am all Fd up while I do that i get too easily distracted.)

I recently got an agent interested in a book I'm kicking around (a comedic history of sports). She loved what I sent her and wants to know if I can give her something complete by the end of summer.

Again, my productivity on this project reaches a new height when I indulge. i find I am able to completely lose myself in my own head and the subjects I'm making jokes about. When I am not, I find real life issues creep into my thoughts and generally keep me distracted from the task at hand.

Since I have been using the same source for 25 years and I'm not a person who runs the roads while I'm holding, the legalization doesn't really matter to me for my own purposes. But to keep the jails open for real criminals, I'm all for it. I read in the local paper each week of the number of pot busts taking up the police's time and I wonder how many things that they could be concentrating on if they weren't chained to a computer filling out arrest reports on people busted for simple possession.


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I mean, it's all relative. I only smoke good pot, so yeah, I can get an eighth for $30. I can probably get an ounce for $30. But it's ****. An eighth of good pot is $50 or more anywhere you go in the country. The terminology changes, I've noticed. Some parts of the country say kush or dro, we call it krip (as opposed to regs or mids, which are really just good regs), but regardless, the standard pricing is pretty much $50 or more. If you're paying less, you're either buying substandard weed, you're getting a great deal and therefore shouldn't be expecting people to getting similar deals, or you're in Canada.

And for $350 I was getting that hot fire. If I was paying that much, it was that **** that makes your eyes bleed.

I know so many people who buy nothing but crappy $20 weed and these people buy this **** frequently. Just makes me shake my head. $60 is too much for them, but in the end it all evens out but common sense and basic math is something almost everyone lacks these days.

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