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Attn ps3 owners - please do not turn on your ps3


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Uhhhh... what if it's already on?

I am not sure seeing as how I am watching a movie HOWEVER I did get a scare and went to check my game saves and saw they were safe I then went back to the movie and I got the error code and then tried to watch it again and its working fine BUT I'd rather you be safe than sorry. It's working for me at the moment but just thought I should inform you guys of this

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If you’re trying to get onto PlayStation Network as of right now, sorry, it’s down. Many users of PSN have confirmed that the network is currently unavailable, with them receiving a 8001050F error message. That’s not all many more issues have appeared and many PlayStation Network users are less than thrilled, voicing their frustration on forums around the ‘net.

The date on your PSN clock has also apparently changed as well, to December 31st. The time has also been mixed up as well. This is probably due to the fact that there is no network access whatsoever. Users have also reported that games are not working, because trophy access is unresponsive. If you try to play a PS3 or PSN title, the game will give you this message:

Registration of the trophy information could not be completed.

The game will quit.


Purchased PSN titles are not working as well, and some are reporting of copyright issues. Demos however, are working fine.

We’ll bring you more on this network error as soon as more news hits.


Sony has officially responded to the problems users are experiencing with PlayStation Network.

“We’re aware that many of you are having problems connecting to PSN, and yes, we’re looking into it. Stay tuned for updates.”

It seems to me that once the network problems are fixed, things will go back to normal. Sounds like all the stuff that needs to use the PSN are down because the network is down.

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Well, I just now saved my FIFA Manager Mode file, and not only did it work fine (I think, knock on wood), but it even got the date and time correct, so I dunno what the deal is. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my system has been on for like 50 hours or so.

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It seems to me that once the network problems are fixed, things will go back to normal. Sounds like all the stuff that needs to use the PSN are down because the network is down.

I am hearing people have lost all game saves. One report has their ps3 completely useless. I think that article is fluffing it up a bit - I will believe what people have said on forums a bit more than an article seeing as how these people are hands on what is going on ya know?

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Well, I just now saved my FIFA Manager Mode file, and not only did it work fine (I think, knock on wood), but it even got the date and time correct, so I dunno what the deal is. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my system has been on for like 50 hours or so.

glad to hear your system is doing OK!

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This is what sucks about games that HAVE TO have a connection to a central network. Lose the network and you can't play the game. Ultra-ultra-ultra-lame.

My story: last night my PS3 kept giving me errors when I tried to play a DVD. I started to get really worried.

Turns out that the DVD was covered in my little daughter's fingerprints.

Easy fix, suckas!

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PSN is clearly experiencing technical difficulties. That said, I think the general freakout over loss of saved games or trophy information or whatever is going to prove to be entirely baseless.

For what its worth, though, my PS3 has been running since before this mess started and hasn't yet been disconnected nor is the system clock ****ed up.

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Fix = get rid of small children?

LOL. Fix = slather with 409 and wipe radially from center to edge (not a normal approach, but the prints were heavy and oil-based).

Long term fix = eliminate easy physical access to read/write surfaces on storage media. As a species we seem to be getting better at this, after flings with CDs, DVDs, and of course the almighty LaserDisc.

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No lie...I just got home, haven't been on the Ps3 all day. Was just about to turn it on, but randomly decided to check the tailgate for my daily weather update first, and saw the thread.

Thank you so much for making this thread, and making it stand out enough that we would see it. I guess I'll be dusting off the ol Wii and bookmarking this thread for updates.

Good looking out.

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No lie...I just got home, haven't been on the Ps3 all day. Was just about to turn it on, but randomly decided to check the tailgate for my daily weather update first, and saw the thread.

Thank you so much for making this thread, and making it stand out enough that we would see it. I guess I'll be dusting off the ol Wii and bookmarking this thread for updates.

Good looking out.

Not a problem - I mean some people are not experiencing the problem but a good deal have said that they have had issues even one guy says his PS3 won't turn on now after getting that weird error code. Yes these may be isolated incidents but I rather you have the heads up on it

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