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Allen's First Task: Humbling the Redskins


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First off, I would like to say that I have been extremely impressed with how quick and complete the change of attitude out of our Front Office has been this offseason. Allen has already restored a level of professionalism to this organization that I think has been missing for a long time. For the first time since Snyder has owned the team I haven't been left scratching my head trying to decode our FO's decisions or attempting to understand their ulterior motives. Issues have been dealt with in a direct and timely manner, and the end results are ones that make sense to the average fan of how we are working towards improving the team. I feel that we now have a responsible front office that isn't afraid to address our areas of concern, and is willing to admit that this team isn't a step away from winning a Super Bowl.

Campbell's tender was done in a very smart fashion. Even though many fans, myself included, aren't sold on the idea of him being the long term starter, it showed the league, and Campbell that the Redskins do appreciate him and believe he has worth, and we are not going to be making a change just for the sake of it. We will cover our bases and not alienate our current starter unless we have a better option available to us. And look how quickly this was dealt with compared to last season.

The retention of Portis was another move that, despite being unpopular with the fanbase, makes the most sense financially for the good of the team. Allen is sending a messege that just because our owner is willing to spend money, it doesn't mean the players don't have to work to earn their paycheck. Combine this with the massive amount of veteren cuts that were made yesterday. To me this is Allen's way of telling the league, and our players, that Redskins Park has a new agenda. No longer will Ashburn be a resort for players to recieve a big payday for diminished production and not be held accountable.

The way Allen phrased it in his press release, saying he "wanted to handle the cuts quickly to give the players an opportunity to find deals elsewhere" is very telling to me. Not only was this handled in a very professional and courteous manner to the players, but I think it had another motive. The resigning of Phillip Daniels suggests to me that Allen is willing to let these players see how the rest of the NFL views their worth. Once they realize that most teams aren't willing to pay them huge contracts, I feel it gives the Redskins a great advantage. Once midseason rolls around and we have injuries I would not be suprised to see one or more of these players willing to resign for a paycut in order to help the team.

In short, I think I speak for many fans when I say thank you Bruce for helping get this organization back on track. The current method of straight foreward, sensible moves that address the teams needs in a timely manner is refreshing. Especially after years of Cerrato's airing the organization's dirty laundry months before any decisions are actually made. We were able to make a splash on Free Agency day again, by suprising everyone and doing nothing. Our Offseason has been low key, but certainly not hard working. Your focus has been contained to areas of most pressing need, as opposed to signing BPA's at the cost of a team identity. I look forward to the day where the only redskins headlines are for their on-field exploits, not unecessary drama that keeps the players from focusing on doing their jobs.

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Yeah while i would have liked to make a clean break with Portis (to me he kinda represents the old way business was done here), I do think its in the best interest of the team to get the most they can out of him while he's still on the payroll. If he doesn't perform well though I don't see Shanahan giving him nearly as much slack as Zorn did though, which is a good thing. He might even be used as a symbol for the front office as an example to the other players of why the old way didn't work, and why things needed to be changed in the organization. They've also pretty much put it on Portis' shoulders of how he wants to approach the season. Either he works his butt off or he loses playing time, fades into the background and becomes even more ostracized by the fanbase. Portis and Portis alone will be held responsible, and the front office can either say "look how well our new system is inspiring players like Portis to perform", or "This me first attitude is the reason Allen and Shanahan were brought in in the first place, clearly this guy is a product of the old regime". Either way the Redskins organization as a whole benefits.

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Well, the remaining players can see basically we aren't afraid to dump them. I'd imagine, we could see quite a few more cuts through OTA's if players aren't showing up, underperforming, etc.

Shanny's already stated he want's these remaining players to be very active in the offseason workouts. So, we'll know pretty early on if the players buy into it. If they don't, I can't see them being here very long.

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I think cutting Portis would have sent a better message. Financially, I know it makes no sense but he is a cancer that needs to go. With the uncapped year, now is the time to eat some huge contracts.

With the 10 cuts and a few more to go, we also have to consider the injury chance. We lost 10 guys that were mostly back-ups and niche players; replacing them with quality talent won't be an easy task.

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I know its only the beginning of the Shanahan era and we have to see how everything plays out, but when all is said and done and if he brings success, we will probably all look back and think that this is the way it would've turned out much earlier if Marty had stayed. Didn't he get rid of a lot of guys early on?

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In my opinion, we have plenty of holes as it is. While I think Shanny put the ball in portis' court so to speak, it's up to Portis how it goes. By cutting him straight way though we just add another hole to fill that we really don't need going into this draft.

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In my opinion, we have plenty of holes as it is. While I think Shanny put the ball in portis' court so to speak, it's up to Portis how it goes. By cutting him straight way though we just add another hole to fill that we really don't need going into this draft.

I agree. Just because Portis wasn't cut this week, doesn't mean that he will be on the team in September. The Geniuses that ran the team before have already guaranteed 90% of his money, so why not hang onto him and see if he shapes it up for one more run? If he does, we've got a 1500 yard back on our hands! If not, adios amigo! I also am thrilled that JC called him out. I think it will motivate the all-too-comfortable Portis to feel he has something to prove once again.

