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WP Insider: Carlos Rogers isn't happy with tender


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We also only had 11 total as a team. Ranking 26th in the league.

Then in 2008, we had 13, ranking 17th.

In 2007, 14 INTs, good enough for 23rd (and 5 or 6 of those were Sean Taylor's).

Of course in 2006, we were dead last, with only 6 INTs.

Interesting trend there that very rarely do any of our corners, safeties, or LBs get INTs.

Carlos Rogers is part of this problem. It doesn't help when one of your starting CBs leads the league in dropped interceptions over that time period.

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I would love it if some team came in offered him a deal and we could end up with any kind of draft pick compensation for him. Even if it's just a 3rd rounder........

I'd love to see us get Tryon or Barnes more involved but I don't believe either could start opposite Hall this year.

But if somehow somebody went after Los and we got a draft pick I feel pretty confident we could always get a stopgap in the short term, Bly, Shepperd, somebody like that even if didn't go after Robinson.

bottom line I hope Los gets his contract, not from us, and we can somehow get some compensation by way of an extra pick this year.

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You havent done jack to prove you belong anywhere on a roster Carlos butter-fingers Rogers. Cry me a fookin river with your unhappiness... You came out in the 1st round but you play like you are a mid to late draft pick. Yet you WHINE when a team wants to get compensated for their mistake by drafting you in the first when you play like you belong on a depth chart? Get over yourself...

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If Carlos is ticked ... can you imagine the steam comin out of Jason's ears?

all of these same guys compalining will be the ones getting foreclosed on next year if owners have a lockout in 2011 and players don't get paid.......look at guys like Holyfield, Sprewell or Iverson, these guys can't manage money and they're the same ones who complain about it over and over again.

Most of us fans, if we had one year's salary that most of these guys make we would be set for life but far too many of these guys fail to manage money.

I would hate to see no football in 2011 but if there wasn't any we could certainly get a good laugh at the comments of the players and how it impacts their wallets.

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The problem with Carlos Rogers comments were not that he was upset, but who he blamed.

The fact that players like rocky and rogers are blaming the team, when its obviously a league issue, shows that they are whining and delusional as to what they are actually "owed" and have a grudge against the team for one reason or another.

It is true that players in his position have a legit reason to be pissed. They basically all got a year added on to their deals. But the problem is that these players think that somehow because they have "played hard" that the team is entitled to not take advantage of the new rules and tender them for an additional year. As if somehow the players have earned the right to have their own best interests put ahead of the teams.

Of course the redskins are going to do anything within the rules to help their chances of winning and handling their roster in the most efficient manor. They do not owe these players "special treatment" By "just letting them go"....right. They were paid to play football and thats what they did, and in the case of rogers, he barely earned it.

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Robinson is a much better player then Rogers. Rogers is a LB stuck in a CB's body. I also wouldn't use a couple of fan comments to make my point on how good a player is. Thats like judging Campbell off of BLC's post's. :laugh:

I don't think that's true. Neither have lived up to their draft status, but I think Carlos actually fits with what we want to do here better than Robinson does. He's bigger and stronger and can play press-man better. Plus Rogers is pretty sound in run support which makes him valuable even if he never makes big plays. Rogers is a good player when he plays well, his problem is a ****ty attitude and a complete lack of consistency week in and week out. He is capable of shutting down an opponent's best receiver no matter who he is. He even shut down Fitzgerald last year up until the one big touchdown and I don't think that was on Rogers.

Given how quickly the fan base turned on LaRon, I think Robinson's act wouldn't go over well here at all. Him getting torched by Manning in a no huddle because he was too busy celebrating a routine play would get him run out of town. And his little "pay me" stunt was retarded.

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The problem with Carlos Rogers comments were not that he was upset, but who he blamed.

The fact that players like rocky and rogers are blaming the team, when its obviously a league issue, shows that they are whining and delusional as to what they are actually "owed" and have a grudge against the team for one reason or another.

It is true that players in his position have a legit reason to be pissed. They basically all got a year added on to their deals. But the problem is that these players think that somehow because they have "played hard" that the team is entitled to not take advantage of the new rules and tender them for an additional year. As if somehow the players have earned the right to have their own best interests put ahead of the teams.

Of course the redskins are going to do anything within the rules to help their chances of winning and handling their roster in the most efficient manor. They do not owe these players "special treatment" By "just letting them go"....right. They were paid to play football and thats what they did, and in the case of rogers, he barely earned it.

You make a lot of sense and I agree with you completely however you would never make it as a sports agent.

These guys don't care if our FO is playing within the rules and taking advantage of the system, it's about getting paid and if you're not getting paid finding a place to put the blame. You have to be smart and logical to see the writing on the wall and realize you should be blaming the NFLPA and the state of the CBA but that's not what these guys do.

They see it as Danny throwing money at UFAs and throwing the "love" at the new guys while not doing anything to take care of their own. Bottom line is these guys are going to be major problems for us this season simply because they will have some weasel sports agent in their ear sayinng it's Daniel Snyder not respecting you.

