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Reality Sets In -Get Ready for Rebuilding YEARS


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There are plenty of examples of teams worse in the recent past that turned around the next year. If our owner keeps his nose in the checkbook and out of the draft guides then it is possible.

There are some examples. But all those teams were REBUILT. And had a lot of luck. There are FAR more examples of teams bringing in new coaches and not showing much improvement.

If Allen thinks this team is only a tweak or two away from contending, then I wonder what games he was watching the last month.

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With all the hoopla regarding potential new coaches and the new GM it is easy to drink the koolaid and surrender to fleeting offseason bliss. Unfortunately offseason bliss leads to disappointment during the season. We need to temper our expectations and look at the Skins as a multi-year rebuilding project.

There is a huge difference between loosing because of a hopelessly outmatched and underperforming team, and losing with a developing team.

I think most people can tell the difference. Those 4-12 and 5-11 seasons seem much better when talent is being developed and goals are being reached. It's the hopeless nature of our last two seasons of crap that suck the will to live from one's soul.

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Takin individually, yes. However, you ignored the next part of the post:Meaning, a 9-7 season is just the start.

didn't ignore it - heck..9-7 can make the playoffs. but you're right n the overall flow.

I'm likely in a small crowd on this one....but I don't really see 9-7 and playoffs as much of an improvement. Build a SB team or don't bother.

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We made it to the second round of the playoffs in Gibbs second year. After a cleansing and establishing. I don't see why this time should be that much different.....

See, we don't want that.

We want a team that will be good year in and year out for the long haul.

Not load up for a run every year and if things break right we win 10 games.

I'm all for a complete overhaul. We need to do this right this time. I admit there is no guarentee that we will win even after a rebuild, Casserly and Norv did a complete rebuild in 94/95 and that never got us to a playoff level but we have to expect that Shanahan/Allen are just better than Casserly and Norv.

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"Not even remotely close to true. We pich 4th this year. We can draft a franchise LT, or QB, or trade down for more picks. We can find serviceable OL in the 2nd/4th/5th/7th, and sign some stop gap personnel. Will we be the best team in the league next year? Highly unlikely, but we are far from horrible with competent offensive coaches."

I don't mean to burst your bubble..

but all the teams picking higher than us this year.. also got new GM's and picked high with franchise LT's or QB's last year.

there are a few exceptions to the rule.. such as Atlanta... but next year is unlikely to be a good one for the Skins.

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There is a huge difference between loosing because of a hopelessly outmatched and underperforming team, and losing with a developing team.

I think most people can tell the difference. Those 4-12 and 5-11 seasons seem much better when talent is being developed and goals are being reached. It's the hopeless nature of our last two seasons of crap that suck the will to live from one's soul.


If rebuilding means cutting non-practicing prima-donas and going with hard working, blue-collar players, I'm all for it...tired of watching high expectations in the off-season get dashed in the beginning of the season because of team chemistry.

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There are some examples. But all those teams were REBUILT. And had a lot of luck. There are FAR more examples of teams bringing in new coaches and not showing much improvement.

If Allen thinks this team is only a tweak or two away from contending, then I wonder what games he was watching the last month.

Careful, notice Allen's words. We can win with the men in this building, maybe he was talking in generalities. Coaches, staff, players. I am sure the Allen lead Redskins are going to be doing more than tweaking and less than re-building, which is good.

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Haynesworth easily helped Andre Carter have his best season as a Redskins. Hell, Carter and Orakpo nearly equaled the sack total for this team from 2008 by themselves. He couldn't have anything to do with that, could he? The Cowboys and Giants found out about running up the middle in short yardage against him. Worth every penny. Those flapping their gums about how he sucks know nothing about football.

TOTALLY AGREE, Haynesworth is a dam monster, Im a HUGE fan, wait till our offense steps up, and we get a new defensive coordinator.

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Why would anyone complain about a rebuilding year or two? I don't care if they are a playoff team next year or not.....I just want to see improvement over these last few years. I want to see a team that knows where the end zone is. I want to see a team who, when they are up by 20 points, knows how to handle that success. I want to NOT sit on the edge of my couch week in and week out waiting for the clock to hit 00:00 so I can breathe again.

If, next year, they work hard and the ball doesn't bounce our way, then so be it....at least they are doing something....ANYTHING...to change the "status quo" (to quote Allen).