I thought Bruce Allen's comment at the Presser about Portis was very telling: "Right now, he is our starting Running Back"

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Reference Portis, I like the move. I wish Portis had been exited as well, but the FO has to look at the big picture. Because of the uncapped year, cutting him would not have cost the team anything but money.

I think they kept him because they believe Portis has at least one and maybe two years left and they have so many other holes to fill, keeping him allows them to use draft picks on other positions.

Want I want to see is the team follow through on their word. If Portis does not get in line and continues his typical attitude, will the team keep to their new policy of accountability and cut him just like they said they would. I think they will, but have to wait and see.

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I think cutting Portis would have sent a better message. Financially, I know it makes no sense but he is a cancer that needs to go. With the uncapped year, now is the time to eat some huge contracts.

Yea i would have loved to get rid of Portis as well. I still think they might however. I think they may wait for the first time when he tries one of his selfish, calling out other players acts or tries not practicing. I think they might cut him then to prove a point and show it will not be tolerated. Wishful thinking i guess

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There going to be paying Portis $6million anyway, so why not use him. I'm pretty sure that is not going to guarantee him playing time though. I think you can count on Allen/Shanny drafting a RB in the 4rd or later. Not sure what Thomas Jones would cost, but that would send a message to CP. We need a homerun hitter at RB.

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First off, I too am very impressed with the sense of professionalism with Allen, and Shanny.

I dont think either one of these guys would be good in Vinny/Danny's fantasy league.;)

Here's hoping that CP turns it around. The guy is a professional athlete. Clearly he like attention, hopefully he doesn't like it in the negative way he has been receiving it. In a perfect world, he will work his tail off to prove the nay sayers wrong, and go out in style.

First day of training camp, Shanny makes CP turn in his tickle trunk of clown costumes, and gives him some work boots.

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With Portis, there's no reason NOT to let him show he's wlling to do the work in the offseason. If he doesn't... that's when you cut him. That allows the player to make a statement and prove themselves, and cutting him for not living up to expectations would then send a message.

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Campbell's tender was done in a very smart fashion. Even though many fans, myself included, aren't sold on the idea of him being the long term starter, it showed the league, and Campbell that the Redskins do appreciate him and believe he has worth, and we are not going to be making a change just for the sake of it. We will cover our bases and not alienate our current starter unless we have a better option available to us. And look how quickly this was dealt with compared to last season.

I kind of disagree with your POV about Campbell. I think, as you say, if they wanted to show Campbell and the rest of the league his worth, they would have tendered him at a first and a third. Tendering him at a first, to me, shows that the team is willing to consider trade options and at the same time seemingly comfortable bringing him back for at least another year. I think a higher tender would have shown a little more confidence, especially for only a couple bucks more, and would have still allowed the redskins to listen to and even pursue trade options if they so desired while at the same time showing a greater deal of respect for Campbell. Not saying I disagree with his tender, however.

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I thought the Redskins were humbled enough by a 4-12 record. :whoknows:

I kind of disagree with your POV about Campbell. I think, as you say, if they wanted to show Campbell and the rest of the league his worth, they would have tendered him at a first and a third. Tendering him at a first, to me, shows that the team is willing to consider trade options and at the same time seemingly comfortable bringing him back for at least another year. I think a higher tender would have shown a little more confidence, especially for only a couple bucks more, and would have still allowed the redskins to listen to and even pursue trade options if they so desired while at the same time showing a greater deal of respect for Campbell. Not saying I disagree with his tender, however.

I expressed this opinion earlier, but I wonder if that tender was really a laurel leaf to Campbell, saying if you really don't want to be here, we will see what we can get for you. Fact is, I don't see Campbell really feeling good about getting a full tender because his future with this team is still uncertain. He probably doesn't feel good about the 1st round tender either, but it does open things up slightly for him if he decides he wants out, because teams will at least consider him at a 1st round tender, where they probably wouldn't at all with a 1st and 3rd.

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In reference to portis and any other player on this team who gave it 75%, i can almost not blame them. Mediocracy is what they have been surrounded by for the past 10 years (w/ an exception to gibbs II). We as fans should not except it but these players have to look out for themselves. when the game is gone, in most cases, so are the checks. why should they sacrifice thier bodies and their careers for an organization who neglected their glaring needs time and time again. i wouldnt run behind that OL, would you?

CP will be back with a vengeance

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Portis was our best veteran option. He'll probably be more productive next year than Thomas Jones, Brian Westbrook, and Ladanian Thomlinson will and that's about all that's out there for a semi-reasonable price. We might find a work-horse type somewhere in the draft and if we do, it will make Portis more expendable. But having to find a starting caliber running back at the same time we're trying to find 3 starting caliber linemen, a QB of the future, and several important defensive personnel would have been a little too much on the plate at once.

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With Betts gone(wish that hadnt happened), it really makes no sense to cut Portis until we have someone else.

While I would have preferred to keep Betts and cut Portis, with Betts gone, we can at least be comfortable that Portis can be an average back.

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