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Don't mess w/ me, or I'll call the Police on you!


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So its that time of the year to get my car inspected, and I decided to drop it off at a kramer tires place over in York County. Its an '03 caddy deville, so its not too old to have many problems that will call for a rejection sticker.....or so I thought.

They tell me that my left front wheel/hub bearing has excessive play in it, and that they can't pass my vehicle. I told them that I had both of my front bearings replaced last year (which cost almost $1000) at the Cadillac Dealership, and even provided a work ticket receipt.

They told me they can replace it, and that parts and labor would be around $500. I told them HELL NO, and to go ahead and throw a rejection sticker on there.

I took my car to the caddy dealership that replaced the bearings, and had them look at them even though the warranty was expired (by 2 days and 8K miles later). They told me that the both of my bearings were fine, but my car failed inspection due to a broken motor mount and my front head light needed adjustment. So they couldn't give me an inspection sticker either, unless of course I had them fix my vehicle and cough up some dough ($500).

Sooooo, this morning I called the VA State police and tell them about my situation. I explained that kramer tires failed my car for inspection, even though I had the so called failed parts replaced just last year. I even told them that I had the dealership check the bearings out and that they were fine (didn't mention anything about the broken motor mount or front head light).

So they send a Trooper from Suffolk all they way to York County to meet me at the Kramer tires and have my car re-inspected. Two state inspector mechanics and the trooper pulled my car in, popped both the wheels off and inspected the bearings. Didn't see any excessive play in the hub assemblies and said my bearings were "tight as a tick"! The trooper had them pass my vehicle and put a new sticker on there. All I had to pay was $1 for the re-inspection. State Trooper Ritsch, you're awesome!!!!!

So rather than getting taken advantage of by these car service places that are pretty adamant about stealing money and juicing you for +$500, I did what any hard working man would have done and called the Police on them. Score one for the good guys!!!!!

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Before I joined the Navy, I worked at several auto repair facilities in the area and was a MD state inspector at one. I can say I have seen some pretty shady dealings go on. I'm not going to say I wasn't a part of it because I did work on commision but it was pushed pretty hard by management also. If you started doing to many inspections with out finding major things wrong, you'd get a "talking to".

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Any garage that has "_____ tires" for a name, is usually bottom barrel in my experiences.

Finding a good, reputable mechanic is so important and hard sometimes.

I use to go the caddy dealership, because they worked on my vehicle before. Thats until I found out that they mark up the price on parts 300%. They tried to charge me $900 for a catalytic converter, advanced auto had it for $290.

That's great that you didnt have to deal with a rejection sticker but do you still have the broken motor mount? I'm no mechanic but that sounds pretty important unless there are other mounts in place that are holding it up fine.

I think there are several motor mounts that support the engine. The one that broken is probably the least important (most likely not true). I still don't have the money to fix it though. Well I do, but I'm just stingy!!!

Good for you! About time some of these places get set straight. Any action taken against them for trying to scam you???

The state inspectors tried to say that the mechanics at the caddy dealership tightened up the bearing assembly to try and avoid any warranty replacements. The trooper did think it was kind of suspicious, but decided he did not need to pursue the case any more.

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You should spread the word far and wide about Kramer Tire, and the the cadillac place too for that matter. Make the ****s suffer in the pocketbook for being the rip-off artists that they are. Let people know about these crooks, so they can take their business to honest shops.

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I use to go the caddy dealership, because they worked on my vehicle before. Thats until I found out that they mark up the price on parts 300%. They tried to charge me $900 for a catalytic converter, advanced auto had it for $290.

Dealerships are too expensive and half ass things even more IMO, because they are faceless as far as meeting the mechanic. They get paid, by what the book tells them it costs in hours, so do it faster, get the money anyway. You also don't have to look the mechanic in the eyes.

As far as the motor mount, there is usually three spots. 2 motor mounts that go to the frame and the other is the transmission.