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I think people are seriously missing the point with this team. We have no depth at many key positions like o-line safety, linebacker etc. The key to a winning, and consistently winning team, is depth. Teams like the Eagles, Patriots, and Steelers are especially good at this, which is why they have winning records almost every year. The Falcons already had an okay o-line, and they got Michael Turner and drafted o-lineman Sam Baker and Matt Ryan.

That's how they got better. The Dolphins drafted Jake Long and signed Pennington. It's starts on the o-line. This is the worst o-line I've seen at any level. In most offenses, playcallers are forced to resort to having their QB take three step drops in order to avoid getting killed, yet Campbell gets routinely creamed on three step drops before he knows what hits him. That's what happens when you have no depth. What happens if Mcintosh or Fletcher go down.... we're done.

There are also a lot of old guys on this team, which contributes to our injury problems.This team has a lot of holes to fill, and it takes more than one offseason to fill them. Oh, and we don't have a lot of draft picks this year. I'm not saying we can't be a playoff team next year, I'm just saying that with this teams situation and injury history, it might take some time,

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I don't think we need to go through rebuilding. We have alot of players that are still young and are good. Most of our defense is under the age of 30, on offense we have Davis, Cooley, Thomas, Kelly, JC that are 30 or younger. Its not like we don't have good players on this team. We make a few upgrades on the OL, RB, and the secondary and we'll be fine.

OL: Nobody whose a long term answer, only one guy that's more than a year long answer. needs to be completely rebuilt.

QB: Nobody on roster who is a long term answer or probably a short term answer (new coaches nearly always want to fail or succeed with "their" QB's unless a superstar is already in place).

RB: No long term starter in place (Portis is toast)

WR: No Long term starter in place

LB: only one possible short term answer in place.

CB: Only one possible short term answer in place

That requires a complete rebuild. The only saving grace to this team right now is that it finally has a DL worth a damn, which will save us some money building the rest of the team, however this team needs to find a new starting QB, new starting RB, 3-4 new starting OL's, 2 starting LB's, 1 starting corner and probably a nickel or dime back, and probably another safety. That is not a short term project. This can't be done in one season. It's nothing like other rebuilds that have been done so quickly, there are simply too many needs around. One other note, a poster mentioned we can get serviceable OL help in the 4th, 5th and 7th. Counting on automatically landing serviceable NFL OL's on day 2 of the draft is a losers game for three reasons: 1.) the failure rate of players in those rounds is absolutely huge. I'd hazard to guess that 55-70% of 4th rounders never start more than 5-10 games in their NFL careers, 65-80% of 5th rounders, and 85-95% of 7th rounders. If we land one long term servicable player with those 3 picks that will be an average caliber NFL draft (something that's been beyond us, generally, for decades), anymore than that would be lucky, and 2.) finding quality OL's that late on day 2 is murder, usually only 2-5 guys a draft landed in those rounds (guys like Heitmann that I liked that the niners took a few years back) actually ever become servicable OL and 3.) day 2 of the draft is normally used on positions where players can at least make a roster based on special teams play and then work their way into a role player/starter position from there, if they're really really good AND lucky. As such OL's are simply not taken in heavy quantities in day 2 like DB's and LB's, and WR's and the like that can do ST's duties.

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I don't care if it takes this team 5 years to rebuild (though I highly doubt it will). I'd rather see us progressing toward something... spurts of excitement and signs of life are better than the dread of watching a dead team with people that know they're on their way out. Call me naive, but I actually believe Allen. I think the entire culture of this team will change, and seeing it happen will make me happy no matter what our record is.

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I don't care if it takes this team 5 years to rebuild (though I highly doubt it will). I'd rather see us progressing toward something... spurts of excitement and signs of life are better than the dread of watching a dead team with people that know they're on their way out. Call me naive, but I actually believe Allen. I think the entire culture of this team will change, and seeing it happen will make me happy no matter what our record is.

I completely agree. I don't think it's going to take years as many seem to, but I would be on board as long as they are taking the right approach.

I always use the Texans as an example. They are exciting and would be a great team to follow. True, they haven't gotten over the hump yet and that would be frustrating, but they have young talent EVERYWHERE on their roster. There is no feeling that their window is even completely open yet, let alone closing.

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