I just hope Shanny can ignore the attitude problems that comes from Los or Rocky because of this and somehow get them to play at a high level for us next season.

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I think the tender came so he's on the roster to trade. If we don't tender him, he walks and we get nothing for him. He obviously doesn't want to be here and I'm not sure the FO really wants him here. What could they possibly see when reviewing film of him that would make them want him going forward? I see a trade forthcoming. After the signing of Dunta Robinson of course.

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Carlos Rogers is a sub par CB. He gets beat time and time again. Sure he has his moments of looking good. He has good foot work and decent speed, but he does not appear to be able to read routes very well and is reacting a split second late.

He should be happy that he is getting what he is getting from the Redskins, because; I don't think that any other team would give him that much

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Like I said over in Jason's tendered thread:

Los better see the writing on the wall that he was only tendered a 1st while DR is gonna be free to sign here. Maybe he shouldn't have run his mouth & taken roundabout shots & his team mates in his interview last week. Durrrr.

Hell I can invision the team thinking tender these guys', keep 'em on ice for now then if they sign Dansby, Robinson, then they can trade Carlos and Rocky for a 2nd or 3rd round pick, I like it.

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But..but...but...According to Carlos, him & Smoot were running things while Springs was out & then they brought in D. Hall, who while he can get the INTs, at least he can tackle.

The Redskins are about to learn there a lot more to playing CB than interceptions. Rogers had a down year, but he's proven himself to be a top 15 cover corner over his career. I hope the new coaching staff will evaluate more than just one year of his play.

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Well, this is pretty commonplace around the league. I imagine many players are taking this personally. Interpreting this as the way the team evaluates them. Obviously from an owner standpoint the teams are running from a position of strength. Not with just the redskins, but through all teams i hope this doesn't affect the football we are used to seeing. Players taking time off cause they aren't getting the money they feel they are owed.

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If you want to be here learn to catch a damn INT Carlos.

When you catch the ball, you'll get paid like a top corner. Until then, you are a just above mid-tier slightly above average cover corner and you'll get paid like one.

Catch ball = payday. So catch the ball dude.

Furthermore, tendering him gets us either compensation, or allows us to save a few bucks on resigning him. When we're talking millions of dollars here Carlos....what do you expect us to do, really? If you were Snyder, what would you do?

Man seriously...I like the guy, I think if he ever learned to catch he'd be a top 10 corner because his cover skills are strong...but man he is just one whiny blame the world and everyone in it but me comment after the other and its getting old.

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Just shut up Losp (Toasto). Learn how to play the double-move. We got you for cheap because we spent TOO much on you in the draft. Come out and prove you are worth a payday and you'll get it. Yap your mouth and you be burned worse than the WR's been doing to you!

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I think Dunta Robinson is going to be one of the first moves we make. Carlos will probably be traded, but the 'Skins didn't want to get fleeced so they placed a first round tender on the guy.

The 'Skins can still, I believe, trade him for less, but they don't HAVE to let him go for less. That's the key to the tender.

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Shut your mouth Carlos, just shut it. What have YOU done for this team, besides drop gimme pick sixes in the playoffs? It's behavior like THIS that our team is dysfunctional. Stop whining and SHOW us why the Skins whould give you more. Take this as an opportunity to become a leader in the secondary. Also, learn how to catch, seriously I know the old addage if a corner could catch he'd be a wide receiver, but D Hall can catch, Tryon can catch, hell Springs could catch.

You may not like thie situation you are in, but the fact of the matter is that YOU created this situation. Your performance has been average at best and your leadership is non-existant. What did you expect? Stop complaining and MAN UP! How many Pro-Bowls have you made? How many All-Pro teams have you made. Hell, how many weeks did you receive NFC defensive player of the week? I have a guess and it rhymes with HERO!

Man up, accept what is given you, quit your ****in and SHOW US you deserve better, lord knows we as fans deserve better than what you have given us for the past 5 years.

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Shut your mouth Carlos, just shut it. What have YOU done for this team, besides drop gimme pick sixes in the playoffs? It's behavior like THIS that our team is dysfunctional. Stop whining and SHOW us why the Skins whould give you more. Take this as an opportunity to become a leader in the secondary. Also, learn how to catch, seriously I know the old addage if a corner could catch he'd be a wide receiver, but D Hall can catch, Tryon can catch, hell Springs could catch.

You may not like thie situation you are in, but the fact of the matter is that YOU created this situation. Your performance has been average at best and your leadership is non-existant. What did you expect? Stop complaining and MAN UP! How many Pro-Bowls have you made? How many All-Pro teams have you made. Hell, how many weeks did you receive NFC defensive player of the week? I have a guess and it rhymes with HERO!

Man up, accept what is given you, quit your ****in and SHOW US you deserve better, lord knows we as fans deserve better than what you have given us for the past 5 years.


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Hell I can invision the team thinking tender these guys', keep 'em on ice for now then if they sign Dansby, Robinson, then they can trade Carlos and Rocky for a 2nd or 3rd round pick, I like it.

For Sale: One malcontent with stone hands, one average LB with bad knees


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