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OK, why isn't Charlie Sheen being turned into a monster?

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Anyone who's heard the 911 call from his wife know where I'm coming from. She claimed he was holding her up with a knife and was scared for her life. And this is a man who have negative history. Why isn't he getting the Chris Brown and Tiger Woods treatment? Granted, what Chris Brown did was horrible and he is a piece of s**t. I just want to know where's the wall to wall coverage with this case?

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Anyone who's heard the 911 call from his wife know where I'm coming from. She claimed he was holding her up with a knife and was scared for her life. And this is a man who have negative history. Why isn't he getting the Chris Brown and Tiger Woods treatment? Granted, what Chris Brown did was horrible and he is a piece of s**t. I just want to know where's the wall to wall coverage with this case?

Maybe because the police might think (as well as a few in the media) that the story was made up? Allegedly, she was blitzed when the cops arrived.

Who knows though..

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Tiger Woods and Chris Brown are major celebrities. Charlie Sheen is the guy from the Hanes undershirt commercials.

I think people were more suprised at the antics of the "Sham-Wow" guy than Charlie.

Sheen is one of the, if not the highest paid actors on TV

he's not bigger than tiger, but he's definitely bigger than Chris Brown

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Interesting question. Not sure why.

Tiger Woods and Chris Brown are major celebrities. Charlie Sheen is the guy from the Hanes undershirt commercials.

Disagree. Sheen comes from the biggest Hollywood acting family not named Baldwin, with his dad Martin and his brother Emilio Estevez. He's the star of Two and a Half Men, which has lasted 7 years, a lifetime for a TV sitcom. He's a star.

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I do think that Tiger was considered more of a role model for kids. Charlie Sheen was always considered wild, so I think the public was expecting more from Tiger. It's kind of like a straight A student getting a C, the parents would probably be disappointed. If a D student gets a C, he'll probably be rewarded.

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I do think that Tiger was considered more of a role model for kids. Charlie Sheen was always considered wild, so I think the public was expecting more from Tiger. It's kind of like a straight A student getting a C, the parents would probably be disappointed. If a D student gets a C, he'll probably be rewarded.

This is exactly what i mean. It seems that people can rationalize this situation, but "Tiger is a role model for kids bs" makes him a target for the highest degree of scruntiny. What kid you know plays golf? It's a joke. We live in a hypocrasy, and when people try to voice concern they are branded as being racially sensitive. Come on, call it what it is.

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Disagree. Sheen comes from the biggest Hollywood acting family not named Baldwin, with his dad Martin and his brother Emilio Estevez. He's the star of Two and a Half Men, which has lasted 7 years, a lifetime for a TV sitcom. He's a star.

You're halfway there.

The Sheen/Estevez family is well known and they do generate a lot of success in Hollywood. Here is why Charlie Sheen receives a pass: This acting dynasty is very liberal and supports liberal causes. Hence, the pass.

If it was a conservative in Hollywood, the press would be relentless.

Just stating a fact.

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Yeah, the difference is that we expect Charlie Sheen, based on past experience, to be a total nut job when it comes to relationships. Dude almost married a porn star for chrissake, and was linked in the death of another porn star. He has long been known to be a self indulgent, chemical ingesting playboy.

Tiger was squeaky clean. Was...

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This is exactly what i mean. It seems that people can rationalize this situation, but "Tiger is a role model for kids bs" makes him a target for the highest degree of scruntiny. What kid you know plays golf? It's a joke. We live in a hypocrasy, and when people try to voice concern they are branded as being racially sensitive. Come on, call it what it is.

Yeah, it's just the way it is. Getting the "role model" label just comes with the territory for some famous people,whether they like it or not.

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...and yet for all Charlie's fault people felt he was upright enough to be in Hanes Commercial itching to carry Michael Jordan's Hanes Briefs.....come on please stop the nonesense. Why is it ok for one person to be bad, and not the other? Last I checked we are all human. I think Charlie said that in Platoon.

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Yeah, it's just the way it is. Getting the "role model" label just comes with the territory for some famous people,whether they like it or not.

We as a society makes people role models. But it seems that one type of role model is judged differently than the other. If you think about it, there are a few African Americans you can classify as role model, each has demons in ther closet. However in regards to Tiger, or Chris Brown (I mean damn Chris Brown!) have lost a lot more than Brad Pitt who cheated on his wife, or Charlie Sheen acting he's Jack the Ripper.

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...and yet for all Charlie's fault people felt he was upright enough to be in Hanes Commercial itching to carry Michael Jordan's Hanes Briefs.....come on please stop the nonesense. Why is it ok for one person to be bad, and not the other? Last I checked we are all human. I think Charlie said that in Platoon.

It all comes down to the old definition of news:

Dog bites man? Not news. Man bites dog? Now that's news.

Charlie Sheen involved in relationship turmoil of his own making = dog bites man.

Tiger Woods banging countless sluts and hookers while his wife raises the kids = man bites dog.

