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ESPN: Umpires will move to offensive backfield


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ORLANDO -- The NFL will permanently reposition umpires to the offensive backfield beginning with the upcoming 2010 season, in a move designed to protect its most vulnerable on-field officials, the league confirmed Sunday at the annual owners meetings.

Outgoing vice president of officiating Mike Pereira and his successor, Carl Johnson, revealed the plans Sunday in an interview. A league official added that the competition committee unanimously recommended the move last week but it had not been yet publicly announced.

The change does not require a vote of ownership and only commissioner Roger Goodell could reverse the decision.

Pereira said umpires -- who traditionally have been positioned on the defensive side, 4 or 5 yards from the line of scrimmage, just behind the linebackers and between the tackles -- were knocked down by players more than 100 times in 2009. Two umpires suffered concussions and three needed surgeries for knee or shoulder injuries.

"The No. 1 reason for change is safety," said Pereira, who retired after the 2009 season but will help Johnson with the transition through at least May 1.

Johnson said that umpires will be re-trained at the league's offseason clinics and seminars because they will carry out their responsibilities from the offensive backfield, just opposite of the referee. Pereira and Johnson both said the umpires may have to be more athletic to accomplish their tasks.

Chris Mortensen is a senior ESPN NFL analyst.

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I don't like this move. They stand where they stand for a reason- it's the best vantage point to make the right call.

I'd rather they put the ump in pads.

And maybe they should think twice about putting gramps out there. I mean really-

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I don't really think they are in much of a position to call PI when standing right next to the middle linebacker anyway. Most of the PI calls are made 20 yards down field or more.

Most PI calls seem to be made based upon how loudly the receiver whines anyway, so this probably won't change much.

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I heard tim ryan, pat kirwan, and bill cowher talking about this yesterday and they all immediately said, "say good bye to zone blocking"... I wasn't able to listen closely enough to understand their reasoning, but as a skins fan, of course this was not good news... hopefully they will elaborate on the show today how this move will affect certain schemes...

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