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WPC: Did Redskins just lose their London game? (updated)


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Did Redskins just lose their London game?

1/15 UPDATE – NFL just announced first game is Denver-San Francisco on Oct. 31. Second still undetermined.

Jacksonville owner Wayne Weaver’s declaration the Jaguars aren’t trading a home game to host one of two NFL games in London this fall means the Redskins may not travel abroad, either.

The Jacksonville-Washington game was heavily rumored last month to be one of the matchups announced on Feb. 5. The NFL wants teams struggling for sellouts to trade a home game for an 80,000-plus crowd at Wembley Stadium. San Francisco is expected to be one of the hosts and Jacksonville with only sellout last season was considered the other. The NFL could force a team to surrender a home game, but prefers volunteers.

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Would have liked to have seen the Redskins at Wembley (obviously). Especially considering it'd be like a 9th home game.

But seeing as I wouldn't want the Redskins giving up a home game I can't grumble when another team doesn't either.

As was alluded to in the article - the International Series should only happen if there are teams willing to relinquish a home game - otherwise, for me, that's when this stops working.

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Fine with me I don't think the NFL should be over there and I don't want our guys wasting that travel time.

Agree totally.

Two things I hate, playing in England and the Pro Bowl change to the week BEFORE the Super Bowl. Why not play a game in Hawaii? It would be easier to expand there then Europe.

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Agree totally.

Two things I hate, playing in England and the Pro Bowl change to the week BEFORE the Super Bowl. Why not play a game in Hawaii? It would be easier to expand there then Europe.

Is there any particular reason that you dislike playing in London, given the Redskins have only played over here once in the World Bowl to a sell out crowd back in the 1980's . I know you are a narrow midded biggot but try and understand that there is an installed fan base in the UK . It is not that they are trying to develop an untapped fresh market they are seeing if people in the UK have a thirst for the live game . Given we pay probably double what the average ticket is in the states i would say the fans in Europe should not be treated with the distain you obviously spew . The travel is no more than a cross country trip and no team has seemingly suffered from travelling to the UK .

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Agree totally.

Two things I hate, playing in England and the Pro Bowl change to the week BEFORE the Super Bowl. Why not play a game in Hawaii? It would be easier to expand there then Europe.

How could it be easier to expand in Hawaii, and for what reasons would the NFL want to do that? Hawaii is in the US and provides no international expansion opportunity, it takes 3x as long to get there by plane, and the market is much much smaller....we could go on for days.

That said, call me selfish but I dont like the team traveling all the way out there either. West coast is bad enough. Any team that does travel out there should be rewarded with a bye week after, or a softer strength of schedule (esp the team that loses a home game).

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Just a few points on this insular, ill informed notion that the UK doesn't "deserve a football game/give them a pre-season game/they don't care about football" et all, which have begun and are sure to follow in this thread, as they have whenever this debate has surficed previous.

Pre-season game? Uhmmm, The American Bowl series anybody? 38 games form 1986 through 2005, on 4 different continents, with 15 in Europe. (8 in London, 4 in Germany, 2 in Spain and 1 in Ireland.). (The Redskins themselves being involved in 2; 1 in London and 1 in Tokyo: How quickly we forget. :doh:.).

If the NFL are to expand the game on a World wide basis, then the best way to do that is to put out the full product, rather than an exhibition games. And given the amount of International interest and money that comes in to the game, it's a totally insular, "cutting your nose off to spite your face" attitude to turn it down. If the League could generate that amount of cash and interest from a game in Hawaii, don't you think we'd be talking about that right now?

"They don't deserve a game, they have no interest or heritage....."

Uhmmm, besides the fact that football has been broadcast here since 1982, and has always maintained a steady and growing fan base, let's take the Saints- Chargers game from two years back as an example. Where else on the Globe would you get an attendance of 83,226, that sold out in a little over 3 hours all told, with over 500,000 applications, most all of them UK based, in a Country where the Saints and Chargers have very little fan base? And every game thus far has had a similar response.

Personally, I'm split on the Redskins playing overseas.

I can see both sides of the argument.

For the VAST army of Redskins fans in the UK, and make no mistake, we've always had a real strong fan base here, it would be a fantastic experience for one and all. And the crowd would be a sea of burgundy and gold.

But, even though I'm UK based at present, I sway toward not having my team travel lock stock, often on a short work week, overseas to suit the mighty $. (Although having the bye the following week somewhat negates that.).

I can see the pro's and con's to both sides, but regardless of how anyone feels, overseas games are here to stay. The NFL has committed to at least the next 2 years, and the money they've raked in the past three with the London game will probably lead to more. The green dictates all, and the likelihood is that ALL 32 teams will end up with an overseas game on a rotational basis going forward, so the loss of a home game, sadly, will become a spurious argument. There's even mooted talk that's growing about the SB being played in London, but that's a whole other can of worms. Money, sadly, dictates all.

Love them or hate them, International games are here to stay.


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Fine with me I don't think the NFL should be over there and I don't want our guys wasting that travel time.

On the contrary, I think it's a nice advantage for the visiting team. The "home" team loses its home field advantage. It's like three free points for us. Regarding time - it's a seven hour flight which is roughly an hour and a half more than a west coast flight. The time change would be rough though, but it would be rough on both teams.

I wouldn't be happy to lose a home game though. But we don't have that concern.

How much say does Weaver have in this? I mean, the league is the one that decided to do this in the first place. Maybe Weaver's declaration is just posturing. If all any owner has to do is place his hands on his hips and huff & puff to keep his team from going to London, these expansion plans to Europe are going to get sidetracked pretty quickly.

When you look at the schedule, Jax is on the east coast, so is DC. Jax is suffering from lack of sell outs. Also, consider the economics of the DC area. We are probably suffering less than any other NFL city in terms of the recession, which implies more Redskins fans would be willing to fly to London than fans of another team.

The two teams seem like a good match for London - probably better than any other match.

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4-12 Redskins vs 7-9 Jaguars to me doesn't seem like it would've generated that much interest, we have no face of the franchise (I don't think people overseas want to see a coach), and who does the Jag's have. Could you image a huge banner with Campbell on it at the stadium.

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Right NFL europe did SOOOO well.

Hawaii is NOT three times longer by plane. Just ask the teams on the west coast.

Dude. The west coast is a 5 hour flight away...you are comparing apples and oranges. West coast team to Hawaii = east coast team to UK.

That said I am exxagerating with three times. Its more like 2 times.

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As I mentioned above, the difference between Seattle and London is about an hour and a half for us. Considering Jax is south of us, that works in our favor as well since their flight will be a bit longer. The time change might be a bigger issue - five hours vs three. But it affects both teams equally.

When playing in a league where the tiniest advantage could mean the difference between winning and losing, it seems to me a London away game vs the Jags would be advantageous to the Washington Redskins and should therefore be embraced.

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If we were to ever play in London this might be a good year for it. I would hate to see a season with real potential get screwed up with a game in the UK. We have quite a few posters here in England, why not give them a chance to see the team live?

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I don't have a problem, in general, with playing some games in England. Because I'm a selfish **** though, I'd be really annoyed if we ever lost a home game because that's one less game I get to attend.

I wonder if we ever lost a home game to an overseas match-up if we'd get a break on our season ticket cost for that year, or if we'd be given tickets to the game in London that we'd have to figure out a way to unload...

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4-12 Redskins vs 7-9 Jaguars to me doesn't seem like it would've generated that much interest, we have no face of the franchise (I don't think people overseas want to see a coach), and who does the Jag's have. Could you image a huge banner with Campbell on it at the stadium.

If this game comes to Wembley the game would sell out in a matter of hours.

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