Tiger started a Learning enter for underprivileged kids. Charlie Sheen has legal problems involving booze, weapons & women every few years.

What sells copies of gossip magazines? Shock. Shock increases hits on websites. The public isn't shocked when Charlie Sheen f**** up for the umpteenth time. When Tiger falls 10,000 feet from his lofty perch in a heartbeat, that sells, because it's shocking.

I'd say that Charlie Sheen isn't being turned into a monster; he was already a monster, and we all knew it. What we didn't know was that Tiger was dipping his noodle in every 6 and 7 he could get his hands on. That's surprising, and the public is understandably more interested in that story.

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Tiger's incident was somewhat of a perfect storm in terms of the way it began and just how quickly it all unraveled. Initial reports were very suspicious, the direction it took was unexpected, the magnitude of his problem was shocking, and it was completely over the top from start to finish. As others have said, Sheen routinely puts himself in these kinds of situations and in this particular case his wife's credibility is slightly less than stellar given her BAC at the time. Repeat offenders aren't going to garner nearly as much attention.

Here is why Charlie Sheen receives a pass: This acting dynasty is very liberal and supports liberal causes. Hence, the pass.

Only you could trot this out into the conversation :doh:

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...and yet for all Charlie's fault people felt he was upright enough to be in Hanes Commercial itching to carry Michael Jordan's Hanes Briefs.....come on please stop the nonesense. Why is it ok for one person to be bad, and not the other? Last I checked we are all human. I think Charlie said that in Platoon.

Not everything is the insidious whitey hanging around the corner.

First off, Jordan has had his fair share of controversy too, including questions that have never been totally answered surrounding the very shady murder of his father. Most people thinki it was over his gambling problems.. such a nasty vice, yet he's still one of the most beloved figure in America, and he still makes commercials. People have gone out of their way to preserve Jordan's image.

As pointed out, Sheen has always been known as a wild guy who isn't afraid to play in the shadows. He's been linked to all sorts of things, prostitutes, mostly.

Fact: Sex sells. And there's no race involved in that. The fact that Tiger Woods is at the center of such a juicy sex-based scandal with a ton of incredibly beautiful women is perfect tabloid fodder, and also factor in he's one of the most recognizable and famous people on the entire planet, not just here in the US.

That is why his story is all over the tabloids. That's why he's losing sponsors. He held a higher image, and so has a further fall from grace. Nevermind it's such a tawdry story.

Tiger is definitely held up as a role model. To pretend he's not is completely ignorant, or totally naive,, I'm not sure which. Golf as a sport has enjoyed a huge new popularity as a direct result of Tiger Woods, and the fact that his father taught him makes it a very role-model like story for a lot of people who love golf, and want their kids to love golf. It's impossible to ignore that unless you do it purposely. (also interesting is how I've never heard you remark on his across-the-board success and being beloved by people of all races all over the world in a sport that has long been held up as an elitist activity which still has "whites only" clubs, etc. ..but complain when his own actions cause his downfall. Whitey just loves to tear a brother down, but the fact he's been held up as one of the most famous and respected people on the planet just gets shuffled under the bed.)

Charlie Sheen on the other hand is an actor who got his shot because of his father's name, not his teaching or dedication. No one holds actors up as role models, not like they do athletes. Most people view actors as shallow fools insulated from the real world (especially when they speak their mind on anything or throw their name in as activists.. How many people do you know who respect Madonna for adopting African kids? Most people think she and Angelina Jolie, and all the others who have done this are doing it for publicity. Whether they are or not isn't the point, the fact is because they're entertainers, that is what people assume, because deep down they really don't have much respect for them as people.) Fact is Charlie Sheen was the star of TWO Best Picture Oscar winning movies in the 80s (Wall Street and Platoon), and as soon as his name showed up in Heidi Fleiss' little hooker book, he immediately got shoved right out the door, and has never been offered a single serious film role since. After being shot down the Q list of Hollywood he settled for TV almost 20 years later.)

Sheen has been in the news since Christmas, so it's not like anyone's ignored it. It may very well be he loses Hanes next week. Even his role in those commercials is that of an irresponsible spoiled rich boy, as opposed to Tiger, who's role in commercials is to be the consummate professional dedicated to perfection. You know, driving golf balls in slow motion in the pouring rain, hydrating with Gatorade after another intense round..even his most frivolous commercial was about how intently he chooses deodorant in the store.. complete with announcers falling all over themselves in awe of his perfection in making the choice.

And of course, I will be told in so many words that I'm crazy, that racism still exists, blah blah bah. Another easy whitewash job, simply blame race, and you don't even have to think beyond that.

And I'm saying even though it does still exist, that it is NOT the factor behind everything, and certainly not the factor behind Woods. Unless of course you want to completely ignore the persona he's built up and how much different it is of the persona Charlie Sheen has built.

Fact is, Sheen may end up in jail, which will likely cost him his sponsors and very successful TV show. (in which he plays a shallow playboy,, big surprise.)


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