When one breaks, it allows the engine to rotate more than it should and will hurt almost every other part of your cars mechanics, until it breaks the other mount and then the engine is free to go where it wants.

Fix the mount, it's not that hard to do.

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When one breaks, it allows the engine to rotate more than it should and will hurt almost every other part of your cars mechanics, until it breaks the other mount and then the engine is free to go where it wants.

Fix the mount, it's not that hard to do.

Yeah you're right, maybe I'll take it back to Kramer tires :pfft:

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Tone, you made my day. Great story - thanks for sharing!!!

I had a mildly related incident once. My next door neighbor was a State Trooper on disability leave. That meant he couldn't work or he'd lose benefits. It came time to have my ****box inspected so I tightened up all the rubber bands, applied new duct tape and buffed the bondo, and took it to the garage around the corner, figuring it would fail.

First try the emissions were unacceptable. The mechanic got ready to give me the rejected sticker when lo and behold my neighbor, in his mechanics overalls, walked into the garage and spotted me there. He came over and said to the other guy - I know this dude, let me finish up here. He then put the hose kind of near the tailpipe, instead of on it, and ran it again. He shiould have known I'd never rat him out for moonlighting, but I guess he wanted to be completely sure.

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I use to go the caddy dealership, because they worked on my vehicle before. Thats until I found out that they mark up the price on parts 300%. They tried to charge me $900 for a catalytic converter, advanced auto had it for $290.

Hate to tell you but the markups at almost any shop are ridiculous like that. I do everything I can on my car myself. I can get parts much cheaper. If I cannot do it, my brother-in-law does it for the actual cost of the part plus like $40 for labor.

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Listen to Koolblue, he knows this stuff.

Thanks Dan. SprinfieldSkins I think is the board expert on mechanics, but I know a little about cars.

Yeah you're right, maybe I'll take it back to Kramer tires :pfft:
LOLz. I would look for a small shop, run by a person or two, who are always around. Ask your friends and neighbors and see if they can hook you up with a mechanic for life. It could be a great lasting relationship.:pfft:

It's funny how when you work on a lot of cars, that maybe you only see once a year or so, you do learn each cars tendencies and know what they'll need year to year, without even seeing it yet.

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Any garage that has "_____ tires" for a name, is usually bottom barrel in my experiences.

True. And the Kramer Tire stores in this area have a particularly shoddy reputation. They tried to screw my wife out of money for something a while back and I went there for an inspection a couple years ago, they were rude to me when I asked questions about the inspection process so I went somewhere else. They pretty much suck at everything but cheating people from what I have heard.

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I'm glad for tone and hate shady auto mechaics like this but is this really something the State Police should be involved with? I mean this doesn't seem like a crime was committed just a dispute between private parties. Lawyers?

The state police are in charge of the safety inspection process in VA I believe. So if you have a complaint that's where you take it.

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I'm glad for tone and hate shady auto mechaics like this but is this really something the State Police should be involved with? I mean this doesn't seem like a crime was committed just a dispute between private parties. Lawyers?

In maryland, inspectors work for the state police. You are issued your stamp by them, and they are responsible for making sure you are doing the inspections correctly. To the point that they will send in under cover people to try to "buy" a passing inspection from you...and if you are caught, look out!

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I tend to go to places where I can meet the owner and the mechanics. I establish a relationship with them and trust them with my car. This is what I do for most of my services... find a source that I can work with (and verify is trust worthy) and build that relationship. People are far less likely to screw you over if they know you by first name and value your business.

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I'm glad for tone and hate shady auto mechaics like this but is this really something the State Police should be involved with? I mean this doesn't seem like a crime was committed just a dispute between private parties. Lawyers?

Its not like I called 911 :laugh:

There is a Vehicle Safety Division in the VA State Police that specifically handle "problems" like this. The State Trooper that helped me out said that's what he does all day long (i.e. field support safety inspections).

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