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WP Insider: Carlos Rogers isn't happy with tender


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The 'Skins can still, I believe, trade him for less, but they don't HAVE to let him go for less. That's the key to the tender.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

They can trade him for a ham sandwhich if they wanted to. Sorry Los it's the business, if you don't like it then you should have been in D. Smith's ear at Palyers Union meetings getting a new CBA ironed out but, since that didn't happen you are in this situation.

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He would like to be paid, by his original team if possible. Not held to a cheap tender:

Pretty much the exact same thing a lot of players are complaining about. It's just the usual Rogers bash-fest here.

And can nobody please point to him being in a "doghouse" last year? Who's doghouse was he in? Blache and Cerrato's? That really carries a lot of weight. When Carlos has spoken out before, most of it has been speaking out about Blache and Vinny, the exact same guys most of the fans here railed against all this past season.

The bottom line is this: Carlos is a good cover corner. And he's just expressing concern about this crappy situation the league is going into right now for a lot of players in his position. Maybe he should have kept it to himself, but if a reporter called and asked him, he's only saying the same thing about it that Rocky said, and others around the league.

I understand your point, I really do, but what should the team do? Why sould the Redskins organization take a hit just to keep Carlos Rogers and Rocky McIntosh happy? They're decent players, but we shouldn't go out of our way to keep them happy. We shouldn't set the organization back, especially during this huge transition, just to keep a couple average players from crying. They need to suck it up.

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I understand your point, I really do, but what should the team do? Why sould the Redskins organization take a hit just to keep Carlos Rogers and Rocky McIntosh happy? They're decent players, but we shouldn't go out of our way to keep them happy. We shouldn't set the organization back, especially during this huge transition, just to keep a couple average players from crying. They need to suck it up.

Definately most reasonable response. I agree wholeheartedly. I'm hoping their quotes were more of a spontaneous thing when they were caught in the moment as opposed to seeing the big picture and not that skins were out to do them dirty. I think skins are playing this offseason thus far rather smart....allowing teams the opportunity to at least bid on our "big name" players.

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sorry, these guys have made more in one or two years of professional football than I will probably make my entire life. I'm sure they have both worked hard to get where they are ... I get that, and I understand the timing is bad for them personally. But I'm not gonna sit here and listen to a bunch of millionaires complain about not being shown enough respect in the form of a long-term contract extensions, especially one that they haven;t earned. if they were soo valuable, another team would trade for them. But their not. They are what they are.

I thought just a week ago Los 'wanted to stay and be a part of this team, now that there is new leadership"? I mean, these were pretty much his own words. now he's gonna booo freaking hooo b/c we tendered him as worth a 1st round draft pick ... I am sooo over hearing him whine and complain as if he has earned some kind of pro-bowl status around here. We are showing what he worth to us, a 1st rounder as a starting point for any negotiations. But, we're just supposed ot go ahead and give him a long-term contract? This guy is a freaking moron and I feel dumber every time I hear him speak.

At the least we'll keep him till training camp and if he decides he doesn't want to be a part of this team, then i say we IR him. or keep him on the roster and bench his arse the entire season. Playing in the NFL is a luxury, its not a right. He should thankful for what he has and quit complaining like an ungrateful child.

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I like Carlos and all, but his play last year didn't warrant a big time deal. If he had played better, maybe he would've gotten a long-term deal. Bottom line: PLAY BETTER!

Agreed, thats the problem with this team, player just wanna get paid without putting in the effort to earn it.

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First time I've ever heard the word "cheap" in a Redskins related article.

This guy just doesn't get it.

Couple of things I notice in his words.

1) He realizes his time here is limited. He seems more interested in getting a payday from another team, than staying with the Skins. Does he realize that the very team that picked him isn't exactly thrilled with his play?

2) When you start crying about leaders and "core redskins" leaving for other teams over the past few years, it begs the question...WHY HAVEN"T YOU STEPPED UP TO FILL THAT ROLE?

This guy has very little upside. Hands of stone, questionable maturity, and his own words show he has zero leadership skills, despite being here for a few years now. Get lost, and good riddance IMO.

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Shut your mouth Carlos, just shut it. What have YOU done for this team, besides drop gimme pick sixes in the playoffs? It's behavior like THIS that our team is dysfunctional. Stop whining and SHOW us why the Skins whould give you more. Take this as an opportunity to become a leader in the secondary. Also, learn how to catch, seriously I know the old addage if a corner could catch he'd be a wide receiver, but D Hall can catch, Tryon can catch, hell Springs could catch.

You may not like thie situation you are in, but the fact of the matter is that YOU created this situation. Your performance has been average at best and your leadership is non-existant. What did you expect? Stop complaining and MAN UP! How many Pro-Bowls have you made? How many All-Pro teams have you made. Hell, how many weeks did you receive NFC defensive player of the week? I have a guess and it rhymes with HERO!

Man up, accept what is given you, quit your ****in and SHOW US you deserve better, lord knows we as fans deserve better than what you have given us for the past 5 years.


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Either tell him to tell teams with which he negotiates that we would accept a 3rd rounder for him.

Or . . . sign Bodden, then pull the tender and let him walk late in free agency.

Hopefully by that time, all teams will have spent the bulk of their money; Carlos gets a garbage deal for less than the tender; when he plays poorly in 2010, he is on a shorter leash because the team doesn't have a significant investment in him; he gets another garbage deal in 2011; and he washes out of the league shortly thereafter.

I honestly hate this guy (on and off the field). He never lived up to his draft position. He can't catch. His coverage skills are over-rated. He is garbage.

If he wanted a bigger deal, perhaps he should have played better in 2009 . . .

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Catch the ball Carlos and then you can start complaining! Until then shut your yap and play ball! Your nickname of Stonehands should tell you something or at least give you an indication of what needs to be worked on! He acts as if there were teams lining up to acquire his services! NOT! If there is any team out there that would give up a 1st rounder for a non-catching CB I would love to see it! Dont think Vinny got hired to another team so chances are real SLIM!!

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A prime example of a guy who thinks he has talent, but what everyone else sees is a guy who stinks on the field and is still complaining about getting the big money and fame. Los, man you are ridiculous. He is lucky he got a tender, better come to camp in shape and get ready to play.

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Did he really think someone was gonna try to pay him top dollar this year when he was on a 4-12 team and considered one of the problems on the team? This could acctually help him, maybe he can have a good year this year then get paid

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