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To Those Who Steal Parking Spots They Did Not Dig Out Of The Snow...


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I don't think I've ever been this mad... and I'm reluctant to mess with their car... b/c I know afterwards, I'll regret it.

But it's so enticing to just accidentally slip and put 20 ax holes in their hood.

"Ooooooooooops... my bad! See, what had happened wuz..."

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I agree that sucks if someone takes your dug out space.

Problem is, you don't know if the person who stole your spot already dug out their own spot only to have it stolen by someone else.

Also, in parking lots that have limited space and people are battling for spots in regular weather, I'm not sure you should get reserved parking and they should be SOL just because your car happened to be there when it snowed.

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Thing is... there's 22 spaces in this townhouse parking lot. There are 22 townhouses.

Of that, only about 12 of us have cars, the rest are just renters.

So everyone that lives here knows it's my spot!!!!

It's not some big secret.

Problem is... some ******* who can't park on the street like he usually does due to snow piles has decided to park in our parking lot illegally and I have NO idea how to find them.

The tow company won't come out b/c the lot is still buried in snow, for the most part.

This storm has screwed up everything